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发表于 2022-6-29 20:30:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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My Economist
The world in brief
Catch up quickly on the global stories that matter

Updated 2 hours ago (10:48 GMT+1 / 05:48 New York)

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Finland and Sweden will be formally invited to join NATO on Wednesday, according to the alliance’s secretary-general, after an agreement over their membership was reached on Tuesday evening. Turkey had been blocking the countries’ bids on the grounds that they are home to Kurdish separatists (whom Turkey considers terrorists) but conceded after they promised to be tougher on terrorism. President Joe Biden, a staunch advocate for Finland and Sweden joining, is set to announce new American military commitments during NATO’s summit this week.

The Ukranian mayor of Kherson, an occupied city in southern Ukraine, was detained after refusing to cooperate with Russian officials. Meanwhile a Russian missile hit a residential building in the nearby city of Mykolaiv, killing at least three civilians. Video also emerged of a rocket hitting a shopping centre in Kremenchuk, in central Ukraine, on Monday, dispelling Russian denials of responsibility for the attack.

A former White House aide testified that Donald Trump knew the mob of his supporters could turn violent when they gathered at the Capitol on January 6th last year. Cassidy Hutchinson—who worked for Mr Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows—told the House of Representatives committee investigating the insurrection that Mr Trump tried to take the wheel of his limo from a secret-service agent, in order to meet the crowd at the Capitol.

Officials in the Philippines ordered Rappler, an online media outlet, to shut down. It is one of the few outlets in the country critical of Rodrigo Duterte, the outgoing president. Maria Ressa, the co-founder and joint-winner of last year’s Nobel peace prize, said Rappler would stay open and challenge the order in court. Mr Duterte will be replaced by Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos on Thursday.

Republicans in Colorado nominated a moderate candidate supportive of some abortion rights to the Senate, in one of the first primaries held in America since the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v Wade. Joe O’Dea has said he believes that the decision to have a termination in the initial months of pregnancy is “between a person and their God”. Meanwhile a county judge in Texas temporarily blocked a total ban on abortions from taking effect in the state.

Officials in Rajasthan, a state in northern India, suspended internet services amid rising tensions after a Hindu man was murdered by two Muslim men. In a video posted online, the killers said they were retaliating against the victim’s support for Nupur Sharma, the suspended spokeswoman for the Bharatiya Janata Party who made controversial remarks about the Prophet Muhammad this month.

The board of Walt Disney, the world’s biggest media company, voted unanimously to extend the contract of its chief executive for another three years. Bob Chapek was heavily criticised for his response to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which restricts conversations about sexuality and gender orientation in schools. Liberals were angry that Disney was slow to object to the bill; Republicans were furious when it did.

Fact of the day: 9%, the percentage of Americans who think that a pregnant woman should never be able to obtain a legal abortion. Read the full article.

Who will meet the world’s demand for oil?

It is increasingly difficult to blame soaring petrol prices on the machinations of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Led by Saudi Arabia, the oil cartel tries to manage the world oil supply. On Wednesday OPEC will gather virtually to discuss production quotas. On Thursday it will do the same in an expanded group known as OPEC+, including a handful of other big producers of oil, notably Russia.

More oil may help to ease prices. OPEC+ has committed to boost output by almost 650,000 barrels per day in July and August, up from previously planned increases of roughly 400,000. In July Joe Biden, America’s president, will visit Saudi Arabia to plead for even more. But at the G7 summit on Monday France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, was overheard telling Mr Biden that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates—the only two OPEC countries thought to have a lot of spare production capability—are at “maximum” and “don’t have huge capacity.”

Vladimir Putin’s first wartime trip abroad

Outside the West, most of the world has not picked a side in Russia’s war on Ukraine. Yet Russia has few real allies, which may explain why Vladimir Putin has not left his country since ordering the invasion in late February. This week he is finally remedying that with a short trip to Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, two friendly ex-Soviet countries in Central Asia, followed by two days in Belarus.

On Tuesday in Dushanbe, the Tajik capital, Mr Putin met President Imomali Rakhmon, who has run his country for almost three decades. Mr Rakhmon values Russian help against Islamists: Tajikistan hosts a Russian military base with about 7,000 troops. On Wednesday in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, Mr Putin will attend a summit of the five Caspian littoral countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Here, some relations are more complicated. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan refuses to recognise the Russian-backed statelets in eastern Ukraine, perhaps fearing his regime could face similar separatist unrest. Mr Putin, who sent troops to prop up Mr Tokayev during riots in January, is not pleased.

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Europe flirts with stagflation

Inflation is high and unemployment is at a record low. These should be signs that the euro-zone economy is overheating. Yet it is not. For now it remains caught between a strong reopening boom after the pandemic, and uncertainty amid war in Ukraine and high energy prices. Most recent indicators have pointed to an economic slowdown. The European Commission’s business and consumer survey, due on Wednesday, is expected to do the same.

Industrial indicators from Germany and Austria show a decline in new orders and business expectations. The threat of gas rationing is looming, notably in Germany. And although wage growth will pick up as workers demand compensation for rising prices, it is unlikely to keep pace with inflation. In July the European Central Bank must decide how steeply to raise interest rates. Demonstrating resolve against inflation while protecting growth and employment will require the most delicate balance.

