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2022.06.06 首都基辅发生了爆炸

发表于 2022-6-6 17:46:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The world in brief
Catch up quickly on the global stories that matter

Updated 14 hours ago (20:22 GMT+1 / 15:22 New York)

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The governor of Luhansk said Severodonetsk was now divided “more or less” in half between Ukrainian and Russian troops. It had been reported that 70% of the strategically important eastern city had been captured by Russia, until a Ukrainian counterattack. Meanwhile, explosions were reported in the capital, Kyiv, during the early hours of Sunday morning.

Emmanuel Macron insisted that Vladimir Putin must not be “humiliated” in Ukraine, despite the Russian president making a “historic and fundamental” mistake in invading his neighbour. France’s president, who said he has spent hundreds of hours talking with Mr Putin, wants to keep open the possibility of a diplomatic end to the war. Ukraine’s foreign minister said Mr Macron risked humiliating France and that only “putting Russia in its place” would bring peace. Later, Mr Putin threatened to strike targets he has so far spared, if America supplies Ukraine with longer-range missiles.

North Korea carried out probably its biggest single missile test, a day after its southern neighbour and America finished joint military exercises. South Korean authorities reported that the north fired at least eight short-range ballistic missiles into the sea off its east coast, concluding that this was a “test and challenge” for the security posture of the new South Korean government.

The World Health Organisation said that there have been 780 confirmed monkeypox cases over the last three weeks in countries where it is not endemic. It is the first time that the usually mild infection has spread beyond west and central Africa, mainly to Europe and America. The WHO declares that the global risk level from monkeypox is “moderate”.

In Bangladesh, a huge explosion at a storage depot killed at least 49 people and injured hundreds more. The accident happened at Sitakunda, near the city and seaport of Chittagong. Firefighters were also killed in the blast. Some reports suggested that it may have been caused by chemicals stored in transport containers catching fire.

Dozens of people were killed, including children, when gunmen opened fire on the congregation and set off explosive devices in a catholic church in Nigeria. The attack happened in the town of Owo in the southern state of Ondo, hitherto a relatively peaceful part of the country. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

Six people were arrested in Hong Kong as police tried to smother any attempt to mark the anniversary of the massacre that took place around Tiananmen Square in 1989. People carrying flowers or wearing black were targeted in the city, which until 2019 was the only place in China where Tiananmen memorials were permitted. Authorities there now toe the mainland’s repressive line on the subject.

Word of the Week: écoponts, “wildlife bridges” in French. France is building overpasses for animals to reduce roadkill and help them roam more freely. Read the full story.

Nordic wargames

Sixteen countries, 45 warships, 75 aircraft and more: the fortnight-long BALTOPS 22 military exercise will start on Sunday. This year’s annual Baltic wargame led by America—practising everything from amphibious operations to anti-submarine warfare and mine-clearance—will be especially charged with political signals.

First, it demonstrates America’s commitment to defend Europe as Russia invades Ukraine. The USS Kearsarge, a big amphibious assault ship, has been calling in at several Nordic ports. Second, it tells Russia that its aggression is uniting the West, not dividing it. If and when Sweden and Finland join NATO the Baltic Sea will become, in effect, a NATO lake.

Third, it is a chance for Sweden, this year’s host, and Finland, another regular participant, to show their military worth to NATO. And it gives them an opportunity to work alongside Turkey even though its government is still blocking their accession to the military alliance. Wargaming is diplomacy by other means.

A poverty of politics in Mexico

Six of Mexico’s 32 states elect new governors on Sunday, in a litmus test for the country’s political parties. Morena, the party of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which governs at national level, is likely to dominate. Polls suggest its candidates will win at least three of the races, adding to the 18 states it already runs. These gains would give Morena clout going into federal and presidential elections in 2024.

However, that Morena is likely to do so well is mainly testament to the failures of the opposition. Mr López Obrador remains popular but disapproval of him is rising, especially on security. Gangs have, largely unchallenged, expanded into more areas of the country. Morena suffered losses in mid-term elections last year, losing its supermajority in the national congress and denting its ability to pass constitutional changes. But opposition parties have failed to offer a positive alternative vision. Unhappy Mexicans don’t have much of a political choice.

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Height can increase disease risk

Being short is bad for a person’s health. So is being tall. Scientists have long known that a person’s stature alters their risk of various diseases. Generally, diminutive people have more heart disease, whereas beanpoles are prone to circulation problems, such as varicose veins and heart flutters. Yet the extent to which these discrepancies are caused by environmental factors, such as diet, has been unclear.

