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2022.07.28 MBS:沙漠中的暴君

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MBS: despot in the desert
A volatile millennial wields absolute power in Saudi Arabia. What will he do next?

Jul 28th 2022



By Nicolas Pelham

No one wanted to play football with Muhammad bin Salman. Sure, the boy was a member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family, but so were 15,000 other people. His classmates preferred the company of his cousins, who were higher up the assumed order of succession, a childhood acquaintance recalls. As for the isolated child who would one day become crown prince, a family friend recounts hearing him called “little Saddam”.

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Home life was tricky for bin Salman, too (he is now more commonly known by his initials, mbs). His father, Salman, already had five sons with his first wife, an educated woman from an elite urban family. mbs’s mother, Salman’s third wife, was a tribeswoman. When mbs visited the palace where his father lived with his first wife, his older half-brothers mocked him as the “son of a Bedouin”. Later, his elder brothers and cousins were sent to universities in America and Britain. The Bedouin offspring of Prince Salman stayed in Riyadh to attend King Saud University.

As young adults, the royals sometimes cruised on superyachts together; mbs was reportedly treated like an errand boy, sent onshore to buy cigarettes. A photo from one of these holidays shows a group of 16 royals posing on a yacht-deck in shorts and sunglasses, the hills of the French Riviera behind them. In the middle is mbs’s cousin, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a billionaire investor dubbed “the Arabian Warren Buffett”. mbs, tall and broad-shouldered in a white t-shirt, is pushed to the farthest edge.

Fast forward to today, and mbs has moved to the centre of the frame, the most important decision-maker in Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy but mbs’s 86-year-old father, though nominally head of state, is rarely seen in public anymore. It has been clear for several years that mbs is in charge. “In effect,” a former Saudi intelligence agent told me, “King Salman is no longer king.”

At first glance the 36-year-old prince looks like the ruler many young Saudis had been waiting for, closer in age to his people than any previous king – 70% of the Saudi population is under 30. The millennial autocrat is said to be fanatical about the video game “Call of Duty”: he blasts through the inertia and privileges of the mosque and royal court as though he were fighting virtual opponents on screen.

His restless impatience and disdain for convention have helped him push through reforms that many thought wouldn’t happen for generations. The most visible transformation of Saudi Arabia is the presence of women in public where once they were either absent or closely guarded by their husband or father. There are other changes, too. Previously, the kingdom offered few diversions besides praying at the mosque; today you can watch Justin Bieber in concert, sing karaoke or go to a Formula 1 race. A few months ago I even went to a rave in a hotel. Saudis and foreigners danced barefoot on the sand until dawn, a couple kissed, women stripped down to tank tops and fruit juice laced with alcohol was served at an open bar.

But embracing Western consumer culture doesn’t mean embracing Western democratic values: it can as easily support a distinctively modern, surveillance state. On my recent trips to Saudi Arabia, people from all levels of society seemed terrified about being overheard voicing disrespect or criticism, something I’d never seen there before. “I’ve survived four kings,” said a veteran analyst who refused to speculate about why much of Jeddah, the country’s second-largest city, is being bulldozed: “Let me survive a fifth.”

The West, beguiled by promises of change and dependent on Saudi oil, at first seemed prepared to ignore mbs’s excesses. Then, in late 2018, Saudi officials in Istanbul murdered a Washington Post columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, and dismembered his body with a bone saw. Even the most pro-Saudi leaders turned away.

Today, thanks to another autocrat, Vladimir Putin, the Saudi prince is back in demand. After Putin invaded Ukraine in February, the price of crude shot up. Boris Johnson was on a plane within weeks. Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, previously a sworn enemy of the crown prince, embraced mbs in Riyadh in April. War even forced America’s president into a humiliating climbdown. On the campaign trail in 2020 Joe Biden had vowed to turn Saudi Arabia into a “pariah”. But on July 15th he went to make his peace with mbs – trying to avoid shaking mbs’s hand, he instead opted for a fist bump that left the two looking all the chummier. Even critics at home acknowledged mbs’s victory. “He made Biden look weak,” said a Saudi columnist in Jeddah. “He stood up to a superpower and won before the world.”

For mbs, this is a moment of triumph. His journey from the fringe of a photograph to the heart of power is almost complete. He will probably be king for decades. During that time, his country’s oil will be needed to sate the world’s enduring demand for energy.

A kingdom where the word of one man counts for so much depends utterly on his character. The hope is that, with his position secure, mbs will forswear the vengefulness and intolerance that produced Khashoggi’s murder. But some, among them his childhood classmates, fear something darker. They are reminded of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, a one-time moderniser who became so addicted to accumulating power that he turned reckless and dangerous. “At first power bestows grandeur,” a former Western intelligence officer told me, of mbs. “But then comes the loneliness, suspicion and fear that others will try to grab what you grabbed.”

During the early years of mbs’s ascent, I was vaguely aware of him as one prince among many. I probably wouldn’t have paid him much attention if an old contact of mine hadn’t joined his staff. His new boss, my contact said, was serious about shaking things up. He arranged the meeting at a faux-ancient mud-brick village on the outskirts of Riyadh in 2016. As my Economist colleagues and I approached, the gates of mbs’s compound suddenly slid open, like a Bond-villain’s lair. In the inner chamber sat mbs.

Reform has often been promised in Saudi Arabia – usually in response to American hectoring – but successive kings lacked the mettle to push change through. When the Al Sauds conquered Arabia in the 1920s, they made an alliance with an ultra-conservative religious group called the Wahhabis. In 1979, after a group of religious extremists staged a brief armed takeover of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the Al Sauds decided to make the kingdom more devout to fend off a possible Islamic revolution, as had just happened in Iran. Wahhabi clerics were empowered to run society as they saw fit.

The Wahhabis exercised control through the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, otherwise known as the religious police. They whacked the ankles of women whose hair poked through their veil and lashed the legs of men who wore shorts. The arrangement suited the House of Saud. Wahhabism provided social control and gave legitimacy to the Saudi state, leaving the royals free to enjoy their oil wealth in the more permissive environments of London and Paris, or behind the gates of their palaces.

