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2022.09.15 欧洲最适宜居住和最不适宜居住的城市

发表于 2022-9-20 23:28:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Daily chart
The most, and least, liveable cities in Europe
The EIU finds a big divide between east and west
Sep 19th 2022



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For many people in western Europe, the pandemic is a thing of the past. Mask-wearers are a small minority and lockdowns are a distant, if painful, memory. This return to normality is reflected in a survey of “liveable” cities compiled by the eiu, our corporate cousins. The index compares 172 cities around the world across five categories: culture and environment, education, health care, infrastructure, and stability. Many of the world’s most liveable cities in this year’s edition are in western Europe: Vienna took the top spot for the third time in five years. Two others, Copenhagen and Zurich, make it into the top five. But how does the rest of the continent compare?

The reopening of cities across western Europe has returned the region’s average scores to something close to their pre-pandemic norms. That also makes it the most liveable region globally. In the overall list, all but one of the ten biggest improvements in the year were made in western Europe (the exception, Los Angeles, climbed 18 spots). The top three movers were in Germany: Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Hamburg improved their liveability thanks mainly to big leaps in their culture scores after covid measures were eased.

Not all corners of the continent have enjoyed the same improvements. By comparison, cities in eastern Europe are recovering from covid-era drops in liveability at a slower pace; the average score in the east is now 20 points lower than the west. Already-strained health-care systems have been hamstrung by slow vaccine rollouts; many cities remain rife with corruption. Istanbul, the only city in Turkey included in the ranking, had the lowest score in Europe. Increasingly authoritarian leadership under Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the country’s president, as well as eye-watering inflation have dampened the quality of life. Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan—one of the most corrupt countries in Europe according to Transparency International, an anti-corruption group—is the second-least liveable city in Europe, reckons the eiu.

Moscow and St Petersburg slipped as Vladimir Putin’s regime tilted further towards oppression. The unit’s analysts were unable to finish their survey for Kyiv after Mr Putin’s invasion earlier this year. Ukraine’s capital has come either last or second-to-last in the European rankings since 2014.

The fighting will continue to make its mark on much of Europe. Inflation has hit Europe particularly hard, given the dependency of many countries on Russian gas. Higher prices will make the joys of city life less attainable. And a looming recession will take the shine off post-lockdown living.■



对于西欧的许多人来说,大流行病已经是过去的事情了。戴面具的人是少数,封锁是一个遥远的,甚至是痛苦的记忆。这种恢复正常的情况反映在由我们的企业表兄弟eiu编制的 "宜居 "城市调查中。该指数比较了全球172个城市的五个类别:文化和环境、教育、医疗保健、基础设施和稳定性。在今年的版本中,许多世界上最宜居的城市都在西欧。维也纳在五年内第三次夺得榜首。另外两个城市,哥本哈根和苏黎世,进入了前五名。但是,欧洲大陆其他地区的情况如何呢?


并非欧洲大陆的所有角落都得到了同样的改善。相比之下,东欧的城市正以较慢的速度从covid时代的宜居性下降中恢复过来;东部的平均得分现在比西部低20分。本已紧张的医疗保健系统因疫苗推广缓慢而受阻;许多城市仍然充斥着腐败。伊斯坦布尔是土耳其唯一列入排名的城市,在欧洲得分最低。该国总统雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)领导下的日益专制的领导方式,以及令人瞠目结舌的通货膨胀,都抑制了生活的质量。反腐败组织透明国际认为,阿塞拜疆的首都巴库是欧洲最腐败的国家之一,是欧洲第二差的宜居城市,eiu认为。


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