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2017.04.21 世界领导人在为他们的内乱指责谁?

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Who Are World Leaders Blaming for Their Civil Unrest?
From George Soros to Trump’s tweets, a guide to politicians’ favorite villains

By Matt Peterson
Pope Francis delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" message from the balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 16, 2017.
Pope Francis delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" message from the balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square at the Vatican April 16, 2017.  (Osservatore Romano / Reuters)
APRIL 21, 2017
As every good populist knows, you can’t run a revolution without enemies. Otherwise, you might have to admit people are mad at you for a good reason. Donald Trump, for example, has pegged protests on his predecessor’s people. “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it,” Trump told Fox News in February. But Trump is hardly alone in finding shadowy forces meddling with his agenda. Here’s who the world’s leaders are blaming for their problems these days.

Ratings agencies. South Africans have been up in arms in recent weeks after President Jacob Zuma took what was seen as a politically motivated decision to consolidate political power within his Cabinet by removing an old hand as finance minister, replacing him with an official with little finance experience. Massive protests have broken out, triggered in part by the decision of ratings agencies to reduce South Africa's bond ratings to junk status based on the Cabinet shuffle, thereby raising the country’s borrowing costs. The government has responded by blaming the problems on the ratings agencies themselves. Nomvula Mokonyane, a minister in his government, claimed the agencies were stirring up trouble: “These junk ratings have nothing to do with financial ratings. It’s political ratings.”

George Soros. The Hungarian billionaire is a popular punching bag for the world’s nationalists, but he is nowhere more officially reviled than in Hungary. The government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has moved to shut down a university in Budapest funded by Soros, citing the malign influence of foreign NGOs. Orban has waxed poetic about Soros’s supposed plans to influence Hungarian politics, saying in his annual address to the nation, “Large-bodied predators are swimming here in the waters. This is the trans-border empire of George Soros, with tons of money and international heavy artillery.” But that’s just the beginning of Soros’s imagined influence. In court this week, the right-wing conspiracist Alex Jones blamed Soros for making his marijuana too strong.

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Western crusaders. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won one of the most important battles of his political life, but it doesn't seem to have made him any more secure about his place in Turkish politics. Voters backed a referendum to give him expanded presidential powers by a narrow margin in a proceeding that was challenged by external vote monitors. Erdogan, not one to miss the opportunity to cast himself as the victim, lashed out: “The crusader mentality in the West and its servants at home have attacked us.” The nearly 49 percent of the population that didn’t vote for the referendum may not be thrilled to hear themselves described as servants of the crusaders (namely, Christian Europe), but they’re free to take their complaints to Erdogan’s new 1,100 room presidential palace.

The U.S. State Department. Unable to challenge President Nicolas Maduro through legal means, Venezuela’s opposition is taking to the streets. Maduro and his allies have sidelined the opposition-controlled legislature and refused to consider a recall petition against the unpopular president. But Maduro sees a sinister hand at work behind his opponents: that of the United States. “The State Department announces a coup d’etat in Venezuela,” Maduro said this week. It apparently wasn’t much of an attempt, because Maduro declared it defeated immediately after. For his part, Bolivian President Evo Morales sees another malevolent force at work, that of the Organization of American States, which he has dubbed “responsible for the violence.”

The Catholic Church. Pope Francis has not been shy about calling on Europeans to resist populism, suggesting that efforts to weaken the EU could bring back the dangers of World War II. France’s bishops have chimed in as well, writing in a pastoral message that “the endlessly repeated claim that France is in decline will end by eroding any personal and collective dynamism.” Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s National Front and a prominent cheerleader of decline, takes this as a shot across the bow. This week, she accused the bishops of trying to alter the course of the French election, painting herself as the victim. “I don’t get involved with what the Pope should say to his followers,” she told a French newspaper. “I don’t think religions should tell the French people how to vote.”