During an argument with his mother he reportedly sprayed her ceiling with bullets

I’m loth to admit it now, but as the prince talked in Riyadh about his plans to modernise society and the economy, I was impressed by his enthusiasm, vision and command of the details. He gave what turned out to be accurate answers about how and when his reforms would happen. Though he was not yet crown prince, he frequently referred to Saudi Arabia as “my” country. We arrived at around 9pm. At 2am, mbs was still in full flow.

mbs was affable, self-assured, smiling. His advisers were more subdued. If they spoke at all, it was to robotically repeat their master’s lines. Yet when mbs left the room to take a call, they started chatting animatedly. As the prince re-entered, silence fell.

Like many in those early years, I was excited about what mbs might do for the kingdom. When I returned to the capital a few months later I saw a number of men wearing shorts. I kept looking over my shoulder for the religious police, but none came – they had been stripped of their powers of arrest.

As crown prince, mbs has introduced a code of law so that judicial sentencing accords with state guidelines, not a judge’s own interpretation of the Koran. He criminalised stoning to death and forced marriage. The most overt change involved the role of women. mbs attacked guardianship laws that prevented women from working, travelling, owning a passport, opening a business, having hospital treatment or divorcing without approval from a male relative. In practice, many Saudi women have found these new rights hard to claim in a patriarchal society, and men can still file claims of disobedience against female relatives. But mbs’s reforms were more than cosmetic. Some clerics were jailed; the rest soon fell into line.

mbs seemed to relish breaking religious taboos. His new state tv channel broached the subject of homosexuality. In September 2017 he lifted a ban on Tinder, a dating app. The following year one of Mecca’s imams was dragooned into dealing the first deck at a new card-game competition, a pastime hitherto denounced as a sinful distraction. He brought many new sports to the kingdom: boxing, wrestling, monster-jam motorsports for turbo-charged 4x4s and even a Pamplona-style running of the bulls. “He’s a fucking rock-star,” said an American spectator who’d watched him receive a standing ovation at the Formula 1 race in Jeddah late last year.

For foreigners, Riyadh is less forbidding these days. “I’m afraid I’ll be caught for not drinking,” a teetotal businessman told me. “There’s cocaine, alcohol and hookers like I haven’t seen in southern California,” says another party-goer. “It’s really heavy duty stuff.” A former senior Saudi official says sex workers, many from eastern Europe, can earn $3,000 for attending a party and $10,000 for staying the night.

When mbs first entered public life he had a reputation for being as strait-laced as his father, rare among royals. That quickly changed. Many of the people interviewed for this article said that they believe mbs frequently uses drugs, which he denies. A court insider says that in 2015 his friends decided that he needed some r&r on an island in the Maldives. According to investigative journalists Bradley Hope and Justin Scheck in their book “Blood and Oil”, 150 models were recruited to join the gathering and were then shuttled “by golf cart to a medical centre to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases”. Several international music stars were flown in, including Afrojack, a Dutch dj. Then the press blew mbs’s cover.

Thereafter, the prince preferred to unwind off the Red Sea coast. At weekends his entourage formed a flotilla by mooring their yachts around his, Serene, which has a driving range and a cinema. According to a former official, “dj mbs”, as his friends called him, would spin the discs wearing his trademark cowboy hat. The yacht is only one of the luxuries mbs has splurged on. He also bought a £230m ersatz French chateau near Versailles, built in 2008 (the meditation room doubles as an aquarium). He is said to have boasted that he wanted to be the first trillionaire.

We put these and other allegations in this article to mbs’s representatives. Through the Saudi embassy in London, they issued a broad denial, saying “the allegations are denied and are without foundation.”

mbs’s loosening of social mores reflects the values of many of his youthful peers, in Saudi and beyond – as does his taste for the flashier side of life. Yet despite the social revolution, the prince is no keener than Wahhabi clerics on letting people think for themselves. Shortly before lifting a ban on women driving in 2018, mbs’s officials imprisoned Loujain al-Hathloul, one of the leaders of the campaign for women’s rights. Her family say jailers waterboarded and electrocuted her, and that Saud al-Qahtani, one of mbs’s closest advisers, was present during her torment and threatened to rape her. (A un investigation found reasonable grounds to believe that Qahtani was involved in the torture of female activists. Qahtani allegedly told one of these women: “I’ll do whatever I like to you, and then I’ll dissolve you and flush you down the toilet.”) Hathloul was charged with inciting change to the ruling system. The message was clear: only one person was allowed to do that.

Mbs is ruthlessly ambitious – he reportedly loved reading about Alexander the Great as a teenager – but he also owes his rise to some extraordinary twists of fortune. Succession can be an unpredictable affair in Saudi Arabia. The monarchy is only two generations old, founded in 1932, and the crown has so far moved from brother to brother among the founding ruler’s sons. That has become harder as the prospective heirs age. mbs’s father wasn’t tipped to be king, but after his two older brothers died unexpectedly in 2011 and 2012, he was catapulted up the line of succession.

When Salman became the heir-designate aged 76, he needed a chief of staff. Most courtiers expected him to choose one of the suave, English-speaking children of his first wife. Instead he appointed a son who spoke Arabic with a guttural Bedouin accent. (mbs has learned English fast since then: when we met in 2016 he sometimes corrected his translator.)

The choice to elevate mbs was less surprising to those who knew his father well. Salman had dedicated himself to his job as governor of Riyadh rather than chasing more lucrative commissions, and was a stickler for 8am starts, even in his 70s. He was known as the family disciplinarian, not averse to giving wayward royals a thwack with his walking stick or even a spell in his private prison. He clearly saw something of himself in his sixth son. mbs might love video games, but he was also a hard worker and keen to advance.

mbs put few limits on what he was prepared to do to achieve control. He earned the nickname Abu Rasasa – father of the bullet – after widespread rumours that he sent a bullet in the post to an official who ruled against him in a land dispute (Saudi officials have previously denied this rumour). He was fearsome in private, too. “There are these terrible tempers, smashing up offices, trashing the palace,” says a source with palace connections. “He’s extremely violent.” Several associates describe him as having wild mood swings. Two former palace insiders say that, during an argument with his mother, he once sprayed her ceiling with bullets. According to multiple sources and news reports, he has locked his mother away.

