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The world in brief
Catch up quickly on the global stories that matter

Updated 14 hours ago (20:19 GMT / 15:19 New York)

A second temporary ceasefire in Mariupol, a port in south-eastern Ukraine, failed. Both sides blame each other for the collapse of the truce, which was intended to allow civilians to flee. Ukrainian authorities said Russian shelling had resumed. The first ceasefire collapsed on Saturday. The city is on the verge of a “humanitarian catastrophe”, according to a Ukrainian government spokesman. The UN’s refugee agency said more than 1.5m Ukrainians have fled the country since Russia invaded.

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, said his country’s assault on Ukraine will end only when Ukrainians stop resisting and his government’s “well-known demands” are met. According to a Russian government readout of a call with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Sunday, Mr Putin said Russia’s military operation was going according to plan. Earlier, he had claimed Western sanctions were akin to a declaration of war, and that any country which imposed a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be deemed to have joined the conflict.

Visa and Mastercard said they would suspend their operations in Russia. Cards issued in the country will still be usable for domestic transactions until they expire. But Russian customers will not be able to make international payments, nor will cards issued abroad work for payments to Russian vendors. Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, welcomed the move. American Express said it would suspend operations in Russia and Belarus.

Russia’s interior ministry said police had arrested around 3,500 people on Sunday at protests against the war. (OVD-Info, a protest-monitoring group, said more than 4,300 were detained). Residents of some Ukrainian cities captured by Russian forces have also taken to the streets. In Kherson people gathered in the city’s main square, at one point commandeering a Russian armoured vehicle. Similar demonstrations took place in Berdyansk and Melitopol.

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According to several reports the Biden administration has asked Poland to supply Ukraine with Soviet-era MiG fighter jets, with Poland to receive American F-16s in their place. Separately Mr Zelensky spoke with Joe Biden on Saturday, when the two presidents discussed financial support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. Mr Zelensky also said he had persuaded Elon Musk, the boss of SpaceX, to send more Starlink satellite internet terminals, allowing more Ukrainians to access the internet.

The diplomatic effort limped on. Antony Blinken, America’s secretary of state, spoke with Wang Yi, his Chinese counterpart, though the pair did not seem to find much common ground. Naftali Bennett, Israel’s prime minister, met Mr Putin in Moscow. Mr Bennett said his country had a “moral obligation” to mediate even if the chance of success was “not great”. A third round of talks between Russia and Ukraine to end hostilities may take place on Monday. Previous meetings have been fruitless.

Other news

Denmark will hold a referendum in June on joining the EU’s defence policy, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Danes voted to opt out almost 30 years ago • Libya’s national oil company said an armed group had closed two oil fields, reducing output by 330,000 barrels a day. The country has Africa’s biggest oil reserves and produced around 1.2bn barrels a day before the shutdown • Russia threatened to derail talks to revive the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, demanding written guarantees that sanctions over Ukraine would not affect its trade with Iran.

Word of the week: Ostpolitik (noun): a decades-old strategy of dealing with Russia based in part on the hope that gas pipelines could promote mutual dependence and therefore peace. Read the full article.

Russia’s military convoy stalls

A huge column of tanks, lorries and armoured vehicles, at least 60km long, is trundling towards Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. It is around 25km from the centre of the city. Clouds have obscured its recent movements. But on Thursday British defence intelligence claimed, with some satisfaction, that it had made “little discernible progress” over the previous three days.

Russian supply units have struggled to keep up with frontline forces, leaving some vehicles stranded without fuel. Perhaps as a result of the colossal corruption within Russia’s armed forces, some equipment appears to have been denied basic maintenance.

Ukraine’s ground forces have been attacking the convoy. But Russia’s air-defence systems may deter strikes from the skies. The fog of war remains thick. The column may have slowed to synchronise with other Russian advances. Nor is congestion unknown in war. The initial German advance into France in May 1940 was called “the largest traffic jam in European history”. The Germans, of course, got there in the end.

