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[2011.06.16] 非理性信仰

2011-6-20 08:53| 发布者: Somers| 查看: 5515| 评论: 24|原作者: 710802847

摘要: 外星人与阴谋论的大杂烩



088 Books and arts - The power of faith.mp3

Jun 16th 2011 | from the print edition

The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies—How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. By Michael Shermer.  
《有信仰者》:从鬼神到政治阴谋——我们是怎样形成信念并固以视之为真理。——麦可•薛默(Michael Shermer)著

麦可•薛默(Michael Shermer)是一位心理学家和骑自行车爱好者,曾经一度是基督教原教旨主义者、《怀疑论者》杂志的创始人,而现在是《科学美国人》中与其同名的每月专栏的作家。他已成就了他的职业生涯,因为他以理性的眼光审视人们情不自禁流露出来的某些极为荒谬的信念。

然而他的最新著作不仅仅是装满了着迷于超自然的他所收集案例的展示柜。而且薛默先生(Mr Shermer)还展示了他感兴趣的是人们是怎么怀有这样的信念以及为什么他们在面对似乎有压倒性证据去反驳他们时还固执己见。

该书的第一部分是心理学和盛行的神经科学研究的大杂烩,提供了证明薛默先生(Mr Shermer)主要观点的证据:也就是,四处煞费苦心收集来的成形信仰和冷静判断的依据。人们很多时候首先决定自己的信念,然后,无论他们所发现证据是否去支撑他们以前决定的信仰行为,他们也利用一些令人印象深刻的认知骗局去扭曲事实。

在《有信仰者》第二部分,薛默先生(Mr Shermer)引用了这些对人们所怀有的几乎所有怪异信仰的观察结果,从外星人绑架到炸毁世界贸易中心的政府阴谋,不可避免地也谈及到宗教(相比之下,政治这一章让人感觉有点错位和牵强)。他是一个能干的凌乱思维整理者。例如, 关于阴谋论部分,明显出现逻辑思维的断层:信徒们常常认为“如果我不能解释出[关于双子塔倒塌]的每一细节... ...这认识的缺失相当于直接证明9/11是布什(Bush)、切尼(Cheney)、伦斯斐(Rumsfeld)和中央情报局精心安排的。

这类书籍的常见风险是,作者看上去好像过于自以为是和过于哗众取宠;只要看看揭露真面目者的公爵理查德•道金斯(Richard Dawkins)有时给人的感觉就明白了,甚至连他的粉丝也有这种感觉。薛默先生(Mr Shermer)是意识到这种风险,并煞费心思地使认为“作者的结论适用于每个人,甚至他自己”的读者安心下来。在关于外星人绑架那章中,他讲述了他自己的绑架故事。经过被他称为战横穿美国的长征的83小时1259英里的骑行耐力挑战后,他筋疲力尽。他开始相信,装载着他支持的球队的房车实际上是一艘外星飞船,他的球队那让他进去歇歇的请求仅仅是一个狡猾的借口好让他与之合作一起探索外星船。当他发现母舰内部酷似通用汽车房车,薛默先生(Mr Shermer)十分惊讶并同意躺下歇会。他在两个小时后醒来,他还能拿这经历来和队友们开玩笑。

这经验给出了怀疑论者的很好的定义,正如薛默先生(Mr Shermer)理解术这语一样:一人意识到直觉的不可靠性,并乐意采取措施尽量减少直觉的偏差。可惜,这仍是一种不寻常的组合。

from the print edition | Books and Arts

本文由译者 710802847 提供 点击此处阅读双语版







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引用 kool 2011-6-19 11:04
out of
2 —used as a function word to indicate origin, source, or cause <a remarkable colt out of an ordinary mare> <built out of old lumber> <fled out of fear>