Some observers fear that MBS may become only more dangerous as oil reserves start to decline and the treasure trove shrinks

It’s hard to say how many wives he has; officially, there’s just one, a glamorous princess called Sara bint Mashour, but courtiers say he has at least one more. mbs presents his family life as normal and happy: earlier this year he told the Atlantic magazine that he eats breakfast with his children each morning (he has three boys and two girls, according to Gulf News – the eldest is said to be 11). One diplomat spoke of mbs’s kindness to his wife. But other sources inside the royal circle say that, on at least one occasion, Princess Sara was so badly beaten by her husband that she had to seek medical treatment.

We put this and other allegations in this piece to mbs’s representatives, who described them as “plain fabrication”, adding that “the kingdom is unfortunately used to false allegations made against its leadership, usually based on politically (or other) motivated malicious sources, particularly discredited individuals who have a long record of fabrications and baseless claims.”

mbs finally got a taste of political power in 2015 when Salman became king. Salman appointed his son deputy crown prince and minister of defence. One of mbs’s first moves was to launch a war in neighbouring Yemen. Even America, the kingdom’s closest military ally, was told only at the last minute.

There was an obvious obstacle in mbs’s path to the throne: his cousin, the 57-year-old heir-designate, Muhammad bin Nayef. Bin Nayef was the intelligence chief and the kingdom’s main interlocutor with the cia. He was widely credited with stamping out al-Qaeda in Saudi after 9/11. In June 2017 bin Nayef was summoned to meet the elderly king at his palace in Mecca.

The story of what happened next has emerged from press reports and my interviews. It seems that bin Nayef arrived by helicopter and took the lift to the fourth floor. Instead of the monarch, mbs’s agents were waiting. Bin Nayef was stripped of his weapons and phone, and told that a royal council had dismissed him. He was left alone to consider his options. Seven hours later, a court videographer filmed the charade of mbs kissing his cousin, then accepting his abdication as crown prince. King Salman kept a back seat throughout. Bin Nayef is now in detention (his uncle, who also had a claim to the throne, apparently intervened to try and protect bin Nayef, but was himself later detained). The staged resignation – an old trick of Saddam Hussein’s – would become mbs’s signature move.

That was just the warm-up act. In October 2017 mbs hosted an international investment conference at the Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh. At “Davos in the desert”, the likes of Christine Lagarde, Son Masayoshi and other business glitterati listened to mbs’s pitch for Saudi Arabia’s post-oil future, including the construction of Neom, a new $500bn “smart city”. The event was a hit. Diplomatic grumblings about the war in Yemen or the fate of America’s security partner, Muhammad bin Nayef, faded.

The gathering was also an opportunity to invite back royals who were often abroad. Once the foreigners had left, mbs pounced. Hundreds of princes and businessmen were swept up. According to a biography of mbs by Ben Hubbard, a New York Times journalist, one of them realised something was amiss only when they got to their hotel room: there were no pens, razors or glasses – nothing that could be used as a weapon.

mbs held the detainees in the Ritz-Carlton for several weeks (the Marriott and other hotels were also commandeered to house the overflow). Prisoners’ phones were confiscated. Some were said to have been hooded, deprived of sleep and beaten until they agreed to transfer money and hand over an inventory of their assets. All told, mbs’s guests at the Ritz-Carlton coughed up about $100bn.

Even royals previously thought untouchable, such as the powerful prince who ran the national guard, got similar treatment. Princess Basma, the youngest child of the second king of Saudi Arabia, was jailed for three years without charge or access to a lawyer; after being released she still had to wear an electronic ankle bracelet, according to a close associate of hers.

The crushing of the royals and business elite was billed as a crackdown on corruption – and undoubtedly it netted many corruptly acquired assets, which mbs said would be returned to the Saudi treasury. The methods, however, looked more like something from a gangster film than a judicial procedure.

Interrogations were overseen by Saud al-Qahtani, who reported directly to mbs whenever a detainee broke and gave out their bank details. (All the allegations in this piece concerning Qahtani were put to him via his lawyer. No response was given.) Qahtani had installed himself as one of mbs’s favoured henchmen, though earlier in his career, he’d plotted against Salman and his son, trying to sideline them with rumours that Salman had dementia. Qahtani was so loyal to the former faction that he’d named his son after his then boss. According to a former courtier, on the day of the old king’s funeral the two men had it out: mbs slapped Qahtani in the face. Later, mbs let Qahtani prove his worth and brought him on to his staff. Qahtani duly named his younger son Muhammad.

On paper, Qahtani was a communications adviser, a former journalist who understood Twitter and used an army of bots and loyal followers to intimidate critics on social media (his office included giant screens and holograms that staff used for target-practice with laser guns). In practice he was entrusted with mbs’s most important and violent missions – the ones that established his grip on power.

His remit extended far beyond Saudi’s borders. In 2016 he kidnapped Prince Sultan, a minor royal who had been bad-mouthing mbs. mbs offered his jet to fly Sultan from Paris to Cairo – instead, the plane was diverted to Saudi Arabia. According to Hope’s and Scheck’s book, Qahtani posed as Captain Saud, an airline pilot, though surprisingly one who had an expensive Hublot watch.

Even people who have nothing to do with politics have become afraid to speak near a functioning mobile phone

With rendition strategies like this, and the cash tap shut off, even royals who weren’t inside the Ritz-Carlton felt the pressure to divest themselves of ostentatious assets. The father of the Saudi ambassador to Britain put Glympton Park, his beloved 2,000-acre estate in the Cotswolds, up for sale. Riyadh’s jewellers did a roaring trade pawning the diamonds of lesser royals. “It’s like the Romanovs selling their Fabergé eggs,” said an adviser to an auction house.

Many commoners rejoiced at the downfall of their entitled elite. Princes and princesses who once lived off huge handouts began looking for jobs. Their titles became irrelevant. Unable to afford the cost of irrigation, their green ranches became desert again. Banks turned them away. One financial adviser recalled his response to princes trying to get credit on the strength of their royal status: “You call yourselves princes, but they say there’s only one prince now.”

The Ritz-Carlton episode was just one element of an extraordinary project of centralisation. mbs yanked control of various security services back from the princes. He took charge of Aramco, the semi-autonomous state oil company. He installed himself as boss of the sovereign-wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund. “He destroyed all the powerful families,” says a retired diplomat. By late 2017, law, money and security in Saudi all flowed directly from him.

