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Kirsty Young's castaway is the scientist Dr Robert Langer. Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he is the most cited engineer in history, and was awarded the prestigious US medals of both Science and of Technology and Innovation. A pioneer of many new technologies including controlled release drug delivery systems and nanotechnology, Langer is also regarded as the founder of tissue engineering in regenerative medicine where synthetic structures are used to provide the scaffolding on which new skin, muscle, bone and potentially entire organs can be grown.
Born in Albany, New York, in 1948, Langer's interest in science was kindled by the Gilbert chemistry, microscope and building sets he was given as birthday presents by his parents. He studied chemical engineering at Cornell University before getting his Doctor of Science from MIT in 1974. His enthusiasm wasn't fired up by the many job offers from oil companies he received, preferring to apply to work in the medical sector. After many unsuccessful applications, he was hired by Dr Judah Folkman, a surgeon at Harvard, who tasked Langer with isolating a compound to restrict blood vessel growth in order to stop a tumour from growing. His work at the interface of medicine and engineering led to him being awarded the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering in 2015. He attributes his success to "a combination of stubbornness, risk taking, perhaps being reasonably smart and wanting to do good".
兰格1948年出生于纽约州的奥尔巴尼,他对科学的兴趣被父母作为生日礼物送给他的吉尔伯特化学、显微镜和建筑套件所点燃。他在康奈尔大学学习化学工程,然后于1974年获得麻省理工学院的科学博士学位。他的热情并没有被他收到的许多石油公司的工作邀请所激发,他更愿意申请在医疗部门工作。在多次申请失败后,他被哈佛大学的外科医生朱达-福克曼(Judah Folkman)博士录用,后者要求朗格分离出一种化合物来限制血管生长,以阻止肿瘤的生长。他在医学和工程领域的工作使他在2015年获得了伊丽莎白女王工程奖。他把自己的成功归功于 "固执、冒险、也许相当聪明和想做好事的组合"。 |