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2010.04.20 罗纳德-里根和詹姆斯-迪恩 1954年的罕见视频

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罗纳德-里根和詹姆斯-迪恩 1954年的罕见视频


今天,这是一个惊人的,甚至是阴森的场景:现代美国保守主义的代表人物,其政治地位的上升是由20世纪60年代的文化反叛所激发的,他在枪口下与现代美国反叛者的典型攻击作斗争。但是,当1954年12月12日通用电气剧院的 "黑暗、黑暗的时间 "一集在好莱坞现场播出时,罗纳德-里根和詹姆斯-迪恩只是两个尚未找到定义他们的角色的演员。

在此后的几十年里,没有人看过这一集;录像带一直被锁着,直到现在。我的朋友韦恩-费德曼(Wayne Federman)是NBC《吉米-法伦深夜秀》的编剧,他发掘了这段广播,将其从原来的23分钟(不含广告)浓缩为下面这个6分钟的版本。(费德曼正计划在明年的里根百年纪念活动中对里根的电视生涯进行回顾)。


在里根的政治生涯起飞的十年前,他发表了支持巴里-戈德华特总统竞选的全国性电视讲话,在迪安开始拍摄《无因的反叛》和《巨人》的几个月前,这两个中西部人似乎都在排练未来的角色--里根是一个快乐的战士,但在某个时刻会变得凶猛("我在为这个麦克风付钱,格林先生!"),迪安是青少年的焦虑("你在把我撕碎!" )。




Ronald Reagan and James Dean: Rare Video From 1954
Before one became president and the other a generational icon, the pair acted together. See the unearthed footage here.

By John Meroney
APRIL 20, 2010

Today, it's an astonishing, even eerie, scene: the icon of modern American conservatism, whose rise to political prominence was galvanized by the cultural rebellion of the 1960s, fighting off an attack-at-gunpoint by the quintessential modern American rebel. But when "The Dark, Dark Hours" episode of General Electric Theater aired live from Hollywood on December 12, 1954, Ronald Reagan and James Dean were just two actors yet to find the roles that would define them.

No one has seen this episode in the decades since; the kinescope has been locked away, until now. My friend Wayne Federman, a writer for NBC's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, unearthed the broadcast, condensing it from its original 23 minutes (without commercials) into the six-minute version you see below. (Federman is planning a retrospective of Reagan's television career for next year's Reagan centennial.)

Here, Reagan is a physician, forced to defend his home and family from Dean, a teenage lawbreaker seeking medical treatment for an injured friend.

A decade before Reagan's political career took off, with a nationally televised speech supporting Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign, and months before Dean started filming Rebel Without a Cause and Giant, both of these Midwesterners seem to be rehearsing future roles--Reagan as the happy warrior who could, in a moment, turn fierce ("I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green!") and Dean as teenage angst writ large ("You're tearing me apart!").

At the time of the broadcast, Reagan was 43. With the movie industry in recession, and his career waning, his agents had been bringing him offers to do TV shows. Like many movie actors at the time, Reagan was skittish about the small screen. But producers thought he was perfect for the anthology genre, which was still struggling to gain traction with audiences. He eventually signed on, helping produce the show, hosting it, and acting in a half-dozen dramas per season.

Less than a year after this episode aired, Reagan was a major primetime presence whom millions tuned in to see each week. Dean was a tragic, what-might-have-been figure, dead at age 24 from an automobile crash.

See also: Christopher Orr notes the peculiar parallel between Reagan's performance and Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry.
John Meroney is completing a book, Rehearsals for a Lead Role: Ronald Reagan in The Hollywood Wars.
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