Uproar over executions in Myanmar

Myanmar’s generals have no qualms about shedding blood. Since seizing power in a coup in February 2021 the army has killed at least 2,000 Burmese. Yet the junta has provoked particular outrage over its vow to hang four political prisoners. It has refused to say when exactly the executions will take place but there is speculation that the executions are imminent. It will be the first time the death penalty has been used in Myanmar in more than 30 years.

Two of those on death row are prominent democracy activists convicted of collaborating with a rival government formed by deposed MPs shortly after the coup. The other two were found guilty of killing military informants. That the junta is dusting off the gallows suggests the army feels obliged to ramp up its campaign of intimidation. Since the coup as many as 100,000 Burmese have formed militias. They are growing better-organised, and gaining territory. Making martyrs of four rebels will do little to change that.

The history of black comedy

A new documentary about the history of black comedy in America is released on Wednesday on A&E Networks. “Right to Offend” explores stand-up pioneers such as Moms Mabley, a vaudeville entertainer, Dick Gregory and Richard Pryor, as well as more recent entertainers like Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and Kevin Hart. The title refers to comedy’s potential for subversion and controversy, as well as its importance in social-justice movements.

Some black comedians such as the (now-disgraced) Bill Cosby, have steered clear of racial politics, focusing instead on issues common to all Americans. But, as talking-heads in the programme contend, for most African-American performers comedy has always been entwined with politics. Gregory became a civil-rights activist. Mr Chappelle's Netflix special “8.46” is a reference to the period for which George Floyd suffocated under the knee of a white policeman. To reinforce their point, the film-makers juxtapose footage of police violence with audio from stand-up routines.

Daily quiz

Our baristas will serve you a new question each day this week. On Friday your challenge is to give us all five answers and, as important, tell us the connecting theme. Email your responses (and include mention of your home city and country) by 1700 BST on Friday to We’ll pick randomly from those with the right answers and crown one winner per continent on Saturday.

Wednesday: Which Christmas carol was based on a poem by Christina Rossetti, set to music by Gustav Holst?

Tuesday: Which American actor formed one half of a double act with a performer whose real name was Arthur Stanley Jefferson?

Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry




菲律宾官员下令关闭在线媒体Rappler。它是该国为数不多的批评即将离任的总统罗德里戈-杜特尔特的媒体之一。去年诺贝尔和平奖联合创始人玛丽亚-雷萨(Maria Ressa)说,Rappler将继续营业,并在法庭上挑战这一命令。杜特尔特先生将于周四由费迪南德-邦邦-马科斯接替。

科罗拉多州的共和党人提名了一位支持某些堕胎权利的温和派候选人进入参议院,这是自最高法院投票推翻罗伊诉韦德案以来美国举行的首批初选之一。Joe O'Dea表示,他认为在怀孕最初几个月终止妊娠的决定是 "一个人和他们的上帝之间的事"。与此同时,德克萨斯州的一名县级法官暂时阻止了全面禁止堕胎的规定在该州生效。


世界最大的媒体公司华特迪士尼的董事会一致投票决定将其首席执行官的合同再延长三年。鲍勃-查普克因其对佛罗里达州 "不要说同性恋 "法律的回应而受到严厉批评,该法律限制在学校进行有关性行为和性别取向的谈话。自由主义者对迪斯尼迟迟不反对该法案感到愤怒;当它反对时,共和党人也很愤怒。



越来越难将飙升的汽油价格归咎于石油输出国组织的阴谋。在沙特阿拉伯的领导下,这个石油卡特尔试图管理世界石油供应。周三,欧佩克将聚集在一起,讨论生产配额。周四,它将在一个被称为 "欧佩克+"的扩大小组中进行同样的讨论,其中包括其他几个石油生产大国,特别是俄罗斯。

更多的石油可能有助于缓解价格。欧佩克+已经承诺在7月和8月将产量提高近65万桶/日,高于之前计划的大约40万桶。7月,美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)将访问沙特阿拉伯,恳求增加产量。但在周一的七国集团峰会上,法国总统埃马纽埃尔-马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)被偷听到告诉拜登先生,沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国--被认为拥有大量剩余生产能力的唯一两个欧佩克国家--正处于 "最大限度","没有巨大的能力"。












一部关于美国黑人喜剧历史的新纪录片于周三在A&E网络上发布。"冒犯的权利 "探讨了杂耍艺人Moms Mabley、Dick Gregory和Richard Pryor等单口相声先驱,以及Eddie Murphy、Dave Chappelle和Kevin Hart等近期艺人。这个标题指的是喜剧的颠覆和争议的潜力,以及它在社会正义运动中的重要性。

一些黑人喜剧演员,如(现已名誉扫地的)比尔-考斯比,已经避开了种族政治,而是关注所有美国人共同的问题。但是,正如节目中的谈话者所争论的那样,对大多数非裔美国人表演者来说,喜剧一直与政治纠缠在一起。格雷戈里成为了一名民权活动家。查佩尔先生的Netflix特别节目 "8.46 "是指乔治-弗洛伊德在一名白人警察的膝盖下窒息的那段时间。为了加强他们的观点,电影制作人将警察暴力的镜头与单口相声的音频并列在一起。






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