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Kennedy Scholars 2014
1Dr Nawaz Ahmad  27

Harvard School of Public Health

Nawaz was raised in east London and attended a school which, at the time, lacked a tradition of participation in higher education. He is a ‘first-generation university student’ and the only student in his school’s history to study Medicine at Oxford, where he completed his undergraduate and clinical medical studies at Balliol College. Whilst at Oxford he was appointed Junior Dean at St. Catherine’s College and served as a Special Constable in the Thames Valley Police Force.  Before practicing as a doctor, Nawaz worked in international health policy, with a focus on HIV/AIDs and TB, at the World Health Organisation’s headquarters in Geneva. He returned to London to practice as an academic clinician. This joint post involved dividing time between front-line clinical practice in his local community which is one of the most deprived areas of the country, and strategic health issues, such as policy responses to health inequality. Most recently he has been working to develop national health policy and strategy as one of the National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellows. This is the flagship programme of the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and is designed to create doctors with the knowledge and skills to lead tomorrow’s NHS.  At Harvard, Nawaz looks forward to developing insights from the School of Public Health, the Kennedy School of Government and the Business School which he can use to fulfil his longer term aim of leading an NHS that ‘does more with less’ while minimising health inequality.  Elsewhere, Nawaz is proud to serve on the board of governors at his old secondary school which is now an Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ Academy in east London.

2Cressida Arkwright  25

Harvard GSAS AM Regional Studies - REECA

Cressida is currently working in policy for Amnesty International in Brussels.  Whilst completing her degree in Modern Languages at Cambridge, she interned with several NGO’s in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. In Moscow, Cressida conducted research into the homeless population, and contributed to plans for the city’s first day-care centre for homeless women with children. She became aware of the situation of female migrant workers from Central Asia, wherein gender inequality compounds issues of racism, exploitation and violence.  As an intern with the BBC Russian Service, Cressida contributed to media coverage of the 2011 parliamentary elections and witnessed the squeeze of civil society, as freedoms of expression and assembly were restricted by legal and political developments.  The Harvard degree will enable her to examine Eurasian politics and society; to explore how projects of nation- and state-building have shaped Central Asia; to examine the structural and macro changes that have encouraged migration and defined development. Further, she seeks to investigate modes and loci of constructing collective and individual identity, and the dynamics of Islamic and post-Soviet identity. Cressida is a fluent Russian and French speaker, with intermediate Ukrainian and welcomes the opportunity for formal study of Uzbek.  At Harvard, Cressida seeks to develop her regional and cultural expertise and to prepare herself for a career in research and policy development in the field of human rights and humanitarian assistance.

Dr David Bargiela   27

Harvard GSAS Visiting Fellow

David currently works as an academic foundation doctor in Newcastle, combining clinical training with academic work in neurogenetics.  He graduated with a Triple Distinction in medicine from Imperial College where he co-founded the Imperial College Neurological Society and pursued a number of self-instigated research projects, obtaining grants to present his findings at international conferences.  A winner of numerous prizes and awards including the Association of Clinical Pathologists Student Research Award in 2011, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Student Prize in 2012 and an Association of Clinical Pathologists’ Journalism Prize in 2013, the latter for a report as a Wellcome Trust Elective Student working on the genetics of HIV neuropathy at Johns Hopkins University.   In conjunction with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, he has designed a mobile app that helps healthcare workers in sub-Saharan Africa diagnose and treat HIV neuropathy, the most common neurological complication of HIV infection.  David is a keen long-distance runner, often in support of his particular interest in Multiple Sclerosis.  He will spend his year at Harvard in a group which combines genetic and brain imaging data to answer questions in MS.  On his return, David will continue academic clinical training with the long-term aim of leading his own research group into MS alongside his work as a consultant neurologist.

