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[2012.06.16] 数字广播有钱可赚吗?

2012-6-15 22:14| 发布者: migmig| 查看: 10653| 评论: 14|原作者: 悠悠万事97

摘要: 数字广播有钱可赚吗?




Jun 16th 2012 | from the print edition

弗兰克•辛纳特拉(FRANK SINATRA)知道自己受到的待遇不公正。他歌唱得好,但写歌不在行,所以虽然美国广播电台播放他大约300首独唱歌曲中的大部分,他却从来没拿到过一分钱。一项1909年的版权使用费法要求电台对歌曲作者付款,但不必对歌者付款。他游说国会好多年,希望能修改这项法律,但毫无成效。广播公司的游说比艺术家或唱片公司更强大;他们长期以来反对以任何形式改变这项法律,理由是广播免费宣传了歌唱家。但本月艺术家与唱片公司终于听到了些好消息。

美国最大的广播公司清晰频道(Clear Channel Communications)6 月5日宣布与一家乡村音乐唱片公司大机器(Big Machine)达成协议,将为它播出的所有大机器名下的歌曲演出付费,无论歌曲是由地面频道或数字频道播出。根据该计划,清晰频道将向大机器及它旗下的艺术家——包括泰勒•斯威夫特和蒂姆•麦克罗(Taylor Swift and Tim McGraw)——按广告收入比例付费。

这项协议表明,清晰频道计划增加它在数字广播上的投资,而这是广播业正在成长的那部分。但与地面广播公司不同的是,按照一项1998年的法律规定,无论何时,只要数字电台播出歌曲,它都必须向演唱者付费。这种扭曲的制度让试图招徕听众的数字平台日子很不好过;仅以潘多拉(Pandora)为例,它收入的一半以上都用于音乐版权使用费。潘多拉的创建人、首席策略师蒂姆•威斯特格兰(Tim Westergren)说:“版税如此之高,我们没法开展在线业务。”他的公司今年已在游说国会修改法律上花了5万美元。


这项协议可能也反映了清晰频道方面的担忧。2008年,它在广告市场崩溃前举债收购,这使之负债沉重。几年内它尚有足够的款项周转,但2016年有一笔121亿美元的债务到期。该公司或将需要延期偿债。惠誉评级公司(Fitch)的梅利莎•林克(Melissa Link)说:“钱他们是不会还的,他们需要发展。”









刚表态过的朋友 (13 人)



引用 contrary 2012-6-15 22:29
本帖最后由 contrary 于 2012-6-15 22:32 编辑


have long fought any change

But this month the artists and labels have had some good news.
artist 艺术家?太大了吧,一般明星之类,艺人吧

errestrial (ie, over the air) and digital.

which pays out more than half of its revenue in music royalties

But Big Machine supplies only a small proportion of Clear Channel’s music.


There’s no way to pay that 钱他们是不会还的

and mobiles have proven difficult for ad sales.

引用 tonitr 2012-6-15 23:55
引用 yannanchen 2012-6-16 01:25
The idea is to see what this does to the bottom line before negotiating with other labels.清晰频道的打算是,先看看这项协议对总收入的影响后再与其他唱片公司谈判。

不是总收入, 而是净收入。

bottom line
1. The line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss.
2. The final result or statement; upshot: "The bottom line, however, is that he has escaped" (David Wise).
3. The main or essential point: "A lot can happen between now and December, but the bottom linefor nowis that the city is still heading toward default" (New York).
引用 yannanchen 2012-6-16 01:40
It is not expected to steal many listeners soon

这个it 指的是什么?
引用 悠悠万事97 2012-6-16 03:46
yannanchen 发表于 2012-6-16 01:40
It is not expected to steal many listeners soon

这个it 指的是什么?