此人名气不小,大约相当于美国 方舟子 吧。

这句是玩笑,应该方舟子一开始的科普活动和打击伪科学,很多地方是向他以及更早更有名的carl sagan 学习
引用 wharton323 2011-6-19 13:06
founder of Skeptic magazine and, currently, the author of a monthly column with the same name published in Scientific American.
《怀疑论者》杂志创办人、 目前是《科学美国人》专栏作家,每月一篇,使用同名发表。
引用 wharton323 2011-6-19 13:17
But his latest book is more than just a display case full of specimens collected by a man fascinated by the paranormal. Mr Shermer is interested in how such beliefs come to be held, and why they can persist even in the face of what, to others, can seem to be the overwhelming evidence that contradicts them.
原译:然而他的最新著作不仅仅是装满了着迷于超自然的他所收集案例的展示柜。而且薛默先生(Mr Shermer)展示了他的深入研究:人们是怎么怀有这样的信念和为什么他们在面对似乎有压倒性证据去反驳他们时还固执己见。
1)原文里没有红色部分。可以删去 “而且。。。还“部分。
2)绿色部分建议直译。XXX感兴趣的是...., 以及...
引用 7colorwolf 2011-6-19 13:26

just look at how the duke of debunkers, Richard Dawkins, is sometimes perceived, even by his fans.
只要看看Richard Dawkins有时给人的感觉就明白了,甚至连他的拥趸也有这种感觉。

It remains, sadly, an uncommon combination.
引用 luckyee 2011-6-19 21:13
founder of Skeptic magazine and, currently
引用 stfmx 2011-6-19 22:06
引用 luckyee 2011-6-19 22:35
luckyee 发表于 2011-6-19 21:13
founder of Skeptic magazine and, currently
曾经一度是基督教原教旨主义者,而现在是《怀疑论者》杂志的 ...

引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 00:43
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-6-20 21:04 编辑

1. The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies—How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths.


believing a.1.信任他人的,深信不疑的 2.有坚定宗教信仰的:a believing Muslim 信仰坚定的伊斯兰教徒 || believingly ad.

truth n.6.思想;思想体系:the truth of ancient religions 古代宗教的思想体系

brain n.3.<口>极聪明的人;智者;[常作the brains]智囊;谋划组织者;(机构、组织中掌握全局的)中枢人物;<俚>老板:the names of brains and grinds of a college 学院中聪明学生和刻苦学生的名字/commit money and some of the best brains to a task 将资金和一些最佳智力人才投入一项任务/lack of brains in the government 政府中的智囊匮乏/the brains of the Nazi party 纳粹党的中枢人物

作者的名字:Michael 可翻成“迈克尔”

这里“Politics and Conspiracies”感觉上将其分开为好,不过,前面的“Ghosts and Gods”合在一起很不错。


引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 01:25
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-6-20 22:10 编辑

2. He has built a professional career out of casting a rationalist’s eye over some of the wackiest beliefs that humanity has to offer.




out of 1.从…里面:take a piece of chalk out of the box 从盒子里拿出一支粉笔/walk out of the room 从房间里面走出 2.从…中;从…身上:We don’t get great pleasure out of it. 我们没有从中得到多大的乐趣。/in nine cases of ten 十之八九/You won’t get any sympathy out of him. 你怎么也得不到他的同情。

cast one’s eyes over 审视,评估

谢谢710802847的点评!“out of:由于;缺乏;自…离开;用…(材料)”感觉这里的“out of”可以取“从...里面”、“从...中”、以及你的“由于”和“因为”。但是感觉取“缺乏;自…离开;用…(材料)”不对。
引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 02:14
3. But his latest book is more than just a display case full of specimens collected by a man fascinated by the paranormal.




4. Mr Shermer is interested in how such beliefs come to be held, and why they can persist even in the face of what, to others, can seem to be the overwhelming evidence that contradicts them.


引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 03:10
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-6-20 03:14 编辑

5. central claim 中心思想?