A study of 280,000 adults in PLOS Genetics, a journal, narrows in on how height influences health. Researchers controlled for environmental factors by ignoring participants’ actual height, and instead predicting their height from their genes, thus cutting out the influence of upbringing. This allows them to find causal links between height-increasing genes and over 100 health conditions. Height usually increases the risk of nerve disorders and skin infections. But tall people can console themselves with the fact that they are less likely to suffer from clogged arteries.

Weekend Profile: Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s prosecutor who dislikes prosecuting

The job of district attorney in San Francisco can vault people to high places. It used to be held by Kamala Harris, America’s vice-president. However, if Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s current DA, is going anywhere, it is back onto the job market. On June 7th voters will decide whether to “recall” him from office. San Franciscans blame him for a spike in homicides. They say he has failed to rein in open-air drug dealing and clean up homeless encampments.

Mr Boudin surely has the most unusual background of any DA in America. His parents were members of the Weather Underground, a leftist group, and were both convicted for their role in an armed robbery that left two police officers and a security guard dead. (They were the unarmed getaway drivers.) Mr Boudin was raised by the group’s leaders, making frequent visits to prison to see his parents and developing an intimate knowledge of the criminal-justice system.

After graduating from college, he went to Venezuela and worked as a translator for Hugo Chávez, the country’s autocratic left-wing president, and co-wrote a book about the Bolivarian revolution. One of Mr Boudin’s articles from the time argued the world should “congratulate” Mr Chávez for abolishing term limits. He went on to study at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, attended Yale Law School and became a public defender. When campaigning to become San Francisco’s DA in 2019, he promised to eliminate cash bail and lock up fewer people. But many in the city now feel his policies have let miscreants operate without consequence. Murders and burglaries are up. In 2021, his office secured just three convictions for drug-dealing, compared with 90 by his predecessor in 2018.

Mr Boudin says the recall campaign against him is politically motivated and funded by Republicans. Yet people of all backgrounds are irked by the city’s deterioration under his watch. Whether or not Mr Boudin is able to hold on to his job (polls suggest his removal is likely), his call to treat criminals and ex-convicts more humanely has changed lives. That includes his father’s. Mr Boudin sought clemency for his dad, who was locked up in New York, and publicly made his case to Andrew Cuomo, then the state’s governor. Last year Mr Boudin’s father was pardoned, after serving 40 years of a 75-year sentence.

Weekend crossword

Welcome to our new crossword, designed for experienced cruciverbalists and newcomers alike. Both sets of clues give the same answers, all of which feature in articles in this week’s edition of The Economist:

Cryptic clues

1 down Real forces crumble in this habitat (5,5)

1 across Fool! Depart for a long river! (5)

2 across At first little gives faith victor will produce Chinese fundraiser (4)

3 across Amos baffled a country (5)

Factual clues

1 down “The rainforests of the ocean” (5,5)

1 across The EAC’s newest member (5)

2 across Together, they owe 52% of China’s GDP (4)

3 across Where Penny Wong went on June 2nd (5)

Email all four answers by 9am BST on Monday to, along with your home city and country. We will pick randomly from those with the right answers and crown one winner per continent in Friday's edition.

The winners of this week’s quiz

Thank you to everyone who took part in this week’s quiz. The winners, chosen at random from each continent, were:

Asia: Jin-Hong Park, Suwon, South Korea

North America: Melissa Markham, Austin, United States

Central and South America: George Power Porto, Lima, Peru

Europe: Patrice Bailly, Aix en Provence, France

Africa: Ailsa Green, Choma, Zambia

Oceania: Alison Morris, Sydney, Australia

They all gave the correct answers of Gareth Bale, Key West, Buster Keaton, Val d’Isère and Rosemary Clooney. The theme is actors who played Batman: Christian Bale, Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer and George Clooney.

Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something.

Pancho Villa


14小时前更新 (20:22 GMT+1 / 15:22 New York)

听取简报(录制于05:31 GMT+1 / 00:31 New York)。
卢汉斯克省长说,塞维罗多涅茨克现在被乌克兰和俄罗斯军队 "或多或少 "分成两半。据报道,这个具有战略意义的东部城市的70%已经被俄罗斯占领,直到乌克兰的反击。与此同时,据报道,周日凌晨,首都基辅发生了爆炸。

埃马纽埃尔-马克龙坚持认为,弗拉基米尔-普京决不能在乌克兰受到 "羞辱",尽管俄罗斯总统在入侵其邻国时犯了一个 "历史性的根本 "错误。法国总统表示,他已经与普京先生交谈了数百个小时,他希望保持以外交方式结束战争的可能性。乌克兰外交部长说,马克龙先生冒着羞辱法国的风险,只有 "将俄罗斯置于其位置 "才能带来和平。后来,普京先生威胁说,如果美国向乌克兰提供更远距离的导弹,他将打击迄今为止幸免的目标。

