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Kennedy Scholars 2017

Dr Abubakar Abioye 27
Havard School of Public Health MPH

Throughout his medical training, Abu has combined award-winning pursuit of academic excellence with practical engagement in resource-poor contexts and also writing and sub-editorial work in a variety of science and medical magazines. He won 1st prize in the Royal College of Physicians Photography Competition 2013 on the theme of ‘Compassion’. He gained a vacation grant to research African- American health and criminal disparities in the US. His longer-term aim is to found a global initiative tackling hearing loss in the developing world, starting in Nigeria. To date, he has founded the Nigeria UK Medical Initiative (NUMI), an online platform that allows Nigerian medical students to receive high-quality teaching by UK doctors over the internet. Abu wants to see an end to health-inequality. He welcomes the breadth of the health policy concentration at Harvard to resource him in the pursuit of that goal.

Sam_AtwellSamuel Atwell 24
Harvard Kennedy School MPP

After an undergraduate degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics where he specialised in the political economies of the developing world, Sam has ‘travelled’ via social policy research, and internships with the WHO in Geneva to the London-based NGO Selfless where, as Programme Manager, he oversaw maternal health projects in the UK and Bangladesh. Sam has also worked extensively in tech innovation, having helped establish two successful health technology startups tackling key issues facing the NHS.  The MPP will sharpen his evaluative and analytical skills, and develop the management and leadership skills that will enable him to deliver on his vision for human-centred healthcare and education policy. Sam is currently a trustee of the Big Futures Foundation, a charity based in his home town of York dedicated to helping children from disadvantaged backgrounds reach their full potential in life.

Abraham_BaldryAbraham Baldry 24
Harvard Kennedy School non-degree

Abe is looking forward to studying democratic participation and economics on the Kennedy School’s non-degree program. He previously attended the University of Sussex, where he gained a first-class degree in History, focusing on the Civil Rights Movement. During his time at Sussex, Abe studied outside his discipline, and was the youngest person in the university’s history to attend classes from the MBA program. He also led the Debating Society, interned with the Red Cross, and served as President of the Students’ Union. He was the first from his family to graduate from university. Abe has worked in Hong Kong, Brussels and Barcelona and has served as a trustee of several charities, most recently the Mandela Scholarship Fund. He has written for The Independent and The Guardian and appeared on Sky News and the BBC. He grew up in Dorset and is an enthusiastic if unimpressive ping pong player.

Charlotte_CuddihyDr Charlotte Cuddihy 28
Harvard School of Public Health

Charlotte aims to become a public health specialist with particular interests in early years’ development and communication for empowerment. This stems from her voluntary work with learning impaired teenagers and has informed her research.  Specifically, given a known link between adverse childhood environment and ongoing health problems, Charlotte created a simple measure of maltreatment which can form part of a child’s medical record. She also identified a link between maltreatment and persistent sleep problems.  As a wheelchair user, frustrated by the lack of accessibility information relevant to young people, Charlotte created the multiplatform Disabled Access Glasgow and has transferred these social media skills into her medical setting, launching a Medications Update twitter account for her health board. After 5 years working as a doctor Charlotte looks forward to using her time in Harvard to acquire core public health skills and work with Prof Davison on the Communities for Healthy Living project.

Lawrence_HouldsworthLawrence Houldsworth 24
Harvard Graduate School of Education Ed M

Lawrence read History, but could equally have read Mathematics which is why he joined Teach First as a Maths teacher, working in two very different London schools.  Lawrence has had responsibility for both the most talented pupils and those who are struggling.  He now wants more time to analyse the impact of curriculum and school structure on attainment.  His strong commitment to equality as well as quality in education motivates him to look beyond the classroom and use the Masters in International Education Policy to examine the creation and the impact of a school culture and the multiple agencies which influence both a school and a child’s capacity to learn within it. He expects to return to a state school in the UK on completion of his degree.