我猜测是Clear Channel,但原文没有交代,故用“它”模糊处理。陈版有何高见?
引用 yannanchen 2012-6-16 05:08
it = streaming audio= digital radio

digital radio would not soon steal many listeners from terrestrial radio (i.e. the traditional AM/FM radio)
for 3 reasons:
1. Air-wave radio has held on to listeners, because it remains free and convenient, particularly for car-bound commuters.
2. the royalty burden has been on digital providers.
3. streaming audio can eat up most mobile data plans.

for 3. see

Have you reached the point of feeling like a pawn in some sick game your mobile carriers are playing? They sell you a shiny new smartphone that processes data at breakneck speeds, bolstered with an unlimited data plan, only to discontinue the all-you-can-download plan a few months later. It's possible they even let those who had unlimited data at the point of cancellation keep it, but then they find a passive-aggressive way to prod you into giving up your unlimited data and signing up for a more expensive tiered plan, which can throttle your data use considerably. Yeah, you can have all you want, but if you hit 3GB, you're going to wait a few days for that song to download.

The good news is, there are ways to fight back. Gaining control of your mobile data usage is the key to avoid running into data caps, throttling and overage charges. As an added bonus, by cutting back on the amount of data your smartphone or tablet passes around over your provider's network, you're likely to gain a bit of extra battery life too.

This how-to was written by Brad Moon, who spends his days playing with gadgets, complaining aboot the music his kids listen to, dispensing tech industry advice to tech-wary investors, writing How-Tos, blogging for GeekDad — and slipping in Canadianisms whenever he can.

Contents [hide]
1 Download Strategically
2 Streaming Is a Killer
3 Know Where the Hot Spots Are
4 Shut Down Background Data Hogs
5 Siri
6 Use a Rerouting Service
7 Smart E-Mail Use
7.1 Email Compression
8 Switch to a BlackBerry

Download StrategicallyYou can cut mobile data consumption in a big way if you make an effort to cut out the big downloads while you're connected to a cellular network. If you want to download new apps or music and upload photos, only do so with a Wi-Fi connection to avoid taking a hit on your usage count.

Streaming Is a KillerStreaming video is obviously dangerous when you're not connected to Wi-Fi. Just 10 hours of HD streaming video can eat up a 3GB mobile data plan in its entirety. Streaming audio is also no good if you're watching your data use. STreaming 128 kbps tunes in the background can reach up to a few GBs a month if you're a regular listener. If you must stream while on the move, compromise with standard quality video (do you really need HD on a smartphone?) and choose lower bit rate audio streams to reduce the damage.

Know Where the Hot Spots Are
Photo by woodleywonderworks/flickr/CCFree Wi-Fi means you don't pay for data. Know where the free Wi-Fi spots are and head for one when it's time for a data intensive session. Some wireless carriers even provide these hot spots for their customers; just make sure you understand the security implications of free Wi-Fi before going to town. Web browsing is fine, but entering any personal or financial data in a non-secured website is asking for trouble, as is using e-mail through an account that doesn't offer secure login.

Shut Down Background Data HogsMost smartphones constantly have processes running in the background that silently consume data. Push notifications, automatic syncing of calendars and contacts, location sharing, automatic app updating and other features can be background data hogs. If you aren't sure which apps are secretly connecting and sending or receiving data, consider installing an app that tracks this information.

SiriApple's Siri voice recognition system doesn't have to be a drain on your mobile data limit, but if you're the type of person who asks Siri everything, those queries can add up — especially if Siri calls up a Google search page for you in response. Ars Technica did some Siri data usage testing, and with a sample of 11 queries, they ended up with an average of 63KB each. If you were to ask 10 questions a day, that comes close to 20MB of data usage a month, which is not too bad. What some people don't realize is that even asking Siri to do something on your iPhone (like set a reminder or make an appointment) also requires a connection to Apple's servers and data transmission, so heavy reliance on Siri to do everything for you could be chipping away at your data allocation.

Use a Rerouting ServiceApps such as Onavo for iOS give the capability of flipping a switch (pressing a button, technically) and having all data received routed through a secure server and compressed before being transmitted to your device. It also provides reports to show exactly what apps are the biggest culprits when it comes to your data use. Onavo only compresses downloads, not uploads, so this technique won't cut your data use if your big thing is snapping photos and uploading them to Flickr, but it will make looking at photos online and surfing the web less data intensive.