Trump’s Tweets. Last weekend, North Korea awoke reporters before dawn to assemble them before a massive parade of military hardware. And yet, its leaders claim, they are not the ones stirring up trouble on the Korean peninsula. To blame for the recent cycle of escalation is the Twitter account of the U.S. president, according to a North Korean foreign ministry official, who spoke to the AP. “Trump is always making provocations with his aggressive words,” the official complained. If the North Koreans are concerned about aggressive words, let’s hope they don’t find out about Vice President Mike Pence’s aggressive facial expressions.

Matt Peterson is the editor of The Masthead, the membership program at The Atlantic.


2017年4月16日,教皇弗朗西斯在梵蒂冈俯瞰圣彼得广场的阳台上发表 "Urbi et Orbi "讲话。
2017年4月16日,教皇弗朗西斯在梵蒂冈俯瞰圣彼得广场的阳台上发表了他的 "Urbi et Orbi "信息。 (Osservatore Romano / Reuters)
正如每一个优秀的民粹主义者所知道的,你不能在没有敌人的情况下进行革命。否则,你可能不得不承认人们对你生气是有原因的。例如,唐纳德-特朗普(Donald Trump)就将抗议活动归结为他的前任的人。"我认为奥巴马总统是幕后黑手,因为他的人肯定是幕后黑手,"特朗普在2月份告诉福克斯新闻。但是,在发现有阴暗势力插手他的议程方面,特朗普并不孤单。以下是最近世界各国领导人将他们的问题归咎于谁。

评级机构。最近几周,南非总统雅各布-祖马做出了一个被认为是出于政治动机的决定,通过解除一位老手的财政部长职务,用一位没有什么财政经验的官员取而代之,来巩固其内阁中的政治权力。大规模的抗议已经爆发,部分原因是评级机构决定根据内阁改组将南非的债券评级降至垃圾级,从而提高该国的借贷成本。政府的回应是将问题归咎于评级机构本身。政府的一位部长Nomvula Mokonyane声称,这些机构在挑起麻烦。"这些垃圾评级与金融评级毫无关系。这是政治评级。"

乔治-索罗斯。这位匈牙利亿万富翁是世界民族主义者的一个受欢迎的出气筒,但他在匈牙利受到的官方谩骂最多。总理维克多-欧尔班(Viktor Orban)的政府已经采取行动,以外国非政府组织的恶性影响为由,关闭了索罗斯在布达佩斯资助的一所大学。欧尔班对索罗斯所谓的影响匈牙利政治的计划进行了诗意的描述,他在向全国发表的年度讲话中说:"身体庞大的掠夺者正在这里的水域中游泳。这是乔治-索罗斯的跨边界帝国,拥有成吨的资金和国际重炮"。但这只是索罗斯想象中的影响力的开始。在本周的法庭上,右翼阴谋家亚历克斯-琼斯指责索罗斯让他的大麻变得太强。


美国国务院。由于无法通过法律手段挑战总统尼古拉斯-马杜罗,委内瑞拉的反对派正走上街头。马杜罗及其盟友使反对派控制的立法机构靠边站,拒绝考虑针对这位不受欢迎的总统的罢免请愿。但马杜罗认为他的对手背后有一只阴险的手在运作:美国的手。"国务院宣布委内瑞拉发生政变,"马杜罗本周说。这显然不是什么尝试,因为马杜罗紧接着宣布它被打败了。玻利维亚总统埃沃-莫拉莱斯则认为另一股邪恶的力量在起作用,那就是美洲国家组织,他称其为 "对暴力负责"。

天主教会。教皇方济各一直毫不吝啬地呼吁欧洲人抵制民粹主义,并表示削弱欧盟的努力可能会使第二次世界大战的危险重现。法国的主教们也发表了意见,他们在一份牧函中写道:"无休止地重复法国正在衰落的说法,最终会侵蚀任何个人和集体的活力。" 法国国民阵线的领导人,同时也是衰落的主要支持者的玛丽娜-勒庞,将此视为一记重击。本周,她指责主教们试图改变法国选举的进程,将自己描绘成受害者。"她对一家法国报纸说:"我不参与教皇应该对他的追随者说什么。"我认为宗教不应该告诉法国人民如何投票。"


马特-彼得森是《大西洋》杂志会员计划The Masthead的编辑。
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