Adam_HuntDr Adam Hunt 26
Harvard School of Public Health MPH

Adam’s clinical interests are focussed on acute medicine and critical care; he is currently an academic foundation doctor within the Liver Unit at King’s College Hospital. Here he is conducting research into novel diagnostic techniques for encephalopathy in the setting of acute liver failure. He has a particular interest in health technology and was organiser of the 2015 InspireMEdicine Challenge, a national health-tech competition. At King’s, Adam is chief investigator for a qualitative study with NHS Digital investigating the influence of digital resources on patients accessing emergency care. At Harvard, the programme in Health Policy will enable Adam to gain core analytical skills alongside those in the assessment and implementation of health technology. He also looks forward to the Global Health Case competition, the interdisciplinary concentration in Public Health Leadership, and the chance to exercise his skills as a percussionist in a Harvard orchestra.

Caragh_NimmoCaragh Nimmo 26
Harvard Law School LLM

Caragh is a Scottish solicitor with a keen interest in human rights, particularly those of women and vulnerable minority groups. After undergraduate studies at the University of Glasgow, Caragh worked to promote equality, analysing the impact of welfare reforms at Capability Scotland and helping coordinate gender equality projects at the Clinton Global Initiative. Through her work at the Scottish Parliament and the Institute for Government, Caragh furthered her interests in good governance and the effective regulation of public power. Her role as a Judicial Assistant at the Supreme Court this past year has exposed her to the resolution of legal ambiguities at the highest national level and whetted her appetite for comparative constitutional law studies at Harvard. She also welcomes Harvard’s Clinical and Pro Bono programs to develop further the research and advocacy skills necessary for a career at the Bar.  Caragh is a keen runner and plays in the Supreme Court football team.

Stephanie_PosnerStephanie Posner 23
Harvard GSAS Special Student

Stephanie has spent the past two years working in London as an advisor to diplomats from the Middle East and will spend the coming year as a Special Student affiliated to the Center for Middle Eastern Studies.  Having graduated with a first class degree in Classics from Cambridge, this was certainly not the obvious path after completing her undergraduate degree. Stephanie traces her fascination for the Middle East to the summer of 2014 when she travelled to Tel Aviv University to study Modern Hebrew just days after war began.  Whilst at Harvard, she will broaden her knowledge of the region, perfect her Modern Hebrew, and embark on learning Arabic, with the hope of pursuing a diplomatic career.  Stephanie is the first in her family to attend university and outside her studies she is passionate about travel, music, food and theatre, all of which she looks forward to experiencing stateside.


Abubakar Abioye博士 27

在整个医学培训过程中,阿布将获奖的对学术卓越的追求与在资源匮乏背景下的实际参与结合起来,还在各种科学和医学杂志上进行写作和副刊编辑工作。他在2013年皇家医学院摄影比赛中以 "同情心 "为主题赢得了一等奖。他获得了一项假期资助,研究美国非裔美国人的健康和犯罪差异。他的长期目标是建立一个全球倡议,解决发展中国家的听力损失问题,从尼日利亚开始。迄今为止,他已经创立了尼日利亚英国医疗倡议(NUMI),这是一个在线平台,使尼日利亚的医学生能够通过互联网接受英国医生的高质量教学。阿布希望看到健康不平等的结束。他欢迎哈佛大学卫生政策专业的广泛性,为他追求这一目标提供资源。

Sam_AtwellSamuel Atwell 24

在获得政治、哲学和经济学的本科学位后,他专门研究了发展中国家的政治经济。Sam通过社会政策研究和在日内瓦的世界卫生组织的实习,"旅行 "到了位于伦敦的非政府组织 "无私",作为项目主管,他监督了英国和孟加拉国的产妇健康项目。萨姆还在技术创新方面有广泛的工作经验,他帮助建立了两个成功的健康技术初创公司,解决了国家医疗服务系统面临的关键问题。 MPP将磨练他的评估和分析技能,并发展管理和领导技能,使他能够实现他对以人为本的医疗和教育政策的愿景。萨姆目前是大未来基金会的受托人,该基金会设在他的家乡约克镇,致力于帮助来自弱势背景的儿童充分发挥他们的生活潜力。

