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Kennedy Scholars 2013
Jasdeep_Bains_edited-1Jasdeep Bains  23  

Special Student, Harvard GSAS

Jasdeep will be studying in Harvard’s theoretical physics group in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and welcomes the opportunity to also take courses from the Graduate School of Education.  After beginning his studies at Imperial College, he has recently completed an MSci in Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Birmingham, where he was in receipt of an Ambassador Excellence Scholarship and also won a fully-funded research internship at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in Hamburg.  Prior to leaving for Harvard Jasdeep will be on a DAAD scholarship in Berlin where he will work in the theoretical physics group led by a former collaborator of the late Nobel Prize-winning American, Richard Feynman.  Jasdeep looks forward to a career in theoretical physics but also maintains a very strong interest in politics. Having been an active educator for many years now, he is keen to investigate the creation of a national organisation aimed at inspiring children with the beauty of science.  Jasdeep also has a particular interest in the differences between UK and US educational systems and has already forged links with a school in Massachusetts. His own underprivileged education has spurred his interest in this area.   Aside from his academic pursuits, Jasdeep is a keen sportsman, practicing both basketball and “cage fighting”, or Mixed Martial Arts, and is looking forward to developing his skills in a country where both of these sports feature prominently.

Alex_Batchelor_(3)_edited-1Alexandra Batchelor  21

Harvard Neuroscience PhD

Alexandra has just completed a Natural Sciences degree at Clare College, Cambridge and will be starting the Neuroscience doctoral programme at Harvard.   She became interested in studying in the US after spending summer 2012 as Clare’s Watson Scholar at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, where she did research on the role of the orbitofrontal cortex in decision-making.  The main appeal of an American PhD was the opportunity to spend a few months working in several different labs, exploring different areas of neuroscience and discovering an important thesis question.  Harvard was particularly appealing due to the large number of scientists working in Alex’s chosen specialism of systems neuroscience and investigating the neural basis of certain behaviours.  She’ll also enjoy collaborating with the many other neuroscience PhD students there.  At Cambridge, Alex has been involved in Clare Access, encouraging young people to apply to Cambridge regardless of their background and teaching sixth-formers university-level neuroscience.  She also sang in several productions and was an Associate Editor for The Science in Society Review.  She hopes to continue these activities at Harvard while gaining skills that will enable to run her own lab in the future.  

Izzy_Boggild-Jones_(3)_edited-1Isabel Boggild-Jones  23

Harvard GSAS Special Student

Having graduated in Philosophy, Politics & Economics, Izzy has spent the past two years teaching English and Politics in a south London secondary school with Teach First. Whilst at Oxford, she was involved in student journalism as a reporter and editor and hosted a radio show on student politics. A summer of media work placements convinced her that such indirect political involvement was not for her, and her particular interests in family policy and the study of educational disadvantage took her to Teach First. At Harvard, Izzy expects to further her study of education within the wider fields of social policy and feminist political theory and welcomes the breadth of opportunity provided to her as a Special Student.   She hopes to return to frontline involvement in British education policy.

Tom_Etheridge_1_edited-1Thomas Etheridge  24

Harvard Kennedy School MPP

Tom has worked at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs since graduating from Oxford three years ago.   His particular interest during his study of Philosophy, Politics & Economics was the forces that shape human decision-making.   He found all three disciplines of his degree transferred well into the Civil Service Fast Stream roles supporting the dairy industry, tackling food waste and, most recently, in a Minister’s office.   Finding his commitment to public service strengthened, Tom now wishes to take the Masters in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School to develop further the academic foundations he believes underpin sound public policy making.