Among those who lost out were the fellow princes who had pushed a young mbs to the edge of the family photo on the yacht all those years ago. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, in the centre of that shot, surrendered part of his $17bn wealth. As the shakedown widened, mbs’s elder half-siblings put up their yacht for sale. Many of his cousins were locked up. “Payback time,” one victim said.

While mbs was squeezing the elite at home, he was forging some important friendships abroad. mbs and Donald Trump, who was elected president in 2016, had a lot in common. Both had the hunger of the underdog and loathed the snooty policymaking establishments in their countries; they revelled in provocation. The historic compact, by which Saudi Arabia provided oil to American consumers and America guaranteed the country’s security, had frayed in recent years. Barack Obama’s hurried exit from Iraq in 2011 and his nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 had left Saudi Arabia worried that it could no longer rely on American protection. America’s development of its own shale-oil reserves had also reduced its dependence on Saudi oil. Then Trump and mbs got cosy.

With the Trump administration’s tacit (and sometimes explicit) support, mbs set about treating the entire Middle East much as he did Saudi Arabia, trying to push aside rulers whom he found to be inconvenient. He announced a blockade of Qatar, a tiny gas-rich state to the east of Saudi Arabia. In 2017, angered by Lebanon’s dealings with Iran, mbs invited the prime minister, Saad Hariri, a long-time beneficiary of Saudi patronage, on a starlit camping trip. Hariri turned up, had his phone confiscated and soon found himself reading out a resignation speech on tv.

Both moves ultimately backfired. But Trump’s Middle East adviser, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, did little to discourage such antics. Together, he and mbs dreamt up a new regional order over WhatsApp, calling each other “Jared” and “Muhammad”. Their rapport was so great that, at Kushner’s prompting, mbs started the process of recognising Israel. His father, still officially king, put a stop to that.

mbs visited America in March 2018, hanging out in Silicon Valley with Peter Thiel and Tim Cook, and meeting celebrities, including Rupert Murdoch, James Cameron and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson. Many people were keen to meet the man who controlled a $230bn sovereign-wealth fund. To his frustration, they were less willing to reciprocate by investing in the kingdom.

That October the intercontinental bonhomie came to an abrupt halt. I was due to go to a conference in Turkey that month. A Saudi journalist I knew, Jamal Khashoggi, got in touch to suggest meeting up: he was also going to be in Istanbul, for an appointment at the consulate. Khashoggi was a court insider whose criticisms of mbs in the Washington Post and elsewhere had attracted much attention. He seemed to be making more effort than usual to stay in touch. While I was at the conference a friend of his phoned me: Jamal still hadn’t emerged from the consulate, he said. By the time I got there, Turkish police were cordoning off the building.

The full story soon came out in leaked intelligence reports and, later, a un inquiry. A Saudi hit squad, which reportedly co-ordinated with Saud al-Qahtani, had flown to Istanbul. As they waited for Khashoggi to enter the consulate, they discussed plans for dismembering his body. According to tapes recorded inside the consulate by Turkish intelligence, Khashoggi was told, “We’re coming to get you.” There was a struggle, followed by the sound of plastic sheets being wrapped. A cia report said that mbs approved the operation.

mbs has said he takes responsibility for the murder, but denies ordering it. He sacked Qahtani and another official implicated in the intelligence reports. The fallout was immediate. Companies and speakers pulled out of that year’s Davos in the desert; the Gates Foundation ended its partnership with misk, an artistic and educational charity set up by the prince. Ari Emanuel, a Hollywood agent, cancelled a $400m deal with the kingdom.

The crown prince seems to have been genuinely surprised at the animus – “disappointed”, says an associate. Hadn’t he committed to all the reforms the West had been asking for? Perhaps he had underestimated the outcry provoked by going after a well-connected international figure, as opposed to a royal unknown outside Saudi Arabia. Or perhaps he understood Western governments’ priorities better than they did themselves. They had done little when Muhammad bin Nayef, their partner in battling terrorism, had disappeared; they had shrugged at reports of torture in the Ritz-Carlton, and at mbs’s reckless bombardment of Yemen. Why did they have so much to say about the killing of a single journalist?

Three years after the Khashoggi killing, Davos in the desert opened with the singer Gloria Gaynor. As images of smiling children flashed up on a giant screen behind her, she broke into her disco anthem, “I Will Survive”, asking the audience: “Did you think I’d crumble? Did you think I’d lay down and die?”

The chief executives of private-equity giants BlackRock and Blackstone were back, as were the heads of Goldman Sachs, SocGen and Standard Chartered. Even Amazon sent a representative despite the fact that its boss, Jeff Bezos, owns the Washington Post, the paper that employed Khashoggi. Meanwhile, Qahtani was creeping back into favour at the royal court – although he had been implicated by the un for Khashoggi’s murder, a Saudi court took the decision not to charge him.

He blasts through the privileges of the mosque and royal court as if fighting opponents on screen

mbs revitalised the near-dormant sovereign-wealth fund, pumping tens of billions of dollars into tech, entertainment and sports, to create a softer, more appealing image of Saudi and co-opt new partners. In April 2020, the fund led a consortium to buy Newcastle United, a premier-league football team (the deal took 18 months). The following year it launched an audacious bid to create Saudi’s own golf tour, the LIV series, hoping to lure players with a prize pot of $255m, far larger than that of American tournaments. At the first LIV tour this year, some top players boycotted the event, others went for the cash.

Joe Biden has proved tougher to woo. Soon after becoming president, Biden withdrew American military support for the war in Yemen. He wouldn’t talk to mbs, insisting that communications go through King Salman instead. He didn’t even nominate an ambassador to Riyadh for 15 months. The chat everywhere was that Saudi-American relations were in a deep freeze. Then, in February 2022, mbs had a stroke of luck: Russia invaded Ukraine.

In the days after war broke out, Biden himself tried to call mbs. The crown prince declined to speak to the president. He did take Putin’s call, however. The two men were already close. mbs had personally brought Russia into an expanded version of the opec cartel in order for Saudi Arabia to keep control of global oil production. Putin cemented the friendship in 2018 at the g20 summit in Buenos Aires, which took place weeks after the Khashoggi killing. While Western leaders shunned mbs, Putin gave the Saudi ruler a high-five before sitting down next to him.

mbs’s defiance of America seems to have paid off. After months of evasion, Biden reluctantly agreed to meet mbs in Jeddah in July, on the prince’s own turf and his own terms. The visit gave mbs recognition but did little to rebuild relations. There wasn’t even a concrete assurance of increasing oil production.