Abraham_BaldryAbraham Baldry 24岁


Charlotte_Cuddihy博士 Charlotte Cuddihy 28岁

夏洛特的目标是成为一名公共卫生专家,尤其对早期发展和沟通赋权感兴趣。这源于她对有学习障碍的青少年的志愿工作,并为她的研究提供了参考。 具体来说,鉴于已知的不良童年环境和持续的健康问题之间的联系,夏洛特创建了一个简单的虐待措施,可以构成儿童医疗记录的一部分。她还发现虐待与持续的睡眠问题之间存在联系。 作为一个轮椅使用者,夏洛特对缺乏与年轻人相关的无障碍信息感到沮丧,她创建了多平台的Disabled Access Glasgow,并将这些社交媒体技能转移到她的医疗环境中,为她的卫生局推出了一个药物更新的微博账户。经过5年的医生工作,夏洛特期待着利用她在哈佛的时间来获得核心的公共卫生技能,并与戴维森教授合作开展健康生活社区项目。

Lawrence_HouldsworthLawrence Houldsworth 24岁

劳伦斯读的是历史,但同样也可以读数学,这就是为什么他加入美丽第一成为一名数学老师,在伦敦两所非常不同的学校工作。 劳伦斯既负责过最有天赋的学生,也负责过那些有困难的学生。 他现在希望有更多时间来分析课程和学校结构对成绩的影响。 他对平等和教育质量的强烈承诺促使他把目光投向教室之外,并利用国际教育政策硕士学位来研究学校文化的创造和影响,以及影响学校和儿童在其中学习能力的多种机构。他希望在完成学位后回到英国的一所公立学校工作。


亚当的临床兴趣集中在急症医学和重症护理方面;他目前是国王学院医院肝脏科的学术基础医生。在这里,他正在研究急性肝衰竭情况下的脑病的新型诊断技术。他对健康技术特别感兴趣,是2015年全国健康技术竞赛 "InspireMEdicine Challenge "的组织者。在国王学院,亚当是一个与NHS数字公司合作的定性研究的首席调查员,调查数字资源对获得紧急护理的病人的影响。在哈佛,卫生政策课程将使亚当在评估和实施卫生技术的过程中获得核心分析技能。他还期待着全球卫生案例竞赛、公共卫生领导力的跨学科集中学习,以及作为哈佛管弦乐队打击乐手锻炼自己技能的机会。

Caragh_NimmoCaragh Nimmo 26岁

Caragh是一名苏格兰律师,对人权,特别是妇女和弱势少数民族群体的人权有着浓厚的兴趣。在格拉斯哥大学读完本科后,Caragh致力于促进平等,在Capability Scotland分析福利改革的影响,并在Clinton Global Initiative帮助协调性别平等项目。通过在苏格兰议会和政府研究所的工作,卡拉格进一步加深了她对善治和有效监管公共权力的兴趣。在过去的一年里,她在最高法院担任司法助理的角色,使她接触到了国家最高级别的法律模糊问题的解决,并激发了她在哈佛大学进行比较宪法研究的欲望。她还欢迎哈佛大学的临床和公益项目,以进一步发展在律师界工作所需的研究和宣传技能。 Caragh热衷于跑步,并参加了最高法院足球队。

Stephanie_PosnerStephanie Posner 23岁

过去两年,斯蒂芬妮在伦敦担任来自中东的外交官的顾问,并将在未来一年作为中东研究中心的特别学生。 她在剑桥大学获得了古典文学的一等学位,这当然不是她完成本科学位后的明显路径。斯蒂芬妮对中东的迷恋可以追溯到2014年夏天,当时她前往特拉维夫大学学习现代希伯来语,当时战争刚开始几天。 在哈佛期间,她将扩大对该地区的了解,完善她的现代希伯来语,并开始学习阿拉伯语,希望能从事外交工作。 斯蒂芬妮是她家庭中第一个上大学的人,在学习之外,她热衷于旅游、音乐、美食和戏剧,她期待着在美国体验这些。
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