4Barney Gilbert  22

Harvard GSAS Special Student

Barney is currently part-way through his training as a medical doctor. He plans to use the breadth of the special student option to further his interests in three key aspects of health care: public policy; clinical innovation; and health systems management. In addition, he is excited to join a world-leading interfaculty research initiative exploring value-based delivery in health care.  Barney became convinced of the power of effective public health measures to improve people’s quality of life when, as a hospital porter, he was selected to represent his local hospital’s “In the Community” project. Since then, he has worked at the Department of Health (UK), where he helped to write the Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report, and has also worked with a consultancy firm to deliver an integrative care package to an NHS Foundation Trust. As an innovator, Barney is involved in several projects that use low-cost technology to improve patient outcomes. He looks forward to collaborating on similar projects with students at the Harvard Business School. Beyond health care, his interests include debating, politics and cricket.

5Dr Justin Healy  26  

Harvard School of Public Health MPH

While studying medicine at the University of Manchester, Justin became particularly interested in the barriers to healthcare experienced by marginalised communities. He worked with asylum seeker charities, student advocacy groups and co-ordinated a national student conference on global health. His interest in conflict and health has taken him to Sri Lanka and Palestine as well as inspiring a Masters degree in healthcare ethics and law where he looked at the application of human rights and distributive justice in the provision of healthcare. A clinical interest in infectious diseases has seen him produce an interactive iTextbook on the subject that has been downloaded across four continents, and he has recently completed a diploma in tropical medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. While at Harvard Justin hopes to study in more depth the ethical framework of humanitarian medicine as well as explore the political and economic considerations of global health policy.

6George Kynaston  25

Harvard Kennedy School non-degree

George aims to combat inequality through a career in public leadership. After studying English at Oxford, he spent two years teaching in Birmingham through Teach First and recently completed an MA in Educational Leadership. George left the classroom to become a volunteer organiser on the Obama 2012 campaign, before returning to the UK to work in Teach First’s recruitment team. Whilst remaining committed to educational opportunity as a crucial pathway to a fairer society - having co-founded Limited Resource Teacher Training, which ran training for over 1000 local teachers in developing countries in 2013 - George aims to use his time at the Kennedy School to gain a fuller understanding of the root causes of inequality. He will cross-register with the Ed School for courses on urban and international education, and hopes to develop his skills regarding effective policy-making and delivery as well as the mobilisation of others. Once generously described by a student newspaper as having “twinkling feet”, he will also play soccer.

7Dr Edward Maile  26

Harvard School of Public Health MPH

Edward studied Medicine at the University of Manchester where he also completed a Genetics BSc (Hons), graduating top of the year and receiving a Faculty of Life Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award. He spent his elective implementing a global health research project in Nepal and is now an Academic Foundation Doctor at the University of Oxford, where he is working on research projects in health policy and management and has won grant-funding from Cancer Research UK and Health Education England. Edward founded the award-winning non-profit Move Eat Treat, which trains healthcare professionals to deliver preventative lifestyle advice and campaigns for curriculum change. He also developed the 2023 Challenge, an innovation competition which funds junior doctors’ ideas to improve patient care. In the face of rising costs, chronic disease and an ageing population, Edward’s long-term goal is to lead the implementation of novel models of healthcare and to help rebalance UK health policy in favour of prevention. He welcomes the opportunity to study in the dynamic environment of America and in particular at the School of Public Health. Outside of healthcare, Edward is a keen triathlete and enjoys outdoor pursuits.

8Joseph Smith  23

Advanced Studies Program, EECS, MIT

Joe attended a mixed comprehensive in an area of relatively low educational attainment and high unemployment.  Two of his 4 A-levels were self-taught. This summer, he will complete a MEng in Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology at UCL.   His bachelor thesis researched two novel types of biodegradable nanowires for use in neuroregenerative medicine and took him to the final 3 of the SET Student of the Year awards in 2013 as well as a poster prize at the Introduction to Quantum Systems and Devices summer school at Aalto University in Helsinki. A 12 week internship at CERN also stimulated cross-disciplinary conversations amongst an international cohort and Joe looks forward to the interdisciplinary nature of study at MIT.  He will be developing his research into quantum information and gaining the scientific background he currently lacks by taking modules in Course Q under the iQuISE umbrella.   He anticipates a doctorate in quantum computation and enjoys the fact that modern EECS is a discipline with fluid boundaries.  It has also enabled him to encourage budding engineers using Lego at a north London primary school.