Some in the American foreign-policy establishment remain hopeful that mbs could become a helpful partner in the region, pointing to his recent retreat from confrontation with Qatar and his eagerness to find a diplomatic exit from Yemen. Perhaps, they say, he is maturing as a leader.

This seems optimistic. mbs’s disastrous campaign in Yemen was ostensibly in support of the country’s president but in April, hours after being summoned to a meeting and offered Arabic coffee and dates, Yemen’s president was reading out a resignation speech on tv. mbs took it upon himself to get rid of him personally – suggesting that his mode of international diplomacy remains as high-handed as ever. “What they’ve learned”, says one foreign analyst, “is don’t murder journalists who dine regularly with congressmen in the United States.”

The West has taught mbs something else, too – something that autocrats the world over may draw comfort from. No matter the sin, they would argue, if you sit tight through the odium and fury, eventually the financiers, the celebrities, even the Western leaders, will come running back. At 36, mbs has time on his side. Some observers fear that he may become only more dangerous as oil reserves start to decline and the treasure trove shrinks. “What happens when he’s a middle-aged man ruling a middle-income country and starts to get bored?” asks a diplomat who knows mbs personally. “Will he go on more adventures?”

Earlier this year, I visited an old friend in his office in Saudi Arabia. Before we started talking, he put his phone in a pouch that blocks the signal, to prevent government spies from listening in. Dissidents do that kind of thing in police states like China, but I’d never seen it before in Saudi Arabia. It isn’t just people involved with politics who are taking such precautions: most Saudis have become afraid to speak near a functioning mobile phone. People used to talk fairly openly in their offices, homes and cafés. Now, they are picked up for almost nothing.

As we chatted over the whir of his office air conditioning, my friend reeled off a list of people he knew who had been detained in the past month: a retired air-force chief who died in prison, a hospital administrator hauled away from his desk, a mother taken in front of her seven children, a lawyer who died seven days after his release from prison. “These people aren’t rabble rousers,” my friend said. “No one understands why.”

Officially, the government says it has no political prisoners. Rights groups reckon that thousands have been swept up in mbs’s dragnet. I’ve covered the Middle East since the 1990s and can’t think of anywhere where so many of my own contacts are behind bars.

Few ordinary Saudis predicted that when mbs was done trampling on the elites and the clerics, he would come for them next. Bringing Saudis into the modern, networked, online world has made it easier for the state to monitor what they are saying. A Red Crescent employee called Abdulrahman al-Sadhan used to run a satirical Twitter account under a pseudonym. In 2018 mbs’s agents arrested him and held him incommunicado for two years. American prosecutors later charged two former Twitter employees with allegedly handing over the real names behind various accounts to a Saudi official – al-Sadhan’s family believes that his name was among them. (The trial of one employee is ongoing; he denies passing on information to Saudi officials.)

On the face of it, mbs has nothing to worry about. Public opinion polls – if they can be trusted – suggest he is popular, particularly with younger Saudis. But there is a growing sense that discontent is brewing beneath the surface. mbs has broken crucial social contracts with the Saudi populace, by reducing handouts while, at the same time, dispensing with the tradition of hearing the feedback of ordinary people after Friday prayers.

It isn’t hard to imagine some of the issues they’d raise if they had the chance. Many people are struggling as the cost of living rises. When other governments were cushioning their citizens during the pandemic, mbs slashed fuel subsidies and tripled vat. Unable to afford the cost of pumping water, some farmers left crops to wither in the field. Fees for permits and fines have spiralled, too. Though mbs speaks eloquently about the country’s youth, he is struggling to find them jobs. Unemployment remains stubbornly stuck in double digits. Half of the jobless have a university degree, but most white-collar workers I met on mbs’s mega-projects were foreign.

Saudi Arabia’s attempts to diversify its economy – and so compensate for the long-term decline of oil reserves – isn’t going well either. The pandemic delayed plans for a rapid increase in international tourism. Extorting billions of dollars from your relatives may not be the best way to convince investors that the kingdom is a liberal haven.

People describe MBS as having wild mood swings. He once locked a minister in a toilet for ten hours

The young prince has reversed even the baby steps towards democracy taken by previous kings. Municipal elections have been suspended – as a cost-cutting exercise, explains the supine press. The Shura Council, a consultative body of 150 people, has only met online since the pandemic (other institutions have gathered in person for months). “I wish I had more of a voice,” said one member. Whenever I mentioned the prince, his leg twitched.

A frequent visitor to the royal court says mbs now gives the impression of someone who’s always thinking that people are plotting against him. He seems to be preoccupied with loyalty. He fills key posts either with young royals, foreigners with no local base to threaten him or people he has already broken. A government minister, Ibrahim Assaf, was one of those locked up in the Ritz-Carlton – two months later mbs sent him to the World Economic Forum as his representative. A senior executive on one of his construction projects is someone who says he was tortured in one of his prisons. “He went from being strung naked from his ankles, beaten and stripped of all his assets to a high-level project manager,” says a close acquaintance of the man.

All remain vulnerable to mbs’s tantrums. Saudi sources say he once locked a minister in a toilet for ten hours. (The minister later appeared on tv blabbering platitudes about the prince’s wisdom.) A senior official I’ve spoken to says he wants out. “Everyone in his circle is terrified of him,” says an insider. And that could make it hard for him to govern a country of 35m people effectively. Former courtiers say no one close to mbs is prepared to offer a truthful assessment of whether his increasingly grandiose schemes are viable. “Saying no”, says one, “is not something they will ever do.”

If mbs has a mission beyond extending his power, you might expect to find it in Neom, the city he promised to build in the desert. Neom would be nothing less than “a civilisational leap for humanity”, he said in 2017. Head-spinning details followed. The city’s food would be grown on hydroponic walls on a floating structure. It would be powered by the world’s largest green-hydrogen plant. Thousands of snow-blowers would create a ski resort on a nearby mountain. One day it would have driverless cars and passenger drones.

