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Board of Directors
Our Governance

Stephanie Bell-Rose
Stephanie Bell-Rose is a corporate, philanthropy and governance professional who has served as Senior Managing Director at TIAA and Head of the TIAA Institute, where she led a team focused on economic research and effectiveness of nonprofit and educational institutions. Previously, she was the founding President of The Goldman Sachs Foundation and legal counsel and program officer at the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Bell-Rose is a trustee for numerous organizations, including The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Association of Black Foundation Executives, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, and Payden&Rygel. She is a member of the Independent Directors Council, where she sits on the diversity working group charged with accelerating equity and inclusion in the investment company field. She co-founded and serves as Board Vice President of the Steve Fund, a nonprofit promoting mental health of young people of color.

Bell-Rose was elected to the Board in 2021. She is a member of the Audit Committee and the Investment Committee.

Daniel Huttenlocher
Daniel Huttenlocher was elected to chair the Board of Directors beginning January 1, 2018. He is the inaugural Dean of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, an interdisciplinary hub focused on computer science and artificial intelligence, and an award-winning researcher and teacher. He was faculty at Cornell for over three decades, where his research focused on computer vision and large-scale social networks. During his tenure, Huttenlocher helped found Cornell Tech, the technology graduate school created by Cornell University in New York City, and served as its first Dean and Vice Provost. He has a mix of academic and industry background, with previous experience at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and as Chief Technology Officer of Intelligent Markets. Huttenlocher also serves on the boards of Corning Incorporated and He is a former member of MacArthur's Science Advisory Committee, and he grew up in Chicago.

Huttenlocher was elected to the Board in 2010. He chairs the Nominating Committee and, as Board Chair, is a member of all other committees.

Julie T. Katzman
Julie T. Katzman is the former Executive Vice President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). As chief operating officer of IDB, Katzman oversaw its efforts to help Latin American and Caribbean countries reduce poverty and inequality by financing sustainable development in the region. She focused on furthering the IDB’s emphasis on results and improving access and availability of these results to strengthen the case for development. Previously, she served as General Manager of the Multilateral Investment Fund, which provides grants that support private sector-led development benefiting low-income people and communities. Earlier in her career, Katzman was a founder of Violy, Byorum & Partners, an investment bank focused on Latin America.

Katzman was elected to the Board in 2012. She chairs the Audit Committee and is a member of the Investment Committee and the Nominating Committee.

Paul Klingenstein
Paul Klingenstein’s career has been focused on driving change, largely in healthcare, through both private sector and philanthropic strategies. He is a former and current director of numerous healthcare technology companies at various stages of development, both private and public. In 1999, he founded Aberdare Ventures, a San Francisco venture capital firm focused on investing in people and technology to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare. Prior to forming Aberdare, Klingenstein led the healthcare investing team at Accel Partners and worked at Warburg Pincus and at the Rockefeller Foundation. He also serves on the boards of The Campaign Legal Center, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and is a founding board member of Nia Tero, an organization dedicated to supporting Indigenous people and the guardianship of their ecosystems.

Klingenstein was elected to the Board in 2013. He chairs the Investment Committee and is a member of the Budget and Compensation Committee and the Nominating Committee.

Dr. James Manyika
Dr. James Manyika is a senior partner at McKinsey & Company and chairman of the McKinsey Global Institute. He also leads research on the digital economy, AI, future of work, and globalization. Based in Silicon Valley for over 20 years, Dr. Manyika has worked with the chief executives and founders of leading tech companies. Manyika was appointed by President Barack Obama as vice chair of the Global Development Council at the White House and by Commerce Secretaries to the Digital Economy Board and Innovation Advisory Board. He serves on several boards, including Council on Foreign Relations, Hewlett Foundation, and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Manyika is a Distinguished Fellow of Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute, a fellow at DeepMind, a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Manyika was elected to the Board in 2017. He chairs the Institutional Policy Committee and is a member of the Investment Committee.

Martha Minow
Martha Minow is the 300th Anniversary University Professor at Harvard University and the former Dean of Harvard Law School, where she has taught since 1981. She is an expert in human rights, constitutional law, and advocacy for members of racial and religious minorities, women, children, and persons with disabilities. Minow has served on a variety of commissions, including the Center for Strategic and International Studies Commission on Countering Violent Extremism and on the Independent International Commission Kosovo. She serves on the boards of the Advantage Testing Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, the Russell Sage Foundation, the SCE Foundation, public broadcaster WGBH, and the Council for the American Bar Association Center for Innovation. Minow is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Minow was elected to the Board in 2012. She chairs the Budget and Compensation Committee and is a member of the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee.

