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2022.08.22 俄罗斯的一场谋杀

发表于 2022-8-24 20:27:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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A Murder in Russia
Why an assassination in Moscow matters to Ukraine and the West

By Tom Nichols
View of Moscow and one of seven Stalinist skyscrapers
Moscow, December 2015 (Frédéric Soltan / Corbis / Getty)
AUGUST 22, 2022
This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day, helps you discover new ideas, and recommends the best in culture. Sign up for it here.

The daughter of a prominent Russian fascist was killed in a car bombing in Moscow. Most Americans have no idea who the Dugin family is, but this event could have serious repercussions in Russia and Ukraine.

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A car bomb exploded in one of Moscow’s wealthy neighborhoods on Saturday night, killing Darya Dugina, the daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, the spiritual godfather of Russia’s surging fascism. Her death may have an impact far beyond the Russian capital. Or it might not; this may have been part of yet another tangled vendetta among Russia’s elites. We won’t know the truth for a while—if ever—but following this story requires some context about the Dugins.

It’s possible (if unlikely) that this might not have been about politics. Dugin’s daughter was driving her father’s car, but in Moscow, people with money and proximity to power live with a certain amount of generic risk from any number of potential enemies. To be involved in anything of material or political importance in Russia is to court risk. (Many years ago I was interviewed for a relatively high-visibility job with a Western company that wanted to assign me to Moscow. The position, I was assured, came with a fine salary and a nice apartment—and reliable bodyguards.)

But the Dugins are not ordinary propagandists. Aleksandr Dugin is part of a weird strain of Russian imperial hypernationalism that somehow manages to venerate Russian Orthodoxy, Stalin, the Nazis, and the occult all at the same time. You can read more here about the late-1980s trends in the U.S.S.R. that produced this vicious and deeply weird school of thought, but spare yourself the effort it would take to make sense of it all. Much of it is warmed-over Russian messianism and mystical gobbledygook, the product not only of 19th-century Russian grievances against Europe and Western Christianity but also of late-20th-century Soviet resentments against the “Atlantic” world led by the United States.

Underneath it all is the simple and brutal belief that Russia—specifically white, Christian Russia—is destined to rule Eurasia as the first step to contesting world domination with the decadent Americans and Europeans. Dugin’s ravings are as unreadable in Russian as they are in English, but the Russian General Staff assigns Dugin’s book as a required text, and understandably so. It is an almost perfectly Orwellian view of total and permanent war, a perfect ideology for a country afflicted by both a deep inferiority complex and a dark spiritual vacuum.


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Ukraine, of course, is at the top of the list of regions to be recaptured. Kyiv is the birthplace of Slavic Christianity, and for people like Dugin (and Vladimir Putin), the existence of Ukraine as an independent state is intolerable. Dugin doesn’t mince words about Ukraine; back in 2014, he said that Ukrainians “must be killed, killed, killed.”

Dugin’s 29-year-old daughter ran a disinformation website in Russia and was already under U.S. sanctions. (Among other things, she claimed that the Bucha massacre outside Kyiv was staged.) She shared her father’s ideology and his loathing for Ukraine.

So who killed her? Russia’s Federal Security Service (the FSB, by its Russian initialism) claims that a Ukranian woman named Natalia Vovk moved into Dugina’s apartment block a month ago, planted the bomb, and fled to Estonia. This seems pretty quick and convenient, and the Russian news service TASS has already declared the case solved.

It’s true that Russian officials in Ukraine have been killed by car bombs, which are old-school hits by modern Russian standards. It’s not clear, however, why the Ukrainians would want to go to Moscow to take out second-stringers like Dugin or his daughter; his star has dimmed over the years, in part because he was critical of Putin for not being brutal and imperialistic enough. As my fellow Russia expert (and Dugin watcher) Nick Gvosdev told me today, Dugin’s ideas may have had some influence, but he wasn’t a presence in the Kremlin, where he was seen as unstable and potentially embarrassing. Dugin isn’t a nobody, but he wasn’t exactly running the war in Ukraine, either.