According to the official timetable, the main city would be completed by 2020. Further districts would be added by 2025. The prince’s tourism minister, Ahmed al-Khateeb, dismissed rumours that the timetable was proving over-ambitious. “Come see with your eyes and not with your ears,” he urged. So I went.

Finding Neom was the first problem. There were no road signs to it. After three hours’ drive we came to the spot indicated by the map. It was bare, but for the odd fig tree. Camels strolled across the empty highway. Piles of rubble lined the road, remnants of the town bulldozed to make way for the mighty metropolis.

The designated area is nearly the size of Belgium. As far as I could tell, only two projects had been completed, mbs’s palace, and something Google Earth calls “The Neom Experience Centre” (when I drove to see it, it was obscured by a prefabricated hut). The only other solid building I could see was a hotel constructed before Neom was conceived: the Royal Tulip. A poster in the lobby urged me to “Discover Neom”. But when I asked for a guide the hotel manager cursed my sister with Arabic vulgarities and tried to shoo me away. There was no sign of the media hub with “frictionless facilitation”, “advanced infrastructure” and “collaborative ecosystems” promised by the Neom website. Neom’s head of communications and media, Wayne Borg, said he was “out of Kingdom at present”.

The hotel restaurant was teeming with consultants – all the ones I met were foreign. (I later found a Saudi project manager. “We think we’re about to start working, but every two months the consultants coin a new plan,” he told me. “They’re still doing plans of plans.”) There was a kind of manic short-termism among these foreigners. Many were paid $40,000 a month, plus handsome bonuses. “It’s like riding a bull,” one of the Neom consultants told me. “You know you’re gonna fall, that no one can last on a bull longer than a minute and a half, two minutes, so you make the most of it.”

Despite the high salaries, there are reports that foreigners are leaving the Neom project because they find the gap between expectations and reality so stressful. The head of Neom is said by his friends to be “terrified” at the lack of progress.

Eventually, I found a retired Saudi air-force technician who offered to drive me around the city for $600. He took me to a sculpture standing in the desert with the words, “I ❤ Neom”. A short way farther on we found a new stretch of tarmac, said to mark the edge of the dream city. Beyond it, the lone and level sands stretched far away.■

Nicolas Pelham is The Economist’s Middle East correspondent




没有人愿意和穆罕默德-本-萨勒曼一起踢足球。当然,这个男孩是沙特阿拉伯王室的成员,但其他15000人也是如此。他的同学们更喜欢和他的表兄弟们在一起,因为他们在假定的继承顺序上更靠前,一位童年的熟人回忆说。至于这个有朝一日会成为王储的孤立的孩子,一位家庭朋友回忆说,他听到有人叫他 "小萨达姆"。

对本-萨勒曼来说,家庭生活也很棘手(他现在更多的是以他名字的缩写mbs而闻名)。他的父亲萨勒曼与他的第一任妻子已经有了五个儿子,他的第一任妻子是一位来自城市精英家庭的受过教育的女性,而本-萨勒曼的母亲,即萨勒曼的第三任妻子,是一位部落妇女。当mbs参观他父亲与第一任妻子居住的宫殿时,他同父异母的哥哥们嘲笑他是 "贝都因人的儿子"。后来,他的哥哥和表弟们被送到了美国和英国的大学。萨勒曼亲王的贝都因后代留在利雅得,进入沙特国王大学。

作为年轻的成年人,王室成员有时会一起乘坐超级游艇巡游;据说姆布被当作跑腿的,被派到岸上去买烟。其中一张照片显示,16位皇室成员穿着短裤、戴着太阳镜在游艇甲板上摆姿势,他们身后是法国里维埃拉的山丘。中间是Mbs的表弟阿尔瓦利德-本-塔拉勒王子,一位被称为 "阿拉伯的巴菲特 "的亿万富翁投资者。Mbs,身穿白色T恤,身材高大,肩膀宽阔,被推到最边上。


乍一看,这位36岁的王子像是许多年轻的沙特人一直在等待的统治者,在年龄上比以往任何一位国王都更接近他的人民--沙特人口的70%都在30岁以下。据说这位千禧年的独裁者对电子游戏 "使命召唤 "非常狂热:他在清真寺和王室法庭的惰性和特权中轰轰烈烈,仿佛在与屏幕上的虚拟对手作战。

他不安分的急躁情绪和对传统的蔑视,帮助他推动了许多人认为几代人都不会发生的改革。沙特阿拉伯最明显的变化是妇女出现在公共场合,而以前她们要么不出现,要么被丈夫或父亲严加看管。也有其他的变化。以前,除了在清真寺祈祷之外,这个王国几乎没有提供什么娱乐活动;今天,你可以观看贾斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)的演唱会,唱卡拉OK,或者去看一级方程式赛车。几个月前,我甚至去参加了一个酒店的狂欢活动。沙特人和外国人赤脚在沙滩上跳舞到天亮,一对情侣接吻,女人脱得只剩背心,开放的酒吧里还供应掺有酒精的果汁。



今天,由于另一个独裁者弗拉基米尔-普京的存在,沙特王子又有了需求。在普京2月入侵乌克兰后,原油价格飙升。鲍里斯-约翰逊在几周内就坐上了飞机。土耳其的雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安,以前是王储的死敌,4月份在利雅得拥抱了MBS。战争甚至迫使美国总统做出了羞辱性的妥协。在2020年的竞选活动中,乔-拜登曾发誓要把沙特阿拉伯变成一个 "贱民"。但在7月15日,他去与Mbs讲和--他试图避免与Mbs握手,而是选择了握拳,让两人看起来更亲密。即使是国内的批评者也承认Mbs的胜利。"他让拜登看起来很弱,"吉达的一位沙特专栏作家说。"他在一个超级大国面前挺身而出,在世界面前获胜。"







我现在不愿承认,但当王子在利雅得谈论他的社会和经济现代化计划时,他的热情、远见和对细节的掌握给我留下了深刻印象。他对他的改革将如何和何时发生给出了准确的答案。虽然他还不是王储,但他经常把沙特阿拉伯称为 "我的 "国家。我们在晚上9点左右到达。凌晨2点,MBS仍在全力工作。





