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发表于 2022-10-7 07:31:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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乌克兰在东部和南部的持续反攻引发了对俄罗斯高级官员的罕见公开批评。俄罗斯任命的被吞并的赫尔松省副省长Kirill Stremousov在一段视频信息中抨击了俄罗斯 "无能的军事领导人"。与此同时,在乌克兰控制的城市扎波罗热,俄罗斯对一栋居民楼的导弹袭击造成至少三人死亡。

欧盟和挪威同意 "共同开发工具",使能源市场正常化并降低价格。挪威现在是欧盟最大的外部天然气供应商,因为在乌克兰被入侵后,该集团减少了对俄罗斯能源的依赖。同时,英国的国家电网将要求家庭降低能源使用量,并警告说今年冬天可能会停电。

以强烈的个人作品闻名的法国作家安妮-欧诺获得了诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典学院引用了她的 "勇气和临床敏锐度,她以这种勇气和敏锐度揭开了个人记忆的根源、隔阂和集体束缚"。



据警方称,一名前警官在泰国东北部一家日托中心的枪击事件中至少杀害了38人,包括22名儿童。报道称,这名枪手携带猎枪、手枪和刀子,在袭击后自杀,其家人也被杀。泰国总理Prayut Chan-ocha称这次袭击 "令人震惊"。




乌克兰军队推进得越远,俄罗斯用核武器回应的风险就越高。因此,美国关于不要这样做的告诫正变得更加严厉。9月,美国高级官员警告俄罗斯,如果它使用核武器,将产生 "灾难性的 "和 "可怕的 "后果。一些人低声说,美国届时可能不得不作出军事反应,可能是用常规武器而不是核武器。

几个月来,美国官员说他们发现俄罗斯的核态势没有变化。现在,不太令人放心的是,他们没有看到 "会导致我们改变姿态 "的变化。一位官员最近说,没有 "即将 "使用核弹的迹象。所有这一切都留下了一种可能性,即美国看到了俄罗斯核机构中的一些骚动,但却没有对此作出反应。一位分析家发现了一个储存和运输俄罗斯核弹头的单位的动向。一份意大利报纸报道说,俄罗斯可能很快就会测试一种具有核能力的鱼雷。其他官员坚持认为这些都是假警报。但不安的情绪正在增长。


在亚利桑那州,三分之一的选民声称无党派,最近以微弱的优势赢得了全州选举。然而,在11月的参议院选举中寻求连任的民主党现任议员马克-凯利(Mark Kelly)却轻松地领先于他的共和党对手。独立人士似乎对布莱克-马斯特斯(Blake Masters)并不信服,这位风险资本家在初选期间的种族主义狗屁话为他赢得了唐纳德-特朗普的支持。因此,马斯特斯先生在周四与凯利先生辩论时,将试图软化他的形象,并扩大他的吸引力。




44个欧洲国家的领导人将于周四聚集在布拉格,参加 "欧洲政治共同体"(EPC)的第一次会议。由法国总统埃马纽埃尔-马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)提出的这一形式,允许欧盟27个成员国与17个外圈国家组成一个较松散的大陆集团:有志于加入的成员国(塞尔维亚、乌克兰)、快乐的外来者(挪威、瑞士)或最近离开的国家(只是英国)。

这是很难管理的人群。峰会将以不同的讨论流为特色,将最好不要留在同一个房间里的几对国家分开,比如希腊和土耳其。但是EPC已经得到了英国新任首相Liz Truss的早期认可,尽管她的国家与欧洲大陆的关系起伏不定,但她还是会出席。欧盟领导人将在会议结束后继续讨论加强对俄罗斯的制裁,此前欧盟各国大使于周三批准了一项期待已久的石油价格上限协议。那么,一个在形式和实质上都更加紧密的欧洲。