Kyiv denies Moscow’s charges. Meanwhile, a former Russian parliamentarian and dedicated Putin opponent, Ilya Ponomarev, claimed in a broadcast from Kyiv that the bombing was the work of a group calling itself “the National Republican Army” that is dedicated to overthrowing Putin, but this is not verifiable.

Could the FSB have hit Dugina while trying to kill Dugin, perhaps as a plot—the kind Russian spies have been accused of in the past—to spin up fresh hatred against Ukraine and get some of the heat off itself for its botched advice six months ago? That’s a stretch, too, because anyone who admired Dugin was already all in on the war. But in Moscow in 2022, anything is possible.

Unless someone with more credibility claims responsibility, or more evidence emerges in Russia, we’re unlikely to know much more anytime soon, no matter how quickly TASS or Twitter declares the case closed. The one certain outcome is that the Russians will use Dugina’s death to press on with their campaign of atrocities and destruction.


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(Richard Kalvar / Magnum)
Veganism Might Not Be the Most Sustainable Diet

By Bob Holmes

As governments drag their feet in responding to climate change, many concerned people are looking for actions that they can take as individuals—and eating less meat is an obvious place to start. Livestock today account for about 14.5 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions … For people alarmed about climate change, giving up meat altogether can seem like the only option.

But is it? A growing body of research suggests that the world could, in fact, raise enough beef, pork, chicken, and other meat to let anyone who wants to eat a modest portion of meat a few times a week—and do so sustainably. Indeed, it turns out that a world with some animal agriculture might have a smaller environmental footprint than an entirely vegan world.

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(Katie Martin / The Atlantic)
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I’m often asked to recommend a good overall history of Russia’s post-Soviet period. That’s always a hard question to answer, because the story of modern Russia is intimately entwined with the recent past, and I end up wanting to hand over a reading list. But one book that might help a general reader make sense of Putin’s Russia is Putin’s Kleptocracy, by the late Karen Dawisha. Unlike other authors who either were too optimistic about Putin (I fell into that mistake more than 20 years ago) or treated Russia’s decline as an accident or the product of bad Western policies, Dawisha argues that the system we see now was not a tragic error but the result of a conscious design by Putin and the people around him. It’s a crushing read, especially for those of us who had greater hopes for a new Russia, but Dawisha, I believe, got it right.

— Tom

Isabel Fattal contributed to this newsletter.

Tom Nichols is a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of its newsletter Peacefield.


莫斯科,2015年12月(Frédéric Soltan / Corbis / Getty)。





但杜金夫妇不是普通的宣传员。Aleksandr Dugin是俄罗斯帝国超国家主义的一个奇怪的分支,不知何故,他能同时崇尚俄罗斯东正教、斯大林、纳粹和神秘主义。你可以在这里读到更多关于1980年代末美国的趋势,这些趋势产生了这一恶毒而深刻的怪异思想流派,但请你不要为理解这一切而花费精力。它的大部分内容都是暖昧的俄罗斯弥赛亚主义和神秘的胡言乱语,不仅是19世纪俄罗斯对欧洲和西方基督教的不满,也是20世纪末苏联对美国领导的 "大西洋 "世界的怨恨的产物。



亚瑟-布鲁克斯(Arthur C. Brooks
乌克兰当然是要夺回的地区名单中的首位。基辅是斯拉夫基督教的发源地,对杜金(和弗拉基米尔-普京)这样的人来说,乌克兰作为一个独立国家的存在是不可容忍的。杜金对乌克兰毫不吝啬,早在2014年,他就说乌克兰人 "必须被杀死,杀死,杀死"。




基辅否认了莫斯科的指控。同时,俄罗斯前议员、普京的忠实反对者伊利亚-波诺马廖夫在基辅的一次广播中声称,这次爆炸是一个自称 "民族共和军 "的团体所为,该团体致力于推翻普京,但这无法核实。




(Richard Kalvar / Magnum)






(Katie Martin / The Atlantic)




- 汤姆


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