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2015.09.29 拓展边界的天才

发表于 2022-7-23 01:43:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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The Genius of Stretching Boundaries
Ta-Nehisi Coates’s MacArthur Fellowship is a recognition of many things—but perhaps most of all, his refusal to accept arbitrary limits.

By Yoni Appelbaum

SEPTEMBER 29, 2015
In November of 2009, more than five years before I joined The Atlantic, I got an unusual request. I’d been going back and forth for more than a year with an Atlantic blogger, down in his comments section. “Mind shooting me an e-mail?” he asked.

That’s how I came to know Ta-Nehisi Coates. He was working on an essay on Detroit at the time. He had guessed, correctly, that I was an academic. (I’m still not sure what gave me away—wooden prose, or excess verbosity?) And he was wondering if I could answer a few questions.

He’s never stopped asking questions. Over the years, I’ve been lucky to call him my friend, and, more recently, my colleague. And with the news that he’s been named a MacArthur Fellow, I can now call him something else—a genius.

But genius is a peculiar thing. The MacArthur Foundation says it gives the grants to those who display “extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits.” There is no question of Ta-Nehisi’s merit as a writer—his latest book proved an instant bestseller and sparked ongoing public debate. He made himself one of the blogosphere’s most distinctive voices. He’s stitched together a remarkable résumé as a journalist, punctuated by his stories for The Atlantic on Obama, reparations, and incarceration.

But perhaps his real genius lies in indulging his hunger for knowledge. At first, I chalked this up to remarkable humility. If there was a book he hadn’t read or a concept he hadn’t mastered, he simply said so—and then asked to have it explained. That’s rare in life, and rarer still among writers with public profiles, who more often assume a pose of studied omniscience.

In time, I came to understand it less as self-denial than as a kind of intellectual greed. He wanted to know. And if that meant rendering himself vulnerable, confessing ignorance, opening himself to abuse, listening more than talking, or even wading through his own blog’s comments section—well, it was not too high a price to pay for knowledge.

And he’s insisted that his readers be similarly open to considering insights, whatever their origins. He plucked the term at the center of his latest cover story from Dungeons & Dragons, titles posts with quotes from Megatron and Wu-Tang, and for his next act, will give us a year in the life of T’Challa.

As this mixing of high and low suggests, he has never listened when told what he cannot do. He paid no heed to critics crying that reparations are impossible and mass incarceration irreversible, or that comics and hip-hop shouldn’t be taken seriously. Once, told by some readers that “conversate” isn’t a word, he went and found the editor at large of the Oxford English Dictionary. “Of course it’s a word,” the editor said. “The question is, is it acceptable.”

Stretching the boundaries of the acceptable—there’s a kind of genius in that.

Yoni Appelbaum is a deputy editor at The Atlantic.

Ta-Nehisi Coates获得麦克阿瑟奖是对许多事情的认可,但也许最重要的是,他拒绝接受任意的限制。



这就是我认识Ta-Nehisi Coates的原因。当时,他正在写一篇关于底特律的文章。他猜对了,我是个学者。(我仍然不确定是什么泄露了我的身份--木讷的散文,还是多余的言语?)他想知道我是否能回答几个问题。


但是,天才是一种奇特的东西。麦克阿瑟基金会说,它把补助金给那些 "在其创造性追求中表现出非凡的原创性和奉献精神 "的人。Ta-Nehisi作为作家的优点是毋庸置疑的--他的新书被证明是立即畅销的,并引发了持续的公众辩论。他使自己成为博客圈中最独特的声音之一。作为一名记者,他有一份出色的履历,他为《大西洋月刊》撰写的关于奥巴马、赔偿和监禁的故事为他加分不少。



他坚持认为,他的读者也应同样开放地考虑各种见解,无论其来源如何。他从《龙与地下城》(Dungeons & Dragons)的最新封面故事中摘取了这个术语,用威震天和武当的名言作为文章的标题,而在他的下一个行动中,他将为我们讲述T'Challa的一年生活。

正如这种高与低的混合所表明的那样,当有人告诉他不能做什么时,他从来没有听过。他不理会批评家喊着赔偿是不可能的,大规模监禁是不可逆转的,也不理会漫画和嘻哈不应该被认真对待。有一次,一些读者告诉他,"conversate "不是一个词,他就去找《牛津英语词典》的主编。"这当然是一个词,"编辑说。"问题是,它是否可以接受。"


Yoni Appelbaum是《大西洋》杂志的副编辑。
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