巴基斯坦政府似乎没有能力应对。气候部长谢里-雷曼(Sherry Rehman)承认,政府的国库已经耗尽。失败的反应让官员们面红耳赤。周一,总理谢巴兹-谢里夫(Shehbaz Sharif)拒绝开始使用一个监测洪水救援的政府仪表盘,称其设计简陋。由前总理伊姆兰-汗(Imran Khan)领导的反对派正在给谢里夫先生增添麻烦。汗先生呼吁他的政党官员召集数百万支持者在本周降临首都,为新的选举进行集会。



2017年凭借《篱笆》获得奥斯卡奖的维奥拉-戴维斯(Viola Davis)饰演Nanisca将军,她是一个全由女性组成的军团的领导人,负责保卫达荷美不受邻国军阀的侵犯。(该军团确实存在;纳尼斯卡不存在。)大多数关键的幕后角色也都由女性担任。虽然《女皇》对达荷美在国际奴隶贸易中的作用可能过于宽容,但除此之外,它是鼓舞人心的:一部创造历史的历史史诗。







Ukraine’s continued counter-offensive in both the east and south has prompted rare public criticisms of senior Russian officials. Kirill Stremousov, the Russian-appointed deputy governor of the annexed province of Kherson, has lashed out at Russia’s “incompetent military leaders” in a video message. Meanwhile, a Russian missile strike on a residential building killed at least three people in Zaporizhia, a Ukrainian-held city.

The EU and Norway agreed to “jointly develop tools” to normalise the energy market and reduce prices. Norway is now the EU’s largest external gas supplier as the bloc reduces its reliance on Russian energy following the invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile Britain’s national grid will ask households to lower their energy use, warning of potential blackouts this winter.

Annie Ernaux, a French author known for her intensely personal works, won the Nobel prize for literature. The Swedish Academy cited her “courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory”.

America said it would redirect inbound travellers from Uganda to five designated airports for Ebola screening starting on Friday. In the past two weeks Uganda has recorded more than 60 confirmed or probable cases of the disease and 29 deaths. Its Ebola outbreak is caused by a strain of the virus for which there is no licensed vaccine—the existing vaccine targets a separate strain.

President Joe Biden pardoned all Americans convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law, a move affecting more than 6,500 people that fulfils a campaign pledge. He also ordered a review of whether marijuana should remain, for sentencing purposes, in the same class of drugs as heroin and LSD. Recreational marijuana use is legal in 19 states and Washington, DC.

A former police officer killed at least 38 people, including 22 children, in a gun attack at a day-care centre in north-east Thailand, according to police. Reports suggest the gunman, who was armed with a shotgun, pistol and knife, killed himself and his family after the attack. Thailand’s prime minister, Prayut Chan-ocha, called the attack “horrifying”.

Porsche overtook its former parent company, Volkswagen, to become Europe’s most valuable carmaker a week after its initial public offering. Shares in Porsche rose to €93 ($91), giving it a valuation of €85bn compared with Volkswagen’s €78bn, after the banks involved in the company’s IPO bought nearly 3.8m shares.

Fact of the day: 72, the number of ministers Peru’s president, Pedro Castillo, has gone through in just 14 months in office. Read the full story.

Could the Ukraine war turn nuclear?

The further Ukraine forces advance, the higher the risk that Russia will respond with nuclear weapons. So America’s admonitions against doing so are becoming harsher. In September senior American officials warned Russia of “catastrophic” and “horrific” consequences if it went nuclear. Some whisper that America might then have to respond militarily, probably with conventional rather than nuclear weapons.

For months American officials said they detected no change in Russia’s nuclear posture. Now, less reassuringly, they see no change “that would cause us to alter our posture”. One recently said there was no sign of the “imminent” use of nukes. All this leaves open the possibility that America sees something stirring in Russia’s nuclear establishment, but is not reacting to it. One analyst has spotted movement in a unit that stores and transports Russian nuclear warheads. An Italian newspaper reported that Russia may soon test a nuclear-capable torpedo. Other officials insist these are false alarms. But the jitters are growing.