By Invitation: the prime minister of Lithuania on Russia and Ukraine

As Antony Blinken, America’s secretary of state, visits Lithuania on Sunday, an excerpt from an essay by Ingrida Simonyte, the Baltic country's prime minister. The full article can be found here.

All this was bound to happen. Vladimir Putin’s war on Chechnya did not serve as a wake-up call for the West in 1999. Neither did the Kremlin’s cyber-assault on Estonia in 2007, its war on Georgia in 2008, the illegal annexation of Crimea, nor the start of its military aggression against Ukraine in 2014—all of which Russia denies. Numerous, blatant assassinations of “inconvenient” witnesses, opponents and journalists rang alarm bells, especially when carried out on European soil. But Western leaders pressed the snooze button time and again.

Western democracies introduced sanctions and expelled spooks disguised as diplomats. We expressed concern and condemned—sometimes, in the strongest possible terms—Russia’s habitual acts of aggression. We rebuked violations of the territorial integrity of independent states by Russia or its proxies. Many thought this would somehow suffice as a face-saving alternative to real action that would be costly for our economies and that might provoke the aggressor.

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Sport wrestles with politics

Organisations overseeing sports have long maintained that politics and athletics do not mix. That doctrine both enriched such organisations and let them duck awkward questions. Thuggish countries and dodgy characters, meanwhile, polished their images by hosting tournaments and buying teams. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has shown that sporting bodies have also been played.

Amid a global outcry, the bodies that govern the Olympics, football, hockey, chess and much else have conceded that they operate in a political world. But if sport is to undergo a prise de conscience, where will it draw the line? The 2022 football World Cup, from which Russia has been excluded, will take place in Qatar, where at least 35 migrant workers have died building stadiums. Chelsea football club will be sold by its Russian owner, Roman Abramovich, but what of Newcastle United, recently bought by a Saudi state investment fund? If administrators are genuinely committed to examining how their sports are financed, the hardest questions still lie ahead.

Zen and the art of Zen

In the fifth century a form of Buddhism emerged in China that put a particular emphasis on inner reflection. Zen Buddhism later became influential in medieval Japan, where monks produced monochrome ink paintings as representations of enlightenment. Many such works feature in “Mind Over Matter”, which opens on Saturday at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Asian Art in Washington, DC.

The show displays the breadth of the museum’s medieval Zen collection, on show for the first time since the museum was founded almost a century ago. The show aims to promote understanding of Zen Buddhism and its influence on modern Japanese art and culture. The seemingly simple yet precise black-and-white renderings of landscapes and significant figures in Zen inspired East Asian artists for centuries. The bowls on display were used in rituals that evolved to become the tea ceremonies still practised today. The exhibition itself embodies Zen philosophy: simultaneously being present while staying rooted in the past.

Weekend profile: Vitali Klitschko, mayor of Kyiv

In his youth Vitali Klitschko found fame as a world heavyweight boxing champion. Now as Russian forces advance on Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, he is leading a different kind of fight as the city’s mayor. As he once said early in his political career: “I know better than anyone: no fight, no win.”

A towering figure at just over two metres tall, Mr Klitschko often speaks in boxing metaphors. He was born in 1971 in what is now Kyrgyzstan, the son of a Soviet major-general. As the family moved between military bases, Mr Klitschko and his younger brother Wladimir took up boxing. Both spent most of their professional sporting careers in Germany. Wladimir too became a world heavyweight champion; Vitali was known as “Dr Ironfist”, a reference to his PhD in sports science. After hanging up his gloves, Vitali became one of Ukraine’s most recognisable pro-Western politicians, playing a prominent role in the Euromaidan protests in Kyiv in the winter of 2013-14. In 2014 he was elected mayor of Kyiv.

