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2011.12.29 1903年的无线大黑客

发表于 2022-4-25 18:44:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The Great Wireless Hack of 1903
By Alexis C. Madrigal
DECEMBER 29, 2011

Guglielmo Marconi is considered the father of modern radio, but his initial conception of the wireless broadcasting technology was as a point-to-point system like the telegraph. This, understandably, made wired telegraph operators nervous that their businesses were about to be disrupted by the Italian. One, the Eastern Telegraph Company, enlisted the services of a frustrated wireless pioneer, Nevil Maskelyne," who New Scientist related this week, was "a mustachioed 39-year-old British music hall magician" who played a nasty trick on Marconi and physicist John Ambrose Fleming.

The occasion was a big demo at the Royal Academy of Sciences. Marconi was stationed on a cliff in Poldhu, Cornwall and ready to transmit a message the 300 miles to Fleming's receiver in London. But just as the demonstration was about to begin, the receiving apparatus began to tap out a message in Morse code.

Someone... was beaming powerful wireless pulses into the theatre and they were strong enough to interfere with the projector's electric arc discharge lamp. Mentally decoding the missive, [Fleming's assistant Arthur] Blok realised it was spelling one facetious word, over and over: "Rats". A glance at the output of the nearby Morse printer confirmed this. The incoming Morse then got more personal, mocking Marconi: "There was a young fellow of Italy, who diddled the public quite prettily," it trilled. Further rude epithets - apposite lines from Shakespeare - followed.
That someone, as he soon happily announced, was Maskelyne. And his trick had a point: radio was not as private a channel as Marconi had made it out to be. Wireless messages could both be intercepted and interfered with. Like many good hacks, the mayhem had meaning.

Image: A Marconi radio school. The students are taking messages from ships at sea. Library of Congress.
Alexis C. Madrigal is a contributing writer at The Atlantic, a co-founder of the COVID Tracking Project, and the author of Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology. He is also a co-host of Forum on KQED.

作者:Alexis C. Madrigal

古列尔莫-马可尼被认为是现代无线电之父,但他最初对无线广播技术的构想是像电报一样的点对点系统。这可以理解,这让有线电报运营商感到紧张,因为他们的业务即将被意大利人打乱。东方电报公司(Eastern Telegraph Company)招募了一位失意的无线先锋内维尔-马斯克利恩(Nevil Maskelyne),"《新科学家》杂志本周报道,他是 "一位留着大胡子的39岁英国音乐厅魔术师",对马可尼和物理学家约翰-安布罗斯-弗莱明玩了一个恶作剧。



Alexis C. Madrigal是《大西洋》杂志的特约撰稿人,是COVID追踪项目的共同创始人,也是《为梦想供电》的作者。绿色技术的历史和承诺》一书的作者。他也是KQED的论坛的共同主持人。
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