1纳瓦兹-艾哈迈德博士 27


纳瓦兹在伦敦东部长大,就读的学校在当时缺乏参与高等教育的传统。他是 "第一代大学生",也是学校历史上唯一一个在牛津大学学习医学的学生,他在Balliol学院完成了他的本科和临床医学研究。在牛津大学期间,他被任命为圣凯瑟琳学院的小院长,并在泰晤士河谷警察部队担任特别警员。 在行医之前,纳瓦兹曾在日内瓦的世界卫生组织总部从事国际卫生政策工作,重点是艾滋病毒/艾滋病和结核病。他回到伦敦后,作为一名学术性临床医生执业。在这个联合职位上,他把时间分给了当地社区的一线临床实践,该社区是该国最贫困的地区之一,同时也分给了战略健康问题,如对健康不平等的政策回应。最近,他作为国家医疗总监的临床研究员之一,一直致力于发展国家卫生政策和战略。这是医学领导和管理学院的旗舰项目,旨在培养具有知识和技能的医生来领导未来的国家卫生系统。 在哈佛,纳瓦兹期待着从公共卫生学院、肯尼迪政府学院和商学院获得更多的见解,他可以利用这些见解来实现他的长期目标,即领导一个 "少花钱多办事 "的国家医疗服务系统,同时尽量减少健康不平等。 在其他方面,纳瓦兹很自豪地在他以前的中学担任理事会成员,该中学现在是伦敦东部的一所经检验合格的 "杰出 "学院。

2Cressida Arkwright 25

哈佛大学GSAS AM区域研究 - REECA

Cressida目前在布鲁塞尔的国际特赦组织从事政策工作。 在剑桥大学完成现代语言学学位期间,她曾在俄罗斯、乌克兰和白俄罗斯的几个非政府组织实习。在莫斯科,Cressida对无家可归的人口进行了研究,并为该市第一个为有孩子的无家可归妇女设立的日间护理中心的计划做出了贡献。她意识到来自中亚的女性移民工人的处境,其中的性别不平等使种族主义、剥削和暴力问题更加复杂。 作为英国广播公司俄罗斯分部的实习生,Cressida参与了2011年议会选举的媒体报道,并目睹了民间社会的挤压,因为法律和政治发展限制了言论和集会自由。 哈佛大学的学位将使她能够研究欧亚政治和社会;探索民族和国家建设项目如何塑造中亚;研究鼓励移民和定义发展的结构和宏观变化。此外,她试图研究构建集体和个人身份的模式和地点,以及伊斯兰和后苏联身份的动态。Cressida能说流利的俄语和法语,能说中级乌克兰语,并欢迎有机会正式学习乌兹别克语。 在哈佛,Cressida寻求发展她的区域和文化专业知识,并为自己在人权和人道主义援助领域的研究和政策制定工作做好准备。

David Bargiela博士 27


大卫目前在纽卡斯尔担任学术基础医生,将临床培训与神经遗传学的学术工作相结合。 他以三等奖的成绩毕业于帝国理工学院,在那里他共同创立了帝国理工学院神经学会,并进行了许多自发的研究项目,获得了在国际会议上展示其研究成果的资助。 他获得了许多奖项,包括2011年的临床病理学家协会学生研究奖、2012年的皇家儿科和儿童健康学院学生奖以及2013年的临床病理学家协会新闻奖,后者是由于他作为惠康基金会选修学生在约翰霍普金斯大学研究艾滋病神经病变的遗传学的报告。  他与约翰-霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院合作,设计了一个移动应用程序,帮助撒哈拉以南非洲的医护人员诊断和治疗艾滋病毒神经病变,这是艾滋病毒感染最常见的神经系统并发症。 大卫热衷于长跑,经常支持他对多发性硬化症的特殊兴趣。 他将在哈佛大学的一个小组中度过他的一年,该小组结合基因和脑成像数据来回答多发性硬化症的问题。 回国后,大卫将继续进行临床学术培训,长期目标是在担任神经病学顾问的同时,领导自己的多发性硬化症研究小组。