Now aged 50, Mr Klitschko has been mobilising Kyiv’s residents against the Russian onslaught. A huge convoy of tanks has been advancing slowly on the city. Thousands have been sheltering from bombing and artillery fire deep in metro stations; many more have fled west. Ordinary people are arming themselves and mixing Molotov cocktails. “A huge number of people, civilians are taking part in defending the city,” said Mr Klitschko in a television interview this week. “We have our partners, our will, our beloved land, which we are not going to give up.”

Beyond Ukraine, the Klitschko brothers are using their international popularity to rally support for the war effort. Speaking in German in January, Vitali urged Berlin to alter its stance on arms exports. (After the invasion, Germany said it would deliver weapons directly to Ukraine.) “[Everyone has] to be involved,” he told the BBC in English in a joint interview with Wladimir from Kyiv this week. This is “a war against democracy”, because Ukraine is aiming to be a “modern European democratic country”.

This week’s quiz winners

Thank you to everyone who took part in this week’s quiz. The winners, chosen at random from each continent, were:

Asia: Nana Taylor, Singapore

North America: Kevin Garcia, Media, United States

Central and South America: Marcelo Birenbaum, Montevideo, Uruguay

Europe: Jyrki Raina, Porvoo, Finland

Africa: Rob Blair, Harare, Zimbabwe

Oceania: Rata Ingram, Christchurch, New Zealand

They all gave the correct answers of Elmer Bernstein, Sylvester Stallone, Leghorn, Yosemite and coyotes. The theme was Warner Brothers cartoon characters: Elmer Fudd, Sylvester, Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam and Wile E Coyote. Check back on Monday for the beginning of next week’s edition, and your chance to win.

Truth is a thing immortal and perpetual, and it gives to us a beauty that fades not away in time.

Frank Norris


14小时前更新 (20:19 GMT / 15:19 New York)

在乌克兰东南部港口马里乌波尔的第二次临时停火失败。双方都指责对方导致休战失败,休战的目的是让平民逃离。乌克兰当局说,俄罗斯的炮击已经恢复了。第一次停火协议在周六崩溃了。乌克兰政府发言人称,该城市正处于 "人道主义灾难 "的边缘。联合国难民机构说,自俄罗斯入侵以来,已有150多万乌克兰人逃离该国。

俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔-普京(Vladimir Putin)说,只有当乌克兰人停止抵抗,俄罗斯政府的 "众所周知的要求 "得到满足时,俄罗斯对乌克兰的攻击才会结束。根据俄罗斯政府对周日与土耳其总统雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)通话的解读,普京先生表示,俄罗斯的军事行动正在按计划进行。此前,他曾声称西方的制裁类似于宣战,任何在乌克兰上空设置禁飞区的国家都将被视为加入冲突。

维萨卡和万事达卡表示,他们将暂停在俄罗斯的业务。在该国发行的卡仍可用于国内交易,直到过期。但俄罗斯客户将不能进行国际支付,在国外发行的卡也不能用于向俄罗斯供应商付款。乌克兰总统Volodymyr Zelensky对此举表示欢迎。美国运通表示,它将暂停在俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的业务。



根据几份报告,拜登政府已经要求波兰向乌克兰提供苏联时代的米格战斗机,而波兰将接受美国的F-16战斗机作为替代。另外,泽伦斯基先生在周六与乔-拜登进行了交谈,当时两位总统讨论了对乌克兰的财政支持和对俄罗斯的制裁。泽伦斯基先生还表示,他已经说服SpaceX公司的老板埃隆-马斯克(Elon Musk)发送更多的Starlink卫星互联网终端,使更多的乌克兰人能够访问互联网。

外交努力一筹莫展。美国国务卿安东尼-布林肯(Antony Blinken)与中国国务卿王毅通话,但两人似乎没有找到多少共同点。以色列总理纳夫塔利-贝内特在莫斯科会见了普京先生。贝内特先生说,即使成功的机会 "不大",他的国家也有 "道德义务 "进行调解。俄罗斯和乌克兰之间为结束敌对行动而进行的第三轮会谈可能在周一举行。之前的会议都没有结果。