对于外国人来说,利雅得现在已经不那么禁忌了。"我担心我不喝酒会被抓,"一位戒酒的商人告诉我。"另一位参加聚会的人说:"这里有可卡因、酒精和妓女,我在南加州都没有见过。"这真是重口味的东西。" 一位前沙特高级官员说,性工作者,许多来自东欧,参加一次聚会可以赚到3000美元,过夜可以赚到10000美元。

当Mbs第一次进入公共生活时,他有一个像他的父亲一样紧缩的声誉,这在王室中是罕见的。这种情况很快就改变了。本文采访的许多人说,他们认为mbs经常吸毒,但他否认了这一点。一位宫廷内幕人士说,2015年,他的朋友们决定他需要在马尔代夫的一个岛上进行一些R&R。据调查记者布拉德利-霍普和贾斯汀-谢克在他们的书《血与油》中说,150名模特被招募参加聚会,然后被 "用高尔夫球车接送到一个医疗中心,接受性传播疾病的检测。" 一些国际音乐明星被空运过来,包括荷兰DJ Afrojack。然后,媒体揭露了MBS的身份。

此后,王子更喜欢在红海沿岸放松自己。在周末,他的随行人员组成一个船队,将他们的游艇停泊在他的Serene游艇周围,该游艇有一个练习场和一个电影院。据一位前官员说,他的朋友们称他为 "DJ MBS",他将戴着他标志性的牛仔帽旋转光盘。这艘游艇只是Mbs所挥霍的奢侈品之一。他还在凡尔赛附近买了一座价值2.3亿英镑的仿法国城堡,建于2008年(冥想室兼做水族馆)。据说他曾吹嘘说他想成为第一个万亿富翁。

我们把这篇文章中的这些和其他指控交给了MBS的代表。通过沙特驻伦敦大使馆,他们发表了广泛的否认,说 "这些指控被否认,没有根据"。

王子对社会习俗的松动反映了他在沙特和其他地方的许多年轻同龄人的价值观--就像他对生活中更华丽的一面的品味。然而,尽管进行了社会革命,王子并不比瓦哈比教士更热衷于让人们为自己思考。在2018年取消对妇女驾驶的禁令前不久,王子的官员监禁了争取妇女权利运动的领导人之一Loujain al-Hathloul。她的家人说,狱卒对她进行了水刑和电刑,而且在她受折磨时,Mbs最亲密的顾问之一Saud al-Qahtani也在场,并威胁要强奸她(联合国调查发现,有合理理由相信Qahtani参与了对女活动家的酷刑。据称,卡塔尼对其中一名妇女说 "我想对你做什么就做什么,然后我就把你溶化,把你冲进马桶。") 哈特鲁尔被指控煽动改变统治制度。信息很明确:只允许一个人这么做。




Mbs对他为实现控制而准备做的事情没有什么限制。他赢得了Abu Rasasa--子弹之父的绰号,因为有广泛的传言说他给一个在土地纠纷中对他作出裁决的官员邮寄了一颗子弹(沙特官员之前否认了这个传言)。他在私下里也是令人生畏的。"有这些可怕的脾气,砸毁办公室,捣毁宫殿,"一位与皇宫有联系的消息人士说。"他非常暴力。" 一些同僚形容他的情绪波动很大。两位前皇宫内部人士说,在与他母亲的争吵中,他曾经用子弹喷射她的天花板。根据多个消息来源和新闻报道,他曾把母亲锁在家里。



我们向Mbs的代表提出了这一指控和本篇文章中的其他指控,他们将其描述为 "纯粹的捏造",并补充说:"不幸的是,王国已经习惯了对其领导层的虚假指控,通常是基于政治(或其他)动机的恶意来源,特别是那些长期有捏造和无根据指控记录的不名誉的人。"




这只是热身表演。2017年10月,Mbs在利雅得的丽思卡尔顿酒店举办了一次国际投资会议。在 "沙漠中的达沃斯",克里斯蒂娜-拉加德、Son Masayoshi和其他商界名流听取了mbs对沙特阿拉伯后石油时代未来的介绍,包括建设价值5000亿美元的新 "智能城市 "Neom。这次活动很受欢迎。关于也门战争或美国安全伙伴穆罕默德-本-纳伊夫的命运的外交埋怨逐渐消失。

这次聚会也是一个邀请经常在国外的王室成员回来的机会。一旦外国人离开,MBS就会扑上来。数百名王子和商人被卷了进去。根据《纽约时报》记者本-哈伯德(Ben Hubbard)关于Mbs的传记,他们中的一个人在到达酒店房间时才意识到有些不对劲:没有笔、剃刀或眼镜--没有任何可用作武器的东西。




审讯工作由萨乌德-卡塔尼(Saud al-Qahtani)监督,每当有被拘留者破口大骂并说出他们的银行信息时,他就直接向MBS报告。(这篇文章中有关卡塔尼的所有指控都是通过他的律师向他提出的。没有得到任何回应)。Qahtani已经成为Mbs的心腹之一,尽管在他职业生涯的早期,他曾策划反对萨勒曼和他的儿子,试图用萨勒曼患有痴呆症的谣言来排挤他们。卡塔尼对前一派非常忠诚,他给自己的儿子取了当时老板的名字。据一位前朝臣说,在老国王的葬礼上,两个人发生了争执:马布斯打了卡赫塔尼的脸。后来,Mbs让Qahtani证明自己的价值,并把他带到了自己的手下。卡塔尼正式给他的小儿子取名穆罕默德。




有了这样的引渡策略,再加上现金龙头的关闭,即使是不在丽思卡尔顿酒店内的王室成员也感到了压力,要把自己的炫耀性资产剥离出来。沙特驻英国大使的父亲把他心爱的科茨沃尔德2000英亩的庄园Glympton Park挂牌出售。利雅得的珠宝商做了一笔轰轰烈烈的交易,把较小的王室成员的钻石当掉。"一家拍卖行的顾问说:"这就像罗曼诺夫家族出售他们的法贝热彩蛋。






两次行动最终都适得其反。但特朗普的中东顾问,他的女婿贾里德-库什纳,几乎没有阻止这种滑稽行为。他和穆罕默德在WhatsApp上共同构想了一个新的地区秩序,互相称呼对方为 "贾里德 "和 "穆罕默德"。他们的关系非常好,在库什纳的提示下,穆罕默德开始了承认以色列的进程。他的父亲,仍然是正式的国王,阻止了这一切。


