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2022.05.15 一个 "独狼 "射手拥有一个在线团队

发表于 2022-5-16 03:03:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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A ‘Lone-Wolf’ Shooter Has an Online Pack
Even when a shooter acts alone, their ideology is often shared.

By Juliette Kayyem
A profile photo of the alleged shooter, with dark, wavy hair and stubble, wearing a white mask over his nose and mouth
Payton S. Gendron is accused of killing at least 10 people in a Buffalo supermarket. (Mark Mulville / The Buffalo News / AP)
MAY 15, 2022, 11:01 AM ET
About the author: Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary for homeland security under President Barack Obama, is the faculty chair of the homeland-security program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She is the author of The Devil Never Sleeps: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters.

Wolves are not a particularly special species. They are not as menacing nor as powerful as mountain lions. They are not as big as many other predators, nor as strong, nor terribly wise, nor do they have sophisticated tools or genetic dispositions that make them individually dangerous in the animal kingdom. Their ability to capture prey worthier than themselves results from collaboration—from the pack.

Once prey is targeted, the pack first disperses, then surrounds the victim—some wolves from the front, others from the back. The wolf pack’s defining feared feature is that it does not work alone. The lone wolf, in the animal kingdom, is not powerful; it is weak. The wolf, acting alone, is not something to fear. Lone wolves do not massacre because they can’t.

Eighteen-year-old Payton S. Gendron allegedly went hunting yesterday at a supermarket after traveling more than 200 miles from his home. Police say he was heavily armed, wearing protective military-style gear, and proceeded to shoot and kill at least 10 people, injuring three more. Almost all of the victims were Black; the supermarket is in a predominantly Black area of Buffalo, New York. The event was, according to a manifesto apparently written by Gendron himself, a racist massacre. Almost immediately, it was described as a “straight-up racially motivated hate crime” by New York officials.

When we write about, think about, and prosecute such hate crimes in this nation, we tend to focus on whether the assailant acted alone. In this case, Gendron appears to have had no accomplices. He is an alleged solo shooter, or, in the parlance of our time, a lone wolf—a term used to differentiate the slaughter from more sophisticated acts of terrorism staged by groups like ISIS that typically involve multiple people and nuanced planning.

But that lone wolf language fails us in an era when hate and radicalization now serve as a proxy for the collaborative herd, for the co-conspirators and colluders. Gendron wasn’t alone. His mission was effective because he was supported by an apparatus that provided the ideology and means for the hunt. Based on evidence from a manifesto that he reportedly posted Thursday night, Gendron did not perceive himself as being alone: He had his people; they were there for him.

As if to make that clear, he livestreamed some of his actions yesterday, a performative gesture for an audience that already existed. To emphasize that his victims were targeted and not at all random, Gendron wrote that he chose the specific Tops supermarket because it was in a demographic area that, according to public data, is only 1 percent white. And lest there be any doubt, he wrote the N-word on the tip of his gun, a word perfectly visible from his videotape of the rampage.

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Language alone cannot change the violent extremism that is a part of American society today, which President Joe Biden called out last night as “hate-fueled domestic terrorism” that leads to such tragedy. Social-media platforms should be held accountable and gun laws should be more restrictive, but the wrong language has a tendency to excuse the herd. Biden gets this; with only a brief nod to the perpetrator—“We need to learn more”—the thrust of his statement was a form of public shaming of the racist network that is culpable, even if not legally responsible. While lawyers get tied up over specific charges around hate crimes and the meaning of terrorism, Biden rightfully uses terrorism in its less legal sense: Black people were hunted by a white racist. Terror.

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The manifesto is an ode to a particular variant of hate—espoused by political and conservative media leaders—called “Great Replacement” theory. Pulled from European extremists’ fear of Muslim immigrants, the American variant has grown out of undeniable demographic shifts. The year Donald Trump was elected president, 2016, was also the first year that the U.S. Census Bureau reported more nonwhite babies born in America than white babies. The country is not going back to a white majority.

At its core, the idea of a “great replacement” is about violence, because the notion of displacement justifies the elimination of the parties responsible for taking your place. Their very presence—not their ideas, or politics, or voting patterns—is the threat. Political and media leaders who spread these ideas can play coy, a notion I’ve described as stochastic terrorism, by having plausible deniability about what in fact they are promoting. Their language may be vague as to place and time of the kill, but it isn’t misleading. It is terror, executed by the herd.

The manifesto itself will be scoured for evidence of what motivated Gendron. I myself appear in the manifesto, in an image of CNN hosts and analysts labeled as Jews. But Gendron’s hatred isn’t specific to me, just as we are unlikely to find that there is anything particularly interesting about him. We are likely to find that he, actually, isn’t that special. He’s just part of a pack.

Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary for homeland security under President Barack Obama, is the faculty chair of the homeland-security program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She is the author of The Devil Never Sleeps: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters.

一个 "独狼 "射手拥有一个在线团队

Payton S. Gendron被指控在水牛城一家超市杀害了至少10人。(Mark Mulville / The Buffalo News / AP)



据称,18岁的Payton S. Gendron在离家200多英里后,昨天到一家超市打猎。警方说,他全副武装,穿着军事风格的防护装备,接着开枪打死了至少10个人,又打伤了3个人。几乎所有的受害者都是黑人;该超市位于纽约州水牛城的一个以黑人为主的地区。根据一份显然是由根德隆本人撰写的宣言,该事件是一场种族主义大屠杀。几乎在第一时间,它就被纽约官员描述为 "直接出于种族动机的仇恨犯罪"。




仅靠语言无法改变当今美国社会的暴力极端主义,乔-拜登总统昨晚将其称为导致此类悲剧的 "由仇恨引发的国内恐怖主义"。社交媒体平台应该被追究责任,枪支法律应该更加严格,但错误的语言有为群氓开脱的倾向。拜登明白了这一点;他的发言只对肇事者做了简短的点头--"我们需要了解更多"--其主旨是对负有责任的种族主义网络的一种公开羞辱,即使在法律上没有责任。当律师们围绕着仇恨犯罪和恐怖主义的含义而纠结于具体的指控时,拜登正确地使用了法律意义不大的恐怖主义:黑人被一个白人种族主义者追杀。恐怖。


该宣言是对一种特殊的仇恨变体--由政治和保守派媒体领导人鼓吹的所谓 "大替代 "理论的颂歌。从欧洲极端分子对穆斯林移民的恐惧中提取出来,美国的变种已经从不可否认的人口变化中成长起来。唐纳德-特朗普当选总统的那一年,即2016年,也是美国人口普查局报告在美国出生的非白人婴儿多于白人婴儿的第一年。这个国家不会再回到白人占多数的状态了。

就其核心而言,"伟大的替代者 "的想法是关于暴力的,因为流离失所的概念证明了消除对你的位置负有责任的各方是正当的。他们的存在--而不是他们的思想、政治或投票模式--才是威胁。传播这些思想的政治和媒体领导人可以装模作样,我把这一概念描述为随机恐怖主义,对他们所宣传的内容进行合理的推诿。他们的语言在杀戮的地点和时间方面可能是模糊的,但并不具有误导性。这就是恐怖,由群体执行。


朱丽叶-凯耶姆(Juliette Kayyem)是巴拉克-奥巴马总统的前国土安全助理部长,是哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院国土安全项目的教职员工。她是《恶魔不眠》的作者。学会生活在一个充满灾难的时代。
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