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2022.04.26Twitter的董事会接受了Elon Musk提出的收购

发表于 2022-4-26 22:30:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Twitter’s board accepted an offer from Elon Musk to buy the social network and take it private for about $44bn. Mr Musk said he wants to “make Twitter better” and ensure free speech is protected on the platform. Jack Dorsey, the site’s founder and former CEO, endorsed the purchase. In a series of tweets, he described Twitter as the “closest thing we have to a global consciousness”, and said, “Elon is the singular solution I trust. I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness”.

Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, said on state television that he regards NATO as engaging in a “proxy war” by providing weapons to Ukraine—and that the danger of escalating into a nuclear exchange is “real, serious”. After a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president, Antony Blinken, America’s secretary of state, said Russia is trying to brutalise Ukraine but that its war effort seems to be failing. In Germany Lloyd Austin, the American defence secretary, will host talks with more than 40 countries on providing more arms to Ukraine.

The secretary-general of the United Nations is due to meet Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, in Moscow on Tuesday. Antonio Guterres has been asked by the Ukrainian government to try and ensure a humanitarian corridor out of the besieged city of Mariupol, something that has failed thus far.

Explosions shook Transnistria, a Russian-controlled sliver of Moldova bordering Ukraine. Grenades reportedly hit the office of a security agency in the regional capital and a radio station, though there appeared to be no casualties. Ukrainian officials said the attack was a provocation by Russia to justify military action. The Kremlin has previously said ethnic Russians in the statelet are being oppressed—the same excuse it used to invade eastern Ukraine.

After over two years of one of the world’s most severe lockdowns, Singapore ended most of its covid-19 restrictions on Tuesday. With 85% of the population fully vaccinated, gathering bans have been dropped and facemasks are now only required indoors in public settings and on public transport. Testing requirements have also been scrapped for all inbound passengers, partly to reboot the city-state’s moribund economy and tourism industry.

China’s central bank said it would intensify its support of the economy, and especially small businesses, as covid-induced lockdowns threaten growth. The People’s Bank of China also promised more funds, via relending programmes, to the coal and aviation sectors. Municipal authorities in Beijing spooked investors with a campaign to test 22m residents, after 33 new cases were reported in the capital on Monday.

Kim Jong Un said that North Korea will accelerate its nuclear weapons programme, according to state media. On Monday night the dictator oversaw a huge parade of the country’s military might, including intercontinental ballistic missiles (which it is banned from using by the UN security council but has nevertheless been testing recently). Mr Kim promised to “develop our nation’s nuclear capabilities at the fastest pace.”

Fact of the day: 35m, the number of votes cast in the second round of France’s presidential election. Turnout was the lowest in more than 50 years—but still higher than in comparable countries. Read the full article.

Twitter accepts Elon Musk’s offer

The world’s richest man is buying what he has described as the “de facto public town square”. Elon Musk, the boss of the carmaker Tesla and the aerospace firm SpaceX, made an offer of $44bn for Twitter. The social network’s board accepted his bid on Monday, in what amounts to one of the most expensive buyouts in history.

Twitter’s business is insipid. Its share price has barely risen since the firm floated nine years ago. But Mr Musk contends that what interests him is the content. Having a platform that is “maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilisation,” he says. His idea of inclusion may mean reinstating banned tweeters including Donald Trump, who was suspended after America’s Capitol riot of January 2021. Twitter’s board, after some initial hesitation, liked the sound of his offer. The platform’s users, who lean young and Democratic, are #furious.

The re-elected French president mulls a new team

After his remarkable re-election on April 24th, Emmanuel Macron is planning a new government. The sitting centrist president won 58.5% of the final run-off vote, defeating his nationalist-populist rival, Marine Le Pen, who secured 41.5%. This is the first time since the Fifth Republic was established in 1958 that the French have directly re-elected an incumbent president who commanded a majority in parliament.