Philippa Greer  24  Philippa_Greer_edited-1

Harvard Law School LLM

From a family with no formal education, Philippa graduated from the University of Edinburgh Degree of Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours.  She then volunteered in the aftermath of civil war in Sri Lanka, before achieving exceptionally high marks in the Dip. PLP.   After spending several months assisting with the defense of clients on Death Row, she worked on a range of access to justice and advocacy issues as an intern at the Southern Center for Human Rights and the Legal Aid Society of New York. She now serves as Primary Editor of the Harvard Human Rights Journal, reviewing a broad spectrum of international and domestic human rights scholarship, whilst working in the legal profession in Scotland. Philippa has outstanding potential as someone who has the capacity to lead real world change. A recent graduate, she has been published numerous times in the Juridical Review, the Scots Law Times, the JLSS, the Amicus Journal and the International Bar Association: Young Lawyers, as well as having written law reform articles for the One for Ten Project, the Women’s Support Project and the Zero Tolerance Campaign. Prior to commencing at Harvard, Philippa will return to the South to assist with the work of the Equal Justice Initiative in Alabama.

Gus_Lonergan_2_edited-1Augustus Lonergan  22

MIT Mathematics PhD

Gus is particularly interested in the relatively new field of geometric representation theory; this area has already been used to solve previously intractable problems at the interface of representation theory and algebraic geometry. It has also provided deep insights into a range of topics from number theory to physics.   He enjoys the collaborative nature of current mathematical study and is looking forward to the broad teaching experience he will gain by taking his PhD in the US. He has spent two summers gaining research experience at the University of Virginia with Professor Leonard Scott, investigating the representation theory of affine lie algebras.  In addition, Gus is a keen rugby and squash player. He relaxes by playing the piano and guitar and through song-writing.

Emma_McIlveen_edited-1Emma McIlveen  22

Harvard GSAS Special Student

A law graduate of Queen’s University Belfast, Emma McIlveen will spend her year at Harvard as a Special Student.  Emma was brought up in a small village in Northern Ireland and was the first of her family to attend university. Throughout her law degree, she worked in a local solicitor’s firm and volunteered with the Woman’s Aid Domestic Violence helpline in Belfast. Upon completion of her law degree, Emma was awarded scholarships to enable her to complete legal internships in both Los Angeles and Beijing. During her time at Harvard, Emma welcomes the opportunity to develop her research skills whilst expanding her understanding of political and social theory alongside questions of justice and human rights. In the future, Emma hopes to apply for judicial office and challenge the current under-representation of women within the senior judiciary in Northern Ireland.

Oliver_Newth_2_edited-1Oliver Newth  21

MIT M Eng High Performance Structures

Oliver enjoys the duality of function and form in structural engineering, with a particular interest in high-rise buildings and skyscrapers.   He will be studying a Master’s course in High Performance Structures at MIT having completed his undergraduate studies in Civil Engineering at Warwick.   He looks forward to the practical relevance of his chosen US course, particularly relating to research into construction materials and how findings from such research can lead to improved durability, ultimately saving lives in earthquake-prone environments.   Oliver has run his own website development and graphic design firm over the past five years.   Recently, he gained funding to develop a lecture resource management application, working with two computer scientists to produce the program over six weeks.   Oliver has also given significant time to teaching mathematics in Ghana through the Warwick in Africa programme over the past two years and has recently   spent four months working in Sierra Leone as a project engineer.   His exposure to the poor infrastructure in these countries will also inform his studies at MIT and his future as an engineer.

JamesODonovan_(3)_edited-1James O'Donovan  24

Harvard GSAS Visiting Fellow

James is currently in the middle of his medical studies at Newcastle University and will spend this year furthering work started on his intercalated MRes in Aging & Health, with particular reference to dementia with Lewy bodies and its distinction from Alzheimer ’s disease.   James’s research has been published in peer-review journals and he was awarded a grant to present his work at the annual scientific meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology.  At Harvard, James will work as part of Dr Brad Dickerson’s group.   He aims to take a PhD in the longer term and continue his collaborative links with the US.   Alongside his academic work, James has founded a non-profit organisation selling Ugandan goods in the UK, profits from which fund school fees and community projects.  This organisation, known as the Elimu project, will be developed further during his year as a Kennedy Scholar. He is also a keen athlete and looks forward to representing the university track and field team.