6. that, instead of shaping belief around painstakingly gathered, soberly judged evidence, people most often decide upon their beliefs first, and then use an impressive range of cognitive tricks to bend whatever evidence they do discover into support for those pre-decided acts of faith.



around prep. 9. 以…为中心,以…为基础:plan a lecture around a single writer 围绕一个作家准备讲稿/build modern military power around the cruise missile 以巡航式导弹为基础建立现代化军事力量

bend vt.5.使(注意力、精力等)集中(于);使(自己)专注(于)(on, to): The girl bent her attention on clothing the doll. 女孩专心给玩具娃娃穿衣服。/bend every effort to achieve one’s purpose 竭尽全力以求一逞/bend oneself to the work at hand 专心致志于手头的工作 6.任意歪曲,篡改(规则等):bend the law to suit one’s own purposes 篡改法律使之适合自己的目的


引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 07:47
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-6-20 21:49 编辑

7. “The Believing Brain”

He is an able skewerer of sloppy thinking.
sloppy thinking 毫无条理的思想

8. The section on conspiracy theories, for instance, memorably exposes the bizarre leaps of logic that adherents often make: “If I cannot explain every single minutia [about the collapse of the twin towers]…that lack of knowledge equates to direct proof that 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the CIA.”
原译:例如,关于阴谋论部分,明显出现逻辑思维的断层:信徒们常常认为“如果我不能解释出[关于双子塔倒塌]的每一细节... ...这认识的缺失相当于直接证明9/11是布什(Bush)、切尼(Cheney)、伦斯斐(Rumsfeld)和中央情报局精心安排的。


memorably 值得注意地,值得纪念地,难忘地


lack of knowledge 知识的缺乏
引用 join_soon 2011-6-20 08:11
回复 710802847 的帖子

The Believing Brain: From Ghosts and Gods to Politics and Conspiracies—How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. By Michael Shermer.  
《有信仰者》【相信的大脑】:鬼神到政治阴谋【鬼,神到政治,和合谋】——我们是怎样形成信念并固【强化它们】以视之为真理。——麦可•薛默(Michael Shermer)著

MICHAEL SHERMER is a psychologist, cyclist, one-time fundamentalist Christian, founder of Skeptic magazine and, currently, the author of a monthly column with the same name published in Scientific American. He has built a professional career out of casting a rationalist’s eye over some of the wackiest beliefs that humanity has to offer.
麦可•薛默(Michael Shermer)是一位心理学家和骑自行车爱好者,曾经一度是基督教原教旨主义者、《怀疑论者》杂志的创始人,而现在是《科学美国人》中与其同名的每月专栏的作家。他已成就了他的职业生涯,因为他以理性的眼光审视人们情不自禁流露出来的某些极为荒谬的信念【他的职业就是以理性的眼光审视人性表达的一些极为荒谬的信念】

But his latest book is more than just a display case full of specimens collected by a man fascinated by the paranormal. Mr Shermer is interested in how such beliefs come to be held, and why they can persist even in the face of what, to others, can seem to be the overwhelming evidence that contradicts them.
然而他的最新著作不仅仅是装满了着迷于超自然的他所收集案例的展示柜。而且【---删掉】薛默先生(Mr Shermer)还展示了他【---删掉】感兴趣的是人们是怎么怀有这样的信念以及为什么他们在面对似乎有压倒性证据去反驳他们时还固执己见。

The first part of the book is a mixture of psychology and trendy neuroscience research that presents the evidence for Mr Shermer’s central claim: that, instead of shaping belief around painstakingly gathered, soberly judged evidence, people most often decide upon their beliefs first, and then use an impressive range of cognitive tricks to bend whatever evidence they do discover into support for those pre-decided acts of faith.
该书的第一部分是心理学和盛行的神经科学研究的大杂烩【混合】,提供了证明薛默先生(Mr Shermer)主要观点的证据:也就是,【人们并不是】四处煞费苦心收集来的成形信仰和冷静判断的依据。人们很多时候首先决定自己的信念,然后,无论他们所发现证据是否去支撑他们以前决定的信仰行为,他们也利用一些令人印象深刻的认知骗局【技巧】去扭曲事实。