Sendhil Mullainathan
Sendhil Mullainathan is a Professor of Economics at Harvard University and the Roman Family University Professor of Computation and Behavioral Science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He helped co-found ideas 42, a nonprofit to apply behavioral science to social problems, and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, a center to promote the use of randomized control trials in development. Mullainathan has produced a diverse set of research in behavioral economics including: the impact of poverty on mental bandwidth; using fictitious resumes to measure discrimination; showing that higher cigarette taxes make smokers happier; and modeling how competition affects media bias. His latest research focuses on using machine learning and data mining techniques to better understand human behavior. He was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2002.

Mullainathan was elected to the Board in 2013. He is a member of the Audit Committee and the Investment Committee.

Cecilia Muñoz
Cecilia Muñoz is a Senior Advisor at New America, which she joined in 2017 to build a team on public interest technology. Previously, she served on President Barack Obama’s senior staff as Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and then as Director of the Domestic Policy Council. Muñoz was Senior Vice President at the National Council of La Raza (now UNIDOS US), the nation’s largest Hispanic policy and advocacy organization, where she led a policy team and collaborated with a broad range of constituency groups. Muñoz is a Senior Fellow at Results for America, a nonprofit that advances the use of data and evidence in policy making. She also advises the Open Society and JPB Foundations, is a trustee of the Kresge and Joyce Foundations, and serves on a number of nonprofit boards. She was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2000.

Muñoz was elected to the Board in 2019. She is a member of the Budget and Compensation Committee and the Institutional Policy Committee.

Dr. Olufunmilayo Falusi Olopade
Dr. Olufunmilayo Falusi Olopade, a practicing medical oncologist, is the Walter L. Palmer Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for Clinical Cancer Genetics and Global Health at the University of Chicago. Dr. Olopade’s innovative research in women's cancers showed that women of African ancestry can be genetically susceptible to a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer. She is an elected member of numerous honor societies including the National Academy of Medicine, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. She served as a member of the National Cancer Advisory Board under the Obama Administration and currently serves on the boards of the Lyric Opera of Chicago and two Chicago-based healthcare companies, Cancer IQ and Tempus. She was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2005.

Olopade was elected to the Board in 2016. She is a member of the Budget and Compensation Committee and the Institutional Policy Committee.

John Palfrey
John Palfrey is the President of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Palfrey is a well-respected educator, author, legal scholar, and innovator with expertise in how new media is changing learning and education. Prior to joining the Foundation, he served as Head of School at Phillips Academy, Andover, the only school of its kind to maintain need-blind admissions. Prior to Phillips Academy, he served as the Henry N. Ess III Professor of Law and Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at Harvard Law School; as Executive Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society from 2002 to 2008; and the founding board chair of the Digital Public Library of America. Palfrey also serves on the board of The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Palfrey has served as President since 2019. As President of the Foundation, Palfrey serves ex-officio on all Board committees.

Juan Salgado
Juan Salgado is City Colleges of Chicago Chancellor. His career has focused on improving education and economic opportunities for residents in low-income communities. As Chancellor, he oversees Chicago's community college system, serving more than 70,000 students across seven colleges. Under his leadership, City Colleges has worked to remove barriers to college access, strengthen program quality, and enhance student supports to create pathways to upward mobility. Previously, he served as CEO of Instituto del Progreso Latino, where he worked to empower residents of Chicago’s Southwest Side through education, citizenship, and skill-building programs that led to sustainable employment and economic stability. He is also a member of the board of the Obama Foundation. Salgado was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2015.

Salgado was elected to the Board in 2020. He is a member of the Audit Committee and the Institutional Policy Committee.

Updated June 2021


Stephanie Bell-Rose是一位企业、慈善事业和管理方面的专业人士,曾担任TIAA的高级常务董事和TIAA研究所的负责人,她领导的团队专注于非营利和教育机构的经济研究和有效性。在此之前,她是高盛基金会的创始主席,以及安德鲁-W-梅隆基金会的法律顾问和项目官员。贝尔-罗斯是许多组织的受托人,包括约翰-S和詹姆斯-L-奈特基金会、黑人基金会管理人员协会、西班牙裔奖学金基金和Payden&Rygel。她是独立董事委员会的成员,在该委员会中,她是多样性工作组的成员,负责加速投资公司领域的公平和包容。她共同创立了史蒂夫基金,并担任该基金的董事会副主席,该基金是一个促进有色人种年轻人心理健康的非营利组织。