Jenny_Quigley-JonesJennifer Quigley-Jones 22  

Harvard GSAS AM Regional Studies: Middle East

Jennifer read History and Politics at the University of Warwick and won the opportunity to study abroad for a year at the University of California, Los Angeles, during which she spent a term in Washington, DC. Whilst in Washington, she served as National Security Intern at the Center for American Progress, a think tank focusing on foreign, economic, and domestic policy. She has published in both international and student journals on Syria, Afghanistan, and Colombia, and presented her research at academic conferences. In 2008, she was the first woman to win the Institute for Economic Affairs' student essay competition, and in 2010, she served as Editorial Assistant for The Economist's "The World in 2010" magazine. At Harvard University, Jennifer will complete her Master's in Regional Studies with a Middle East concentration, offering the opportunity to perfect her Arabic and engage further with the cultural and political complexities of the region. Jennifer plans to work as an academic and policy adviser on political, economic and security issues in the Middle East and internationally.

Anna_Stansbury_edited-1Anna Stansbury  21

Harvard Kennedy School MPP

Anna graduated top of her year in Economics at Cambridge University and will be taking the Masters in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.  While at Cambridge, Anna was Director for Policy and Director for External Affairs for the Wilberforce Society, Cambridge University’s student think tank, and was instrumental in building this new society's profile in Westminster and nationwide.   With the Wilberforce Society, she wrote and published policy papers which attracted interest from MPs, peers and national and specialist media, including recommendations on tackling homelessness and a commissioned paper on corporation tax in Northern Ireland.  A competitive debater at school and university, Anna was Speakers Officer at the Cambridge Union, a member of the UK Youth Parliament, and founder of her school's Amnesty International youth group.   She captained the Cambridge University Ladies' target shooting team and St John's College University Challenge team.   In her spare time she is a keen musician and singer, and played oboe in the National Children's Orchestra. On the MPP, she plans to specialise in international trade and finance, with a view to a career in financial policy and socially-beneficial finance.

Jasdeep_Bains_edited-1Jasdeep Bains 23  


贾斯迪普将在哈佛大学艺术与科学研究生院的理论物理组学习,并欢迎有机会同时学习教育研究生院的课程。 在帝国学院开始学习后,他最近在伯明翰大学完成了理论物理和应用数学的硕士课程,在那里他获得了卓越大使奖学金,还赢得了在汉堡德国电子同步加速器的全额资助的研究实习机会。 在前往哈佛大学之前,Jasdeep将在柏林获得DAAD奖学金,他将在已故诺贝尔奖获得者美国人理查德-费曼的前合作者领导的理论物理小组工作。 贾斯迪普期待着在理论物理学领域的职业生涯,但也对政治保持着非常强烈的兴趣。多年来,他一直是一名活跃的教育工作者,他热衷于研究建立一个旨在用科学之美激励儿童的国家组织。 贾斯迪普还对英国和美国教育系统的差异特别感兴趣,并且已经与马萨诸塞州的一所学校建立了联系。他自己的贫困教育刺激了他对这个领域的兴趣。  除了学术方面的追求,Jasdeep还热衷于运动,既练习篮球,也练习 "笼斗",即混合武术,他期待着在一个这两种运动都很突出的国家发展自己的技能。

Alex_Batchelor_(3)_edited-1Alexandra Batchelor 21岁


Alexandra刚刚完成了剑桥大学克莱尔学院的自然科学学位,并将开始哈佛大学的神经科学博士课程。  她在2012年夏天作为克莱尔的沃森学者在纽约的冷泉港实验室进行了关于轨道前额皮层在决策中的作用的研究,之后她对在美国学习产生了兴趣。 美国博士的主要吸引力是有机会花几个月时间在几个不同的实验室工作,探索神经科学的不同领域并发现一个重要的论文问题。 哈佛大学特别吸引人,因为有大量的科学家在亚历克斯选择的系统神经科学专业工作,研究某些行为的神经基础。 她也会喜欢与那里的许多其他神经科学博士生合作。 在剑桥,亚历克斯参与了Clare Access的工作,鼓励年轻人申请剑桥大学,无论他们的背景如何,并教授六年级学生大学阶段的神经科学。 她还在一些剧目中唱歌,并担任《社会科学评论》的副编辑。 她希望在哈佛继续这些活动,同时获得技能,以便将来能够经营自己的实验室。