At just 72%, however, turnout was lower than when Mr Macron was elected in 2017. Speaking on election night, he promised to take this into account, and govern with more consultation. Soon his prime minister, Jean Castex, will present his resignation and Mr Macron will appoint a new one to take the country into legislative elections on June 12th and 19th. The full shape of the government will depend on whether the president’s party, and its friends, can win another majority in parliament—a feat that looks possible, but is far from guaranteed.

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Is the party over for Boris Johnson?

The scandal over gatherings in British government offices during covid-19 lockdowns shows no signs of going away. Boris Johnson attended several of the parties—including one to mark his own birthday, for which the police fined him. He may yet get whacked with more.

A report into “Partygate” is being prepared by Sue Gray, a senior civil servant. Once the police have completed their investigations, the House of Commons’ Privileges Committee will determine whether the prime minister lied to Parliament when he denied knowledge of the parties. If he knowingly misled Parliament, he will be under pressure to resign.

Conservative MPs have so far stuck by Mr Johnson. But they could force him out with a vote of confidence. The Times reported on April 25th that the Gray report is “so damning” he may have no other choice but to resign. A test at the ballot box looms, in local elections on May 5th. If they are bloody for the Tories, they may be for Mr Johnson too.

Evading the censors in Shanghai

China’s draconian restrictions in response to covid-19 outbreaks are not lockdowns so much as house-arrests on an enormous scale. With more than 10m people in Shanghai locked in their homes, and signs that Beijingers might soon be subjected to the same, people have turned to the internet to vent. But this being China, complaints are quickly censored.

One tool that netizens have deployed to document their experiences is the blockchain. Because the technology uses decentralised servers, there is no one company that can be leaned on to delete content. And activity is anonymous. “Shanghai Covid Memories” is a digital archive of disturbing moments. In one video a mother pleads with health workers to be allowed to take her sick two-year-old to hospital. The files are all saved (and available for sale) as non-fungible tokens on OpenSea, an NFT marketplace. So far none has been purchased. But the gallery is there for anyone to browse.

A play that pokes fun at POTUS

Sex scandals rock the White House. Spin doctors struggle to contain the fallout and preserve the reputation of the man in the Oval Office. The plot of “POTUS: Or, Behind Every Great Dumbass are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive” is all too familiar.

This farcical, feminist comedy, which opens on Wednesday at the Shubert Theatre in New York, tells the story of seven female political aides. The “Great Dumbass” is an amalgamation of famous men. But parallels with the 45th president cannot be ignored. Donald Trump has been accused of sexual harassment by several women and churned through three female press secretaries (and a male one) during his time in office.

Selina Fillinger, the playwright, says current affairs inspire her writing. Her Broadway debut is a hilarious and insightful exploration of the relationship between powerful men and the women around them, and the insidiousness of misogyny in politics.

Daily quiz

Our baristas will serve you a new question each day. On Friday your challenge is to give all five answers and tell us the connecting theme. Email your responses (and include mention of your home city and country) by 1700 BST on Friday to We’ll pick randomly from those with the right answers and crown one winner per continent on Saturday.

Tuesday: What is the capital of the state of North Dakota?
Monday: What is the current name of the long American river marked as Peki-tan-oui or Oumessourit on early maps?

Life is architecture and architecture is the mirror of life.


Twitter的董事会接受了Elon Musk提出的收购社交网络并将其私有化的提议,价格约为440亿美元。马斯克先生说,他希望 "让Twitter变得更好",并确保该平台上的言论自由得到保护。该网站的创始人和前首席执行官杰克-多尔西(Jack Dorsey)支持这项收购。在一系列推文中,他将Twitter描述为 "最接近全球意识的东西",并说:"埃隆是我信任的唯一的解决方案。我相信他扩大意识之光的使命"。

俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖-拉夫罗夫在国家电视台说,他认为北约向乌克兰提供武器是在参与一场 "代理战争"--升级为核交换的危险是 "真实的、严重的"。美国国务卿安东尼-布林肯在与乌克兰总统沃洛迪米尔-泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)会面后表示,俄罗斯正试图残害乌克兰,但其战争努力似乎正在失败。在德国,美国国防部长劳埃德-奥斯汀将主持与40多个国家关于向乌克兰提供更多武器的会谈。





据国家媒体报道,金正恩表示,朝鲜将加速其核武器计划。周一晚上,这位独裁者监督了该国军事力量的大规模游行,包括洲际弹道导弹(联合国安理会禁止朝鲜使用这种导弹,但最近一直在测试)。金先生承诺将 "以最快的速度发展我们国家的核能力"。



世界上最富有的人正在购买他所描述的 "事实上的公共城市广场"。汽车制造商特斯拉和航空航天公司SpaceX的老板埃隆-马斯克为Twitter提出了440亿美元的报价。该社交网络的董事会周一接受了他的出价,这相当于历史上最昂贵的收购之一。

推特的业务平淡无奇。自九年前该公司上市以来,其股价几乎没有上涨过。但马斯克先生认为,他感兴趣的是内容。他说,拥有一个 "最大程度的信任和广泛的包容性的平台,对文明的未来极为重要"。他的包容理念可能意味着恢复被禁的推特用户,包括唐纳德-特朗普,他在2021年1月美国国会大厦暴动后被停职。推特的董事会在最初的一些犹豫之后,喜欢他的提议。该平台的用户偏向年轻和民主党,他们#愤怒。



然而,投票率仅为72%,低于马克龙先生在2017年当选时的投票率。他在选举当晚发表讲话,承诺将考虑到这一点,并在治理时进行更多协商。很快,他的总理Jean Castex将提出辞呈,马克龙先生将任命一位新总理,带领国家在6月12日和19日举行立法选举。政府的全部形式将取决于总统的政党及其朋友是否能在议会中赢得另一个多数席位--这一壮举看起来有可能,但远不能保证。




高级公务员苏-格雷(Sue Gray)正在准备一份关于 "派对门 "的报告。一旦警方完成调查,下议院特权委员会将确定首相在否认知道这些聚会时是否向议会撒谎。如果他故意误导议会,他将面临辞职的压力。

到目前为止,保守党议员们一直支持约翰逊先生。但他们可以通过信任投票迫使他辞职。泰晤士报》4月25日报道,格雷的报告 "非常有害",他可能别无选择,只能辞职。在5月5日的地方选举中,投票箱的考验迫在眉睫。如果保守党的选举是血腥的,那么约翰逊先生的选举也可能是血腥的。



网民们用来记录他们经历的一个工具是区块链。因为该技术使用分散的服务器,所以没有一家公司可以靠着它来删除内容。而且活动是匿名的。"Shanghai Covid Memories "是一个令人不安时刻的数字档案。在一个视频中,一位母亲恳求卫生工作者允许她将生病的两岁孩子送往医院。这些文件都被保存在NFT市场的OpenSea上,作为不可伪造的代币(可供出售)。到目前为止,还没有人购买。但画廊在那里,任何人都可以浏览。


性丑闻震撼了白宫。自旋医生们努力控制事态的发展,维护椭圆形办公室中人的声誉。美国总统》的情节是:"美国总统。或者说,每个伟大的傻瓜背后都有七个女人试图让他活下来 "的情节太熟悉了。

这部闹剧式的女权主义喜剧周三在纽约舒伯特剧院开演,讲述了七个女政治助理的故事。大笨蛋 "是一个著名男人的混合体。但与第45任总统的相似之处不能被忽视。唐纳德-特朗普被几位女性指控性骚扰,并在其任职期间搅动了三位女新闻秘书(和一位男秘书)。

剧作家Selina Fillinger说,时事激发了她的写作。她的百老汇处女作是对有权势的男人和他们周围的女人之间的关系,以及政治中的厌女症的阴险的探索,非常搞笑和有见地。





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