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经济学人总编辑 赞尼-明顿-贝多斯

发表于 2022-6-21 01:51:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Zanny Minton Beddoes
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Zanny Minton Beddoes
Zanny Minton Beddoes World Economic Forum 2013 cropped.jpg
Beddoes at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 2013
Born        Susan Jane Elisabeth Minton Beddoes
July 1967 (age 54)
Shropshire, England
Education        Moreton Hall School
Alma mater        University of Oxford (BA)
Harvard University (MA)
Occupation        Editor-in-chief of The Economist
Spouse(s)        Sebastian Mallaby
Children        4
Awards        Gerald Loeb Award (2012 and 2017)
Susan Jean Elisabeth "Zanny" Minton Beddoes (born July 1967) is a British journalist. She is the editor-in-chief of The Economist, the first woman to hold the position. She began working for the magazine in 1994 as its emerging markets correspondent.[1]

1        Education and early life
2        Career
2.1        Awards
3        Personal life
4        References
Education and early life
Born in Shropshire,[2] Beddoes was educated at Moreton Hall School near Oswestry, received a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Oxford, where she studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) as an undergraduate student of St Hilda's College, Oxford. She earned a master's degree at Harvard University as a Kennedy Scholar from 1989-1990, and had the scholarship fully renewed for an additional year.[3]

After graduation, she was recruited as an adviser to the Minister of Finance in Poland, in 1992,[4] as part of a small group headed by Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard. She then spent two years as an economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), where she worked on macroeconomic adjustment programmes in Africa and the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe.

Through this work, she joined The Economist in 1994 as the newspaper's correspondent for emerging markets, based in London. She became the Economics editor in 1996, overseeing global economics coverage from Washington DC, and later moved to Business Affairs editor, responsible for business, finance and science. She began as the 17th and first female editor-in-chief on 2 February 2015.[5][6]

Secured by her appointment to the top editor position at The Economist, Beddoes is considered one of the most influential voices in financial journalism.[7] She has written surveys of the world economy, Latin American finance, global finance and Central Asia. She has written extensively about the American economy and international financial policy; the enlargement of the European Union; the future of the IMF; and economic reform in emerging economies. She has been published in Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy, contributed chapters to several conference volumes, and edited Emerging Asia (Asian Development Bank, 1997), a book on the future of emerging-markets in Asia.[8]

In May 1998, she provided expert testimony on the introduction of the Euro to the United States House Financial Services Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade, a subcommittee of the House Committee on Financial Services.[9]

In 2010, Beddoes spoke at Princeton University with Peter Orszag, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Professor Alan Blinder, Chair of the Center for Economic Policy Studies at Princeton. Their discussion was called "How Did We Get Into this Mortgage Mess, and How Do We Get Out?"[10] In 2012, she gave the 28th Annual Max Rosenn Lecture on "Stress-Testing America's Prosperity". Beddoes is a regular commentator on Marketplace and other public radio programmes. She has also appeared on CNN, the BBC World Service, Charlie Rose,[11] PBS NewsHour, CNBC, NBC and Real Time with Bill Maher.[12]

She is a trustee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a member of the Research Advisory Board of the Committee for Economic Development.[13]

In 2015, Beddoes was one of 133 invitees to the elite 63rd Bilderberg conference, an invitation-only meeting of top business leaders, politicians, academics and royalty, for an informal and secret discussion of world issues.[14][15]

2012 Gerald Loeb Award for Commentary[16]
2017 Gerald Loeb Award for Breaking News[17]

Personal life
Beddoes, the eldest daughter of a former British army officer and his German-born wife,[18] was born Susan Jean Elisabeth,[2] and later acquired the nickname Zanny. She is married to British-born journalist and author Sebastian Mallaby. They have four children.[19]

2013年世界经济论坛上的赞尼-明顿-贝多斯(Zanny Minton Beddoes),经过裁剪。
教育 莫尔顿庄园学校
职业 《经济学人》主编
子女 4
奖项 杰拉尔德-勒布奖(2012年和2017年)

1 教育和早期生活
2 职业生涯
2.1 获奖情况
3 个人生活
4 参考文献
贝多斯出生于什罗普郡,[2] 在奥斯威斯特里附近的莫尔顿霍尔学校接受教育,在牛津大学获得文学士学位,作为牛津大学圣希尔达学院的本科生,她学习哲学、政治学和经济学(PPE)。1989-1990年,她作为肯尼迪学者在哈佛大学获得硕士学位,并将该奖学金完全续期一年。



由于被任命为《经济学人》的最高编辑职位,贝多芬被认为是金融新闻界最有影响力的声音之一。[7] 她写过关于世界经济、拉美金融、全球金融和中亚的调查报告。她写了大量关于美国经济和国际金融政策的文章;欧盟的扩大;国际货币基金组织的未来;以及新兴经济体的经济改革。她曾在《外交事务》和《外交政策》上发表文章,为一些会议卷提供了一些章节,并编辑了《新兴亚洲》(亚洲开发银行,1997年),这是一本关于亚洲新兴市场的未来的书[8] 。

1998年5月,她向美国众议院金融服务委员会下属的国际货币政策和贸易小组委员会提供了关于引入欧元的专家证词[9] 。

2010年,贝多芬在普林斯顿大学与管理和预算办公室主任彼得-奥萨格以及普林斯顿经济政策研究中心主席艾伦-布林德教授一起发表演讲。他们的讨论被称为 "我们是如何陷入这种抵押贷款困境的,以及我们如何摆脱困境?"[10] 2012年,她在第28届马克斯-罗森年度讲座上发表了 "压力测试美国的繁荣 "的演讲。贝多斯是《市场》和其他公共广播节目的定期评论员。她还出现在美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、英国广播公司(BBC)世界频道、查理-罗斯(Charlie Rose)、[11] 美国公共广播公司新闻时间(PBS NewsHour)、美国全国广播公司(CNBC)和比尔-马赫的实时节目(Real Time with Bill Maher)[12] 。

她是卡内基国际和平基金会的理事,也是经济发展委员会研究咨询委员会的成员[13] 。


2012年杰拉尔德-勒布评论奖[16] 。
2017年杰拉尔德-勒布突发新闻奖[17] 。

贝多斯是一位前英国军官和他在德国出生的妻子的长女,[18] 她的名字叫苏珊-让-伊丽莎白,[2] 后来获得了赞尼这个绰号。她与英国出生的记者和作家塞巴斯蒂安-马拉比结婚。他们有四个孩子[19] 。
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