Izzy_Boggild-Jones_(3)_edited-1Isabel Boggild-Jones 23


Izzy毕业于哲学、政治和经济学专业,在过去的两年里,她在伦敦南部的一所中学与Teach First一起教授英语和政治学。在牛津大学期间,她作为记者和编辑参与了学生新闻工作,并主持了一个关于学生政治的广播节目。一个夏天的媒体工作实习使她确信这种间接的政治参与不适合她,而她对家庭政策和教育劣势研究的特殊兴趣使她加入了Teach First。在哈佛,Izzy希望在更广泛的社会政策和女权主义政治理论领域进一步研究教育,并欢迎作为特殊学生为她提供的广泛机会。  她希望能回到英国教育政策的第一线参与工作。

Tom_Etheridge_1_edited-1Thomas Etheridge 24


三年前从牛津大学毕业后,汤姆就在环境、食品和农村事务部工作。  在学习哲学、政治学和经济学期间,他特别感兴趣的是塑造人类决策的力量。  他发现他所学的三个学科都能很好地融入到公务员快速流的工作中,支持乳制品行业,解决食品浪费问题,以及最近在部长办公室的工作。  汤姆发现他对公共服务的承诺得到了加强,他现在希望在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院攻读公共政策硕士学位,以进一步发展他认为支撑健全的公共政策制定的学术基础。

Philippa Greer 24 Philippa_Greer_edited-1


来自一个没有受过正规教育的家庭,菲利帕以一级荣誉毕业于爱丁堡大学法学学士学位。 之后,她在斯里兰卡内战结束后做了志愿者,然后在Dip.PLP中取得了特别高的分数。PLP。  在花了几个月时间协助死囚牢房客户的辩护之后,她在南方人权中心和纽约法律援助协会担任实习生,从事一系列诉诸司法和宣传问题的工作。她现在担任《哈佛人权杂志》的初级编辑,审查广泛的国际和国内人权学术成果,同时在苏格兰的法律界工作。作为一个有能力领导现实世界变革的人,菲利帕具有突出的潜力。作为一名应届毕业生,她曾多次在《法学评论》、《苏格兰法律时报》、《JLSS》、《Amicus杂志》和国际律师协会上发表文章。她还为 "十人帮 "项目、妇女支持项目和零容忍运动撰写法律改革文章。在开始在哈佛学习之前,菲利帕将回到南方,协助阿拉巴马州的平等正义倡议的工作。

Gus_Lonergan_2_edited-1Augustus Lonergan 22


古斯对相对较新的几何表示理论领域特别感兴趣;这个领域已经被用来解决表示理论和代数几何界面上以前难以解决的问题。它还为从数论到物理学的一系列课题提供了深刻的见解。  他喜欢当前数学研究的合作性质,并期待着在美国攻读博士学位时获得广泛的教学经验。他曾在弗吉尼亚大学与伦纳德-斯科特教授一起度过了两个夏天,获得了研究经验,研究仿射谎言矩阵的表示理论。 此外,古斯还热衷于橄榄球和壁球运动。他通过弹钢琴和吉他以及写歌来放松自己。

Emma_McIlveen_edited-1Emma McIlveen 22


作为贝尔法斯特女王大学的法律毕业生,Emma McIlveen将作为特别学生在哈佛度过她的一年。 艾玛在北爱尔兰的一个小村庄里长大,是她家第一个上大学的人。在整个法律学位期间,她在当地一家律师事务所工作,并在贝尔法斯特的妇女援助组织家庭暴力求助热线做志愿者。在完成她的法律学位后,艾玛获得了奖学金,使她能够在洛杉矶和北京完成法律实习。在哈佛大学学习期间,艾玛欢迎有机会发展她的研究技能,同时扩大她对政治和社会理论以及正义和人权问题的理解。在未来,艾玛希望能申请司法职位,并挑战目前北爱尔兰高级司法机构中女性代表不足的问题。