在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰之后,丹麦将于6月就加入欧盟的防务政策举行公投。丹麦人在近30年前投票选择退出 - 利比亚国家石油公司表示,一个武装组织关闭了两个油田,每天减少33万桶产量。该国拥有非洲最大的石油储备,在关闭前每天生产约12亿桶 - 俄罗斯威胁要破坏伊朗与世界大国之间恢复核协议的谈判,要求书面保证对乌克兰的制裁不会影响其与伊朗的贸易。



一支由坦克、卡车和装甲车组成的巨大队伍,至少有60公里长,正向乌克兰首都基辅驶去。它距离市中心约25公里。云层掩盖了它最近的行动。但在周四,英国国防情报部门有些满意地声称,在过去的三天里,它取得了 "几乎无法辨认的进展"。


乌克兰的地面部队一直在攻击该车队。但俄罗斯的防空系统可能会阻止来自天空的打击。战争的迷雾仍然很浓。车队可能已经放慢了速度,以便与俄罗斯的其他进展同步。战争中也不是没有拥挤的情况。1940年5月德国向法国的最初推进被称为 "欧洲历史上最大的交通堵塞"。当然,德国人最终还是到达了那里。



这一切是注定要发生的。1999年,弗拉基米尔-普京对车臣的战争并没有给西方敲响警钟。克里姆林宫2007年对爱沙尼亚的网络攻击、2008年对格鲁吉亚的战争、对克里米亚的非法吞并,以及2014年开始对乌克兰的军事侵略,也都没有起到警醒作用--所有这些俄罗斯都否认了。许多公然暗杀 "不方便 "的证人、反对者和记者的行为敲响了警钟,尤其是在欧洲土地上实施的时候。但西方领导人一次又一次地按下了 "打盹 "按钮。







五世纪时,中国出现了一种特别强调内心思考的佛教形式。禅宗后来在中世纪的日本产生了影响,那里的僧侣们制作了单色的水墨画作为启蒙的代表。许多这样的作品在 "Mind Over Matter "中出现,该展览于周六在华盛顿的史密森尼国家亚洲艺术博物馆开幕。




克利奇科先生身高超过两米,是个高大的人物,他经常用拳击的比喻来说话。他于1971年出生在现在的吉尔吉斯斯坦,是一位苏联少将的儿子。随着家庭在军事基地之间的迁移,克里琴科先生和他的弟弟弗拉基米尔开始学习拳击。两人的职业体育生涯大部分时间都在德国度过。弗拉迪米尔也成为了世界重量级拳王;维塔利被称为 "铁拳博士",这是指他在体育科学方面的博士学位。挂上手套后,维塔利成为乌克兰最知名的亲西方政治家之一,在2013-14年冬季基辅的欧洲议会抗议活动中发挥了突出作用。2014年,他当选为基辅市市长。


在乌克兰之外,克里琴科兄弟正在利用他们的国际知名度来争取对战争的支持。维塔利1月份在德语演讲时,敦促柏林改变其对武器出口的立场。(入侵后,德国说它将直接向乌克兰提供武器)。"他在本周从基辅与弗拉基米尔进行的联合采访中用英语告诉BBC:"[每个人都必须]参与进来。这是一场 "反民主的战争",因为乌克兰的目标是成为一个 "现代欧洲民主国家"。





中美洲和南美洲。Marcelo Birenbaum,乌拉圭蒙得维的亚

欧洲。Jyrki Raina, 芬兰,波尔沃

非洲: 罗伯-布莱尔,津巴布韦,哈拉雷


他们都给出了正确的答案:埃尔默-伯恩斯坦、西尔维斯特-史泰龙、莱格霍恩、优胜美地和土狼。主题是华纳兄弟动画片人物。Elmer Fudd, Sylvester, Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam和Wile E Coyote。请在周一回来看下周的开始,以及你的获奖机会。


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