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Released On: 24 Oct 2021
Michael Sandel is a political philosopher and professor of government theory at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has also presented the BBC Radio 4 series The Public Philosopher and The Global Philosopher, in which he examines the thinking behind a current controversy.
His books have tackled the idea of meritocracy and the moral limits of markets, and he has been described as a “philosopher with the global profile of a rock star.”
Michael grew up in Minnesota until the age of 13 when his family relocated to Los Angeles. As a boy he was fascinated by politics and he invited Ronald Reagan, who was then governor of California, to take part in a debate at his school.
During his university studies he took an internship at the Houston Chronicle and covered the Watergate scandal, sitting in on the Supreme court deliberations and subsequent impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill. Later, while he was studying as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University he was, as he puts it, “seduced by philosophy”.
Justice, the course he devised at Harvard, is one of the most popular in the university’s history – thousands of students apply to attend in person and tens of millions watch his classes online.
DISC ONE: Feeling Good by Nina Simone
DISC TWO: Only a Pawn in Their Game by Bob Dylan
DISC THREE: Battle Hymn of the Republic by Odetta
DISC FOUR: Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday
DISC FIVE: Alexander Hamilton by Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton
DISC SIX: Anthem by Leonard Cohen
DISC SEVEN: The Stars Will Sing To You by Kiku Adatto
DISC EIGHT: America the Beautiful by Ray Charles
BOOK CHOICE: The Collected Dialogues of Plato
LUXURY ITEM: Binoculars
CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: The Stars Will Sing To You by Kiku Adatto
他的书探讨了任人唯贤的理念和市场的道德限制,他被描述为 "拥有摇滚明星般全球形象的哲学家"。
在大学学习期间,他在《休斯顿纪事报》实习,并报道了水门事件的丑闻,旁听了最高法院的审议和随后在国会山举行的弹劾听证会。后来,当他作为罗德学者在牛津大学学习时,正如他所说的那样,他被 "哲学所诱惑"。
DISC ONE: 尼娜-西蒙(Nina Simone)的《感觉良好》(Feeling Good)。
DISC TWO: 鲍勃-迪伦(Bob Dylan)的《Only a Pawn in Their Game》。
DISC THREE: Odetta的《共和国战歌》。
DISC 4:Billie Holiday的《Strange Fruit》。
DISC Five: Alexander Hamilton by Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton
DISC六:Leonard Cohen的《国歌》。
DISC第七张:Kiku Adatto的《The Stars Will Sing To You》。
DISC 8:雷-查尔斯的《美丽的美国》。
书籍选择:《柏拉图对话集》(The Collected Dialogues of Plato
卡斯特威的最爱:《星星会唱歌给你听》,作者:Kiku Adatto |