Oliver_Newth_2_edited-1Oliver Newth 21


奥利弗喜欢结构工程中功能和形式的双重性,对高层建筑和摩天大楼特别感兴趣。  他将在麻省理工学院学习高性能结构的硕士课程,之前他在华威大学完成了土木工程的本科学习。  他期待着他所选择的美国课程的实际意义,特别是与建筑材料的研究有关,以及这些研究的结果如何能导致耐久性的提高,最终在地震多发环境中拯救生命。  在过去的五年里,奥利弗经营着自己的网站开发和平面设计公司。  最近,他获得了开发一个讲座资源管理应用程序的资金,与两位计算机科学家合作,在六个星期内制作了这个程序。  在过去的两年里,奥利弗还通过华威大学在非洲的项目为加纳的数学教学付出了大量的时间,最近还在塞拉利昂作为项目工程师工作了四个月。  他对这些国家糟糕的基础设施的接触也将为他在麻省理工学院的学习和他未来成为一名工程师提供参考。

JamesODonovan_(3)_edited-1James O'Donovan 24


詹姆斯目前正在纽卡斯尔大学进行医学研究,今年他将继续进行他在老龄化与健康领域的插班式MRes研究,特别是路易体痴呆症及其与阿尔茨海默病的区别。  詹姆斯的研究已经发表在同行评议的期刊上,他还获得了一笔资助,在国际老年精神神经药理学学院的年度科学会议上介绍他的工作。 在哈佛,詹姆斯将作为布拉德-迪克森博士小组的一员工作。  他的目标是在较长时间内攻读博士学位,并继续与美国的合作关系。  除了学术工作,詹姆斯还成立了一个非营利组织,在英国销售乌干达商品,其利润用于资助学费和社区项目。 这个组织被称为Elimu项目,将在他作为肯尼迪学者的一年中进一步发展。他也是一名热心的运动员,并期待着代表大学田径队参赛。

Jenny_Quigley-JonesJennifer Quigley-Jones 22  

哈佛大学GSAS AM区域研究。中东

詹妮弗在华威大学学习历史和政治,并赢得了在加州大学洛杉矶分校留学一年的机会,在此期间她在华盛顿特区度过了一个学期。在华盛顿期间,她在美国进步中心担任国家安全实习生,这是一个专注于外交、经济和国内政策的智囊团。她在国际和学生刊物上发表了关于叙利亚、阿富汗和哥伦比亚的文章,并在学术会议上发表了她的研究。2008年,她是第一位赢得经济事务研究所学生作文比赛的女性,2010年,她担任《经济学人》杂志 "2010年世界 "的编辑助理。在哈佛大学,詹妮弗将完成她的区域研究硕士课程,重点是中东地区,这为她提供了完善阿拉伯语和进一步参与该地区复杂的文化和政治的机会。珍妮弗计划在中东和国际的政治、经济和安全问题上担任学术和政策顾问。

Anna_Stansbury_edited-1Anna Stansbury 21岁


安娜在剑桥大学经济学专业毕业时成绩名列前茅,将在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院攻读公共政策硕士学位。 在剑桥大学期间,安娜是剑桥大学学生智囊团威尔伯福斯协会的政策主任和对外事务主任,她在建立这个新协会在威斯敏斯特和全国的形象方面发挥了重要作用。  在威尔伯福斯协会,她撰写并发表了政策文件,引起了国会议员、同行以及国家和专业媒体的兴趣,包括关于解决无家可归问题的建议和一份关于北爱尔兰公司税的委托文件。 在学校和大学里,安娜是一个有竞争力的辩论者,她是剑桥大学联盟的发言人,英国青年议会的成员,以及她学校的国际特赦组织青年团体的创始人。  她是剑桥大学女子射箭队和圣约翰学院大学挑战队的队长。  在业余时间,她热衷于音乐和歌唱,并在国家儿童乐团中演奏双簧管。在MPP,她计划专攻国际贸易和金融,以期在金融政策和社会公益性金融方面有所作为。
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