Another option is to install an alternative web browser such as Opera Mobile that essentially does the same thing. When you're on Wi-Fi, continue using your preferred browser, but when you hit the road, switch to Opera and compression can cut your web surfing data use by up to 90 percent. The obvious downside to this method is trusting a third party to reroute all your web data and images, on websites that may appear noticeably compressed.

Smart E-Mail UseMost smartphones have a setting to toggle between push e-mail and manual retrieval. By switching to manual, you won't receive e-mail until you trigger the update. Through use of Wi-Fi hotspots, you can make the most of manual e-mail downloading to grab everything while you have a no-charge connection.

To cut down on e-mail data while on a mobile network, most e-mail clients have an option that allows you to receive your messages without images or attachments. Using this setting will keep the data use down and you can pick up the files when you have access to Wi-Fi.

Email Compression
Products like Mailsuite focus on reducing the data impact of messages generated by Twitter, Facebook, IM and e-mail. As a first step, messages are run through anti-phishing and spam filters. Filter settings allow you to block specific types of messages from being downloaded to your mobile device within different timeframes (for example, receiving work e-mail on the weekend may be a buzz-killer and data drain you'd rather avoid). The remaining content is compressed, reducing data downloads.

Switch to a BlackBerryWe know this one isn't going to be popular with the iPhone and Android fans, but the fact is that RIM designed the BlackBerry in the early days of mobile data when cost was an even bigger concern than it is now. The Java-based BlackBerry OS may be old school compared to iOS and Android, but it does offer built-in data saving tricks, such as the ability to download e-mail headers only, filtering capabilities that can prevent high-volume mailing list messages from loading when you're away from a hotspot, and automatic compression of data transmitted to BlackBerry devices. The net result of all these measures is that in comparison to other smartphones, BlackBerry roaming costs (and mobile data usage) can be as little as one-tenth that of the competition. Unfortunately, that's offset by one-tenth the cool factor; but, if you aren't stuck on image, you could be laughing all the way to the bank — or at least to a cheaper, lower tier data plan.

引用 yannanchen 2012-6-16 05:10
悠悠万事97 发表于 2012-6-16 03:46
我猜测是Clear Channel,但原文没有交代,故用“它”模糊处理。陈版有何高见? ...

how do we move postings from one subforum to another?
it seems to me we have been deprived of this access.
引用 悠悠万事97 2012-6-16 05:36
yannanchen 发表于 2012-6-16 05:10
how do we move postings from one subforum to another?
it seems to me we have been deprived of thi ...

I lost that access a few days ago, but got it back afterwards by contacting Tom. I believe you can only have that if you are titled as "super-moderator". As Tom explained to me, when he
modified the users groups, he changed my title to "moderator",
by omitting that "super". And now your titled is "通版主审“,not "super-moderator", so...
I'm sure you can ask Tom to do something to have that power back.
引用 gengge 2012-6-16 07:42
引用 dalacroix007 2012-6-16 09:49
第一段:artist 翻译成艺人
引用 rendezvous 2012-6-16 11:02
The plan is for Clear Channel to pay the label and its artists, who include Taylor Swift and Tim McGraw, a cut of its advertising revenue.
根据该计划,清晰频道将向大机器及它旗下的艺术家——包括泰勒•斯威夫特和蒂姆•麦克罗(Taylor Swift and Tim McGraw)——按广告收入比例付费。

引用 vivijourney 2012-6-19 12:38
so he never saw a cent when most of his 300 or so singles were played on American radio.

the part of the industry that is growing

Yet Pandora also relies heavily on advertising
但潘多拉也极为依赖广告  可能程度重了点

streaming audio can eat up most mobile data plans


引用 echo.chan 2012-6-20 11:39
when most of his 300 or so singles  独唱歌曲---娱乐新闻称之为“单曲”
引用 山东超峰 2012-7-23 13:27
1.but not performers. ——歌者——改为“演唱者”怎么样?

2.  pay fees to artists ——这里的artists翻译为演唱者



5. But for artists, ——但对艺术家来说



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