In the second part of “The Believing Brain” Mr Shermer applies those observations to the almost infinite variety of weird and wonderful beliefs that people hold, from alien abductions to government conspiracies to bring down the World Trade Centre—and, inevitably, to religion (a chapter on politics, by contrast, feels misplaced and forced). He is an able skewerer of sloppy thinking. The section on conspiracy theories, for instance, memorably exposes the bizarre leaps of logic that adherents often make: “If I cannot explain every single minutia [about the collapse of the twin towers]…that lack of knowledge equates to direct proof that 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the CIA.”
在《有信仰者》第二部分,薛默先生(Mr Shermer)引用了这些对人们所怀有的几乎所有怪异信仰的观察结果,从外星人绑架到炸毁世界贸易中心的政府阴谋,不可避免地也谈及到宗教(相比之下,政治这一章让人感觉有点错位和牵强)。他是一个能干的凌乱思维整理者。例如, 关于阴谋论部分,明显【地暴露了】出现逻辑思维的断层:信徒【相信阴谋论的人】们常常认为“如果我不能解释出[关于双子塔倒塌]的每一细节... ...这认识的缺失相当于直接证明9/11是布什(Bush)、切尼(Cheney)、伦斯斐(Rumsfeld)和中央情报局精心安排的。

A common risk with this kind of book is that the author comes across as overly smug and superior; just look at how the duke of debunkers, Richard Dawkins, is sometimes perceived, even by his fans. Mr Shermer is aware of this risk, and is at pains to reassure readers that his conclusions apply to everyone, even himself. In a chapter on alien abductions, he recounts an abduction story of his own. Exhausted after cycling 1,259 miles in 83 hours as part of an endurance challenge called the Race Across America, he becomes convinced that the motorhome carrying his support team is actually an alien spacecraft, and that his team’s pleas for him to come inside and get some rest are merely a cunning pretext to get him to co-operate with a spot of alien probing. Surprised when the interior of the mothership turns out to closely resemble a General Motors motorhome, Mr Shermer consents to lying down. On waking a couple of hours later, he is able to joke about the experience with his team-mates.
这类书籍的常见风险是,作者看上去好像过于自以为是和过于哗众取宠;只要看看揭露真面目者的公爵理查德•道金斯(Richard Dawkins)有时给人的感觉就明白了,甚至连他的粉丝也有这种感觉。薛默先生(Mr Shermer)是意识到这种风险,并煞费心思地使认为【让读者认为】“作者的结论适用于每个人,甚至他【作者】自己”的读者安心下来【----删掉】。在关于外星人绑架那章中,他讲述了他自己的绑架故事。经过被他称为战横穿美国的长征的83小时1259英里的骑行耐力挑战后,他筋疲力尽。他开始相信,装载着他支持的球队【团队】的房车实际上是一艘外星飞船,他的球队那让他进去歇歇的请求仅仅是一个狡猾的借口好让他与之合作一起探索外星船。当他发现母舰内部酷似通用汽车房车,薛默先生(Mr Shermer)十分惊讶并同意躺下歇会。他在两个小时后醒来,他还能拿这经历来和队友们开玩笑。

That experience gives one useful definition of a sceptic, as Mr Shermer understands the term: one who is aware of the fallibility of intuitions, and willing to take steps to minimise them. It remains, sadly, an uncommon combination.
这经验给出了怀疑论者的很好的定义,正如薛默先生(Mr Shermer)理解术这语一样:一人意识到直觉的不可靠性,并乐意采取措施尽量减少直觉的偏差。可惜,这仍是一种不寻常的组合。

引用 avawang 2011-6-20 08:37
willing to take steps to minimise them 这里的them是指直觉吧,不是直觉的偏差吧,应该是减少跟随直觉的意思,当然这些都是我的理解了。
引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 09:41

9. the author comes across as overly smug and superior

10. just look at how the duke of debunkers, Richard Dawkins, is sometimes perceived
   原译:就像看着如何揭露真面目者的公爵理查德•道金斯Richard Dawkins有时被认为的
   试译:只要看看揭露者(批判者)的领袖理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)有时是如何被理解的(认为的)
    duke n. 4.<废>领袖,首领
    查了一点材料,不能确信Richard Dawkins是一个“公爵”。这里上下文明显指出“the duke of debunkers”,感觉还是取“领袖”为佳。

11. and is at pains to reassure readers that his conclusions apply to everyone, even himself.
引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 10:23
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-6-20 10:27 编辑

12. Exhausted after cycling 1,259 miles in 83 hours as part of an endurance challenge called the Race Across America, he becomes convinced that the motorhome carrying his support team is actually an alien spacecraft, and that his team’s pleas for him to come inside and get some rest are merely a cunning pretext to get him to co-operate with a spot of alien probing.