朝鲜进行了可能是其最大的一次导弹试验,在其南部邻国和美国完成联合军事演习的第二天。韩国当局报告说,朝鲜向其东海岸附近的海域发射了至少8枚短程弹道导弹,并得出结论,这是对韩国新政府的安全态势的 "考验和挑战"。

世界卫生组织说,在过去三周里,在没有猴痘流行的国家有780个确诊猴痘病例。这是这种通常温和的感染首次扩散到非洲西部和中部以外,主要是欧洲和美洲。世卫组织宣布,猴痘的全球风险水平为 "中度"。




本周关键词:écoponts,法语中的 "野生动物桥"。法国正在为动物建造立交桥,以减少道路杀戮,帮助它们更自由地漫游。阅读完整的故事。


16个国家,45艘军舰,75架飞机和更多:为期两周的BALTOPS 22军事演习将于周日开始。今年由美国主导的波罗的海年度战争演习--从两栖作战到反潜战和扫雷,将特别充满了政治信号。

首先,它显示了美国在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰时对保卫欧洲的承诺。美国海军 "基尔萨奇 "号大型两栖攻击舰已经在北欧的几个港口停靠。第二,它告诉俄罗斯,它的侵略正在团结西方,而不是分裂它。如果瑞典和芬兰加入北约,波罗的海实际上将成为一个北约湖。



周日,墨西哥32个州中的6个州选出了新的州长,这是对该国各政党的一次试金石考验。总统安德烈斯-曼努埃尔-洛佩斯-奥布拉多(Andrés Manuel López Obrador)的政党在全国范围内执政,该党可能会占据主导。民意调查显示,该党的候选人将赢得至少三场比赛,加上该党已经经营的18个州。这些成果将使莫雷纳在2024年的联邦和总统选举中具有影响力。







在旧金山,地区检察官的工作可以把人推到高处。它曾经由美国副总统卡马拉-哈里斯担任。然而,如果旧金山现任检察官Chesa Boudin要去哪里,那就是回到就业市场。6月7日,选民将决定是否将他 "召回 "办公室。旧金山人指责他造成了凶杀案的激增。他们说,他没能控制露天毒品交易和清理无家可归者的营地。

布丁先生肯定拥有美国所有检察官中最不寻常的背景。他的父母是左派团体Weather Underground的成员,并因在一起导致两名警察和一名保安死亡的武装抢劫案中的作用而被定罪。(布丹先生由该组织的领导人抚养长大,经常去监狱看望他的父母,对刑事司法系统有了深入的了解。

大学毕业后,他去了委内瑞拉,为该国专制的左翼总统乌戈-查韦斯(Hugo Chávez)做翻译,并共同写了一本关于玻利瓦尔革命的书。布丹先生当时的一篇文章认为,世界应该 "祝贺 "查韦斯先生废除了任期限制。他后来作为罗德学者在牛津大学学习,在耶鲁大学法学院学习,并成为一名公设辩护人。在竞选2019年旧金山检察官时,他承诺取消现金保释,并减少监禁人数。但该市的许多人现在觉得他的政策让犯罪分子不受影响。谋杀案和入室盗窃案都在增加。2021年,他的办公室仅有3起贩毒案件被定罪,而他的前任在2018年有90起。

布丁先生说,针对他的罢免运动是出于政治动机,由共和党人资助。然而,各种背景的人都对他领导下的城市恶化感到恼怒。无论布丁先生是否能够保住他的工作(民意调查显示他很可能被免职),他呼吁更人性化地对待罪犯和前科犯,这改变了人们的生活。这包括他父亲的生活。布丁先生为他被关在纽约的父亲寻求宽恕,并公开向当时的州长安德鲁-科莫(Andrew Cuomo)提出他的主张。去年,布丁先生的父亲在服完75年刑期中的40年后获得了赦免。




1下 真正的力量在这个栖息地崩溃了(5,5)

1横 傻瓜! 启程前往长河! (5)

2横 乍一看,很少有人相信胜利者会产生中国的募捐(4)

3跨 阿摩司让一个国家感到困惑 (5)


1下 "海洋的雨林" (5,5)

1横 东非共同体的最新成员 (5)

2横 他们共欠中国GDP的52% (4)

3跨 王佩妮6月2日去了哪里 (5)




亚洲。韩国水原的Jin-Hong Park。

北美洲。Melissa Markham,美国奥斯汀


欧洲。Patrice Bailly, 法国埃克斯普罗旺斯





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