那年10月,洲际间的友好关系戛然而止。那个月,我本来要去土耳其参加一个会议。我认识的一位沙特记者贾马尔-卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)与我联系,建议见面:他也要去伊斯坦布尔,去领事馆赴约。卡舒吉是一名法庭内部人士,他在《华盛顿邮报》和其他地方对沙特政府的批评引起了广泛关注。他似乎比平时更努力地保持联系。当我在会议上时,他的一个朋友给我打电话。他说,贾马尔仍然没有从领事馆出来。当我赶到那里时,土耳其警察已经封锁了大楼。

完整的故事很快就在泄露的情报报告中出现了,后来还进行了一次联合调查。据报道,一个与沙特-卡赫塔尼协调的沙特杀手小组已经飞往伊斯坦布尔。当他们等待卡舒吉进入领事馆时,他们讨论了肢解他的尸体的计划。根据土耳其情报部门在领事馆内录制的录音带,卡舒吉被告知:"我们要来抓你了。" 有一场搏斗,然后是塑料布被包裹的声音。中情局的一份报告说,MBS批准了这次行动。

MBS说他对这起谋杀案负责,但否认是他的命令。他解雇了卡塔尼和情报报告中涉及的另一名官员。其影响是立竿见影的。公司和演讲者退出了当年的沙漠达沃斯;盖茨基金会终止了与王子设立的艺术和教育慈善机构misk的合作。好莱坞经纪人Ari Emanuel取消了与王国的4亿美元交易。

王子似乎对这种敌意感到真正的惊讶--"失望",一位同事说。他不是已经承诺了西方所要求的所有改革吗?也许他低估了对一个关系良好的国际人物,而不是对一个在沙特阿拉伯以外不知名的王室成员下手所激起的愤怒。或者说,他比西方政府自己更了解他们的优先事项。当他们打击恐怖主义的伙伴穆罕默德-本-纳伊夫(Muhammad bin Nayef)失踪时,他们没有采取什么行动;他们对丽思卡尔顿酒店的酷刑报告和马布斯对也门的肆意轰炸耸然置之。为什么他们对一个记者被杀有这么多话要说?

卡舒吉遇害三年后,沙漠中的达沃斯会议在歌手格洛丽亚-盖诺的歌声中开幕。当她身后的巨大屏幕上闪现出孩子们微笑的画面时,她唱起了她的迪斯科舞曲 "I Will Survive",问观众。"你认为我会崩溃吗?你以为我会躺下等死吗?"

私募股权巨头贝莱德(BlackRock)和黑石(Blackstone)的首席执行官回来了,高盛(Goldman Sachs)、SocGen和渣打的负责人也回来了。尽管亚马逊的老板杰夫-贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)拥有《华盛顿邮报》,即雇佣卡舒吉的报纸,但甚至亚马逊也派出了一名代表。与此同时,卡塔尼在王室法庭上重新受到青睐--尽管他被联合国牵连到卡舒吉的谋杀案中,但沙特法庭决定不起诉他。



















所有的人都仍然容易受到mbs的脾气的影响。沙特消息人士说,他曾经把一位部长关在厕所里10个小时。(该部长后来出现在电视上,对王子的智慧喋喋不休地发表陈词滥调)。与我交谈过的一位高级官员说他想退出。"一位内部人士说:"他圈子里的每个人都对他感到恐惧。这可能会使他难以有效地管理一个拥有3500万人口的国家。前朝臣说,没有一个接近马布斯的人准备对他日益宏大的计划是否可行提供真实的评估。"一个人说,"说不 "是他们永远不会做的事情。

如果Mbs除了扩展他的权力之外还有其他使命,你可能会期望在Neom找到它,他承诺在沙漠中建造的城市。他在2017年说,Neom将不亚于 "人类的一次文明飞跃"。令人头疼的细节随之而来。这座城市的食物将生长在浮动结构的水培墙上。它将由世界上最大的绿色氢气工厂提供动力。数以千计的吹雪机将在附近的山上建立一个滑雪场。有一天,它将拥有无人驾驶汽车和无人机乘客。

根据官方的时间表,主城区将在2020年完成。其他地区将在2025年之前增加。王子的旅游部长艾哈迈德-哈提卜(Ahmed al-Khateeb)驳斥了关于该时间表被证明过于雄心勃勃的传言。"他敦促说:"用你的眼睛而不是用你的耳朵来看。于是我去了。


指定区域几乎有比利时那么大。据我所知,只有两个项目已经完成,即Mbs的宫殿,以及谷歌地球称之为 "Neom体验中心 "的东西(当我开车去看它时,它被一个预制的小屋遮住了)。我唯一能看到的其他实体建筑是在Neom构思之前建造的一家酒店:皇家郁金香酒店。大厅里的一张海报敦促我去 "发现Neom"。但当我要求提供导游时,酒店经理用阿拉伯语的粗话骂我妹妹,并试图把我赶走。没有看到Neom网站所承诺的具有 "无摩擦促进"、"先进基础设施 "和 "协作生态系统 "的媒体中心。Neom的通信和媒体负责人韦恩-博格说他 "目前不在王国"。

酒店的餐厅里挤满了顾问--我遇到的都是外国人。(后来我找到了一位沙特项目经理)。"我们认为我们就要开始工作了,但每两个月顾问们就会提出一个新的计划,"他告诉我。"他们仍然在做计划的计划。") 这些外国人中存在一种狂热的短期行为。许多人的月薪是40,000美元,外加丰厚的奖金。"这就像骑牛一样,"Neom的一位顾问告诉我。"你知道你会摔倒,没有人能在公牛身上坚持超过一分半钟或两分钟,所以你要充分利用它。"

尽管工资很高,但有报道称,外国人正在离开Neom项目,因为他们发现期望和现实之间的差距是如此的紧张。据他的朋友说,Neom的负责人对缺乏进展感到 "很害怕"。

最后,我找到了一位退休的沙特空军技术员,他愿意以600美元的价格载我在城里转转。他把我带到一个矗立在沙漠中的雕塑前,上面写着 "我❤尼奥姆"。再往前走不远,我们发现了一片新的柏油路面,据说这标志着梦想之城的边缘。越过它,孤独而平坦的沙地延伸到很远的地方。

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