"sopport team"不可能是球队,这个Michael参加的是自行车比赛,不是参加球赛;而且是支持他的team,所以就翻成“啦啦队”了。

“a spot of alien probing”中的“spot”可取“(事物的)部分,方面”。

a couple of hours 不一定就是“两个小时”,可以翻译成“两三个小时或几个小时”

这句话中“the Race Across America”不知道有没有翻好了的译名,请楼主再查查如何?Wikipedia上有些材料,待会儿copy上来。
引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 10:45
本帖最后由 Sophia2011 于 2011-6-20 10:45 编辑

13. one who is aware of the fallibility of intuitions, and willing to take steps to minimise them.

14. It remains, sadly, an uncommon combination.

引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 10:49
The Race Across America, or RAAM, is an ultra marathon bicycle race across the United States that started in 1982 as the Great American Bike Race.

RAAM is among the best-known and longest annual endurance events in the world. All entrants must prove their abilities by competing in any of several qualifying events, completing a course within a specified time period. RAAM is sanctioned by the UMCA.[1]

RAAM has been compared to the Tour de France, yet the races differ to a great extent. Both races' courses have varied over their history. However, in the Race Across America the direction has always been from the West Coast to the East Coast of the United States, approximately 3,000 miles (4,800 km) in about a week, making it a transcontinental event. A typical course might be from Oceanside, California, to Atlantic City, New Jersey. In contrast, the Tour de France is about 2,300 miles long, features a different route each year, and is run over the course of about 3 weeks because it is divided into shorter daily stages.

The Great American Bike Race was originally organized by John Marino in 1982. There were four competitors, John Marino, John Howard, Michael Shermer, and Lon Haldeman. The concept caught on and the event grew bigger every year. The name would change and riders from around the world would compete. In 1989 a team division was added in which HPVs and faired bikes were allowed and records were shattered. The original course started in Santa Monica, California and finished at the Empire State Building in New York City. Haldeman won. The race was televised on ABC's Wide World of Sports through 1986.
1982 race:

Finish        Winner        Home        Time        Average Speed
1        Lon Haldeman        Harvard, IL        9d 20h 02m        12.57 mph
2        John Howard        Houston, TX        10d 10h 59m        11.83 mph
3        Michael Shermer        Tustin, CA        10d 19h 54m        11.42 mph
4        John Marino        Irvine, CA        12d 07h 37m        10.04 mph

In 1989 the race added a four-man team division[2] in which they could choose to ride together or take turns, thus enabling faster speeds with longer rest periods. In 2006 the race format changed with the addition of a Solo Enduro division in which riders rest off the bike for a total of 40 hours at specified points across the country. The 40 hours are deducted from a rider's total time at the end of the race. These changes were made to improve safety and shift the emphasis to long-distance riding speed and away from the capacity to endure sleep deprivation. The Enduro Division no longer exists, though. The Solo Traditional division still measures lowest elapsed time from west coast to east coast. The official winner is the one in the Solo.
The solo division of the 2009 race began on June 17 in Oceanside, California. Teams start on June 20. The finish line was once again in Annapolis, Maryland.

Michael Shermer

引用 Sophia2011 2011-6-20 10:54
Michael Brant Shermer (born September 8, 1954) is an American science writer, historian of science, founder of The Skeptics Society, and Editor in Chief of its magazine Skeptic,[1] which is largely devoted to investigating pseudoscientific and supernatural claims. The Skeptics Society currently has over 55,000 members.[2]

Shermer is also the producer and co-host of the 13-hour Fox Family (now ABC Family) television series Exploring the Unknown. Since April 2001, he has been a monthly columnist for Scientific American magazine with his Skeptic column. Shermer states he was once a fundamentalist Christian, but converted from a belief in God during his graduate studies, and has described himself as an agnostic,[3] nontheist,[4][5] atheist[6][7] and advocate for humanist philosophy[8] as well as the Science of morality.[9] He has expressed reservations about such labels, however, as he sees them being used in the service of 'pigeonholing,' and prefers to simply be called a skeptic.[6]



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