Daniel Huttenlocher被选举为董事会主席,从2018年1月1日开始。他是麻省理工学院苏世民计算学院的首任院长,该学院是一个专注于计算机科学和人工智能的跨学科中心,也是一位获奖的研究人员和教师。他曾在康奈尔大学任教三十多年,其研究重点是计算机视觉和大规模社会网络。在他任职期间,Huttenlocher帮助创建了康奈尔技术学院,这是康奈尔大学在纽约市创建的技术研究生院,并担任其第一任院长和副教务长。他拥有学术和行业的混合背景,曾在施乐公司帕洛阿尔托研究中心工作,并担任智能市场的首席技术官。Huttenlocher还在康宁公司和Amazon.com的董事会任职。他是麦克阿瑟科学咨询委员会的前成员,他在芝加哥长大。


朱莉-T-卡兹曼是美洲开发银行(IDB)的前执行副总裁。作为IDB的首席运营官,卡茨曼监督其通过资助该地区的可持续发展来帮助拉丁美洲和加勒比国家减少贫困和不平等。她专注于进一步强调IDB的成果,并改善这些成果的获取和提供,以加强发展的理由。在此之前,她曾担任多边投资基金的总经理,该基金提供赠款,支持私营部门主导的发展,使低收入人群和社区受益。在她职业生涯的早期,卡茨曼是Violy, Byorum & Partners的创始人,这是一家专注于拉丁美洲的投资银行。


保罗-克林根斯坦的职业生涯一直专注于推动变革,主要是在医疗保健领域,通过私营部门和慈善机构的战略。他是许多处于不同发展阶段的医疗技术公司的前任和现任董事,包括私营和上市公司。1999年,他创建了Aberdare风险投资公司,这是一家旧金山的风险投资公司,专注于投资于人员和技术,以提高医疗保健的质量和效率。在成立Aberdare之前,Klingenstein在Accel Partners领导医疗投资团队,并在Warburg Pincus和洛克菲勒基金会工作。他还在运动法律中心、伦敦卫生和热带医学学院的董事会任职,并且是Nia Tero的创始董事会成员,该组织致力于支持原住民和对其生态系统的监护权。










Olufunmilayo Falusi Olopade博士
Olufunmilayo Falusi Olopade博士是一位执业肿瘤医生,是芝加哥大学Walter L. Palmer杰出服务医学教授和临床癌症遗传学与全球健康中心主任。奥洛帕德博士在妇女癌症方面的创新研究表明,非洲血统的妇女可能在遗传上容易患一种特别具有侵略性的乳腺癌。她是众多荣誉协会的当选成员,包括国家医学院、美国艺术与科学学院和美国哲学学会。她曾是奥巴马政府下属的国家癌症咨询委员会的成员,目前在芝加哥抒情歌剧院和两家位于芝加哥的医疗保健公司--Cancer IQ和Tempus的董事会任职。她在2005年被评为麦克阿瑟研究员。


John Palfrey是约翰-D-和凯瑟琳-T-麦克阿瑟基金会的主席。Palfrey是一位备受尊敬的教育家、作家、法律学者和创新者,在新媒体如何改变学习和教育方面具有专长。在加入基金会之前,他曾在安多弗的菲利普斯学院担任校长,这是同类学校中唯一一所保持无需求招生的学校。在菲利普斯学院之前,他在哈佛大学法学院担任亨利-埃斯三世法学教授和图书馆与信息资源副院长;2002年至2008年担任伯克曼-克莱因互联网与社会中心执行主任;并担任美国数字公共图书馆的创始董事会主席。帕弗雷还在约翰-S-和詹姆斯-L-奈特基金会的董事会任职。他是美国艺术与科学学院的成员。


胡安-萨尔加多是芝加哥城市学院的校长。他的职业生涯侧重于改善低收入社区居民的教育和经济机会。作为校长,他负责监督芝加哥的社区学院系统,为七所学院的7万多名学生提供服务。在他的领导下,城市学院一直致力于消除进入大学的障碍,加强课程质量,并加强学生支持,以创造向上流动的途径。在此之前,他曾担任拉丁美洲研究所(Instituto del Progreso Latino)的首席执行官,在那里他致力于通过教育、公民身份和技能建设计划,使芝加哥西南区的居民获得可持续的就业和经济稳定。他也是奥巴马基金会的董事会成员。萨尔加多在2015年被评为麦克阿瑟研究员。


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