4Barney Gilbert 22


巴尼目前正在接受医生培训的过程中。他计划利用特殊学生选项的广度,进一步提高他对医疗保健三个关键方面的兴趣:公共政策;临床创新;和卫生系统管理。此外,他很高兴能加入一个世界领先的院际研究计划,探索基于价值的医疗保健服务。 当巴尼作为医院的搬运工被选为当地医院 "在社区 "项目的代表时,他开始相信有效的公共卫生措施对改善人们的生活质量的力量。从那时起,他在英国卫生部工作,帮助撰写首席医疗官的年度报告,还与一家咨询公司合作,为一个国家医疗服务体系基金会信托基金提供综合护理方案。作为一个创新者,巴尼参与了几个使用低成本技术来改善病人结果的项目。他期待着与哈佛商学院的学生合作开展类似的项目。除了医疗保健,他的兴趣还包括辩论、政治和板球。

5 Justin Healy博士 26  



6乔治-凯纳斯顿 25


乔治的目标是通过从事公共领导工作来消除不平等。在牛津大学学习英语后,他通过Teach First在伯明翰教了两年书,最近还完成了教育领导学的硕士学位。乔治离开教室,成为奥巴马2012年竞选活动的志愿者组织者,然后回到英国,在 "美丽第一 "的招聘团队工作。在继续致力于将教育机会作为通向更公平社会的重要途径的同时--在2013年共同创办了有限资源教师培训,为发展中国家的1000多名当地教师提供培训--乔治希望利用他在肯尼迪学院的时间,对不平等的根源有更充分的了解。他将在教育学院交叉注册城市和国际教育方面的课程,并希望发展他在有效的政策制定和实施以及动员他人方面的技能。他曾被一份学生报纸慷慨地描述为 "闪烁的脚",他还将踢足球。

7 爱德华-迈尔博士 26


爱德华在曼彻斯特大学学习医学,他还完成了遗传学学士学位(荣誉),以全年第一名的成绩毕业,并获得了生命科学学院的杰出成就奖。他利用选修课在尼泊尔实施了一个全球健康研究项目,现在是牛津大学的学术基础博士,他在那里从事健康政策和管理方面的研究项目,并赢得了英国癌症研究中心和英格兰健康教育的资助。爱德华创立了获奖的非营利组织Move Eat Treat,该组织培训医疗保健专业人员提供预防性的生活方式建议并开展课程改革运动。他还开发了2023年挑战赛,这是一个创新比赛,资助初级医生的想法,以改善病人护理。面对成本上升、慢性病和人口老龄化,爱德华的长期目标是领导新型医疗模式的实施,并帮助重新平衡英国的卫生政策,使之有利于预防。他很高兴有机会在美国的动态环境中学习,特别是在公共卫生学院。在医疗保健领域之外,爱德华是一名热衷于铁人三项的运动员,并喜欢户外活动。

8Joseph Smith 23


乔在一个教育程度相对较低、失业率较高的地区就读于一所混合综合学校。 他的4个A-levels中有两个是自学的。今年夏天,他将在UCL完成电子工程与纳米技术的工程硕士。  他的学士论文研究了两种用于神经再生医学的新型生物可降解纳米线,并使他在2013年获得了SET年度学生奖的最后3名,还在赫尔辛基阿尔托大学的量子系统和设备介绍暑期学校获得了海报奖。在欧洲核子研究中心为期12周的实习也激发了国际学生之间的跨学科对话,乔期待着在麻省理工学院学习的跨学科性质。 他将发展他的量子信息研究,并通过学习iQuISE框架下的Q课程模块获得他目前缺乏的科学背景。  他预计将获得量子计算方面的博士学位,并喜欢现代EECS是一门边界不固定的学科。 这也使他能够在伦敦北部的一所小学用乐高积木鼓励萌芽中的工程师。
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