Chasing Arizona’s political centre

Statewide elections in Arizona, where a third of voters claim no party affiliation, have recently been won by razor-thin margins. Yet Mark Kelly, the Democratic incumbent seeking re-election in November’s Senate race, comfortably leads his Republican rival. Independents seem unconvinced by Blake Masters, a venture capitalist whose racist dog-whistling during the primary secured him Donald Trump’s endorsement. So Mr Masters will try to soften his image, and broaden his appeal, when he debates Mr Kelly on Thursday.

Mr Kelly, by contrast, understands how to woo the political centre. Recognising that Democrats’ perceived weakness on border security could cost him votes, he takes a tough line on immigration. He supports building out the wall along Arizona’s border with Mexico and has co-sponsored a bill to help recruit and retain more border-patrol agents. That defensive posture should serve him well: The Economist’s forecasting model gives him a 92% probability of winning on November 8th.

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A new European talking-shop

The leaders of 44 European countries are gathering in Prague on Thursday for the first meeting of the “European Political Community” (EPC). The format, floated by Emmanuel Macron, France’s president, allows for a looser continental grouping of the EU’s 27 members alongside 17 outer-circle countries: aspiring members (Serbia, Ukraine), happy outsiders (Norway, Switzerland) or the recently departed (just Britain).

That is a tricky crowd to manage. The summit will feature different discussion streams to keep apart pairs of countries best not left in the same room, such as Greece and Turkey. But the EPC has received an early endorsement from Liz Truss, Britain’s new prime minister, who will attend despite her country’s fluctuating relationship with the continent. EU leaders will stay on after the meeting ends to discuss tightening sanctions against Russia, after EU ambassadors approved a long-awaited deal for an oil-price cap on Wednesday. A closer-knit Europe, then, both in format and in substance.

Disease and political turmoil flood Pakistan

Pakistan’s devastating floods may be receding, but their costs are compounding. This week the UN raised its aid appeal for the country to $816m, up from $160m. The revision was prompted by fears of hunger and a surge in water-borne diseases. More than 140,000 cases of malaria were reported in its southern Sindh province in the first three weeks of September. Swathes of farmland remain submerged.

Pakistan’s government appears ill-equipped to cope. The climate minister, Sherry Rehman, has admitted that government coffers are running dry. The botched response is leaving officials red-faced. On Monday Shehbaz Sharif, the prime minister, refused to start using a government dashboard monitoring flood relief, saying it was shoddily designed. The opposition, led by Imran Khan, a former prime minister, is adding to Mr Sharif’s problems. Mr Khan has called on his party’s officials to assemble millions of supporters to descend on the capital this week to rally for fresh elections.

“The Woman King”: a female-led African epic

Marvel Studios’s “Black Panther” proved that Hollywood could sell an action movie with an African setting and a predominantly black cast. “The Woman King”, which is already out in American cinemas and released in Britain this week, goes one step further. Gina Prince-Bythewood, an American director, has made a rip-roaring historical epic, set in the prosperous west African kingdom of Dahomey (now part of Benin) in the 1800s, and populated it largely with black women.

Viola Davis, who won an Oscar for “Fences” in 2017, stars as General Nanisca, the leader of an all-female military regiment which defends Dahomey from neighbouring warlords. (The regiment actually existed; Nanisca didn’t.) Most of the key behind-the-camera roles are taken by women, too. While “The Woman King” is perhaps too forgiving of Dahomey’s part in the international slave trade, otherwise it is inspirational: an historical epic that makes history.

Daily quiz

Our baristas will serve you a new question each day this week. On Friday your challenge is to give us all five answers and, as important, tell us the connecting theme. Email your responses (and include mention of your home city and country) by 1700 BST on Friday to We’ll pick randomly from those with the right answers and crown one winner per continent on Saturday.

Thursday: Which astronomer was the first to discover Jupiter’s moons?

Wednesday: Which hit musical is based on the songs of Abba?

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Fannie Lou Hamer
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