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Another chance to hear Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell choose her Desert Island Discs, with Sue Lawley. First broadcast 24th December, 2000.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell was only twenty-four when she made the discovery of a lifetime: As she was mapping the universe for her PhD, she chanced upon the radio signal for a totally new kind of star, known as a 'pulsar'. Her find is seen as one of the most important contributions to astrophysics in the twentieth century.
又有机会听到乔斯林-贝尔-伯内尔女教授选择她的 "荒岛光盘",与苏-劳利一起。2000年12月24日首次播出。
乔斯林-贝尔-伯内尔年仅24岁,就有了一生中最重要的发现。当她为自己的博士论文绘制宇宙地图时,她偶然发现了一种全新的恒星的无线电信号,被称为 "脉冲星"。她的发现被认为是二十世纪对天体物理学最重要的贡献之一。 |