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15 郑氏家族和他们的祖先石碑。

发表于 2022-10-31 22:56:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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作者:R. W. MIDDWTON R. W. MIDDWTON of MEI HSIUN, SHEN-SI. Come Christians. He prescribed a appeared to rally
*- 他的祖先的牌位是最后一个偶像崇拜的遗物,也是陈氏家族放弃的。该家族
但是,在每天之前,或在新的和完整的}J r Ll,wllO USed访问基督徒和keptthem一起,当我们离开时,他们站在坚定的鼓励iiriK - J。 后来,嫂子和她的家人不停地折磨他们,以至于他们再也无法忍受,于是同意分居,他和他的五个孩子分得了他们的家和财产,并7ESTRAL TABLET。

The Ch'eng Family and Their Ancestral Tablet.
BY MR. R. W. MIDDWTON OF MEI HSIUN, SHEN-SI. come Christians. he prescribed a appeared to rally
' I ""HIS ancestral tablet is the last relic of idol-worship
*• which the family of Ch'eng parted with. The
family has a present membership of about forty. The head of the family started life as a farm laborer, but gan to come to the meeting.' by plodding on he at last saved enough mom
small house of his own. The four sons were good
steady men. One served
his time at a brick-kiln, and they eventually bought a kiln of their own which was the start- ing point in their prosperity. From this they made money rapidly, built a fine house and
bought up about three hundred acres of land which the other brothers worked. Now they are one of the leading families in their village. Of
the next generation two
v the sons have taken
their degrees, and take
their places with the gentry of the district. The family became
interested in the Gospel
about seven years ago, through the wife of one
of the sons who came
from another village where she had heard the Oospel from some Christian relatives. But she made no mention of her knowledge of the Gospel
until one of her nephews
became ill, and although
they had tried all the
native doctors they knew
of, nothing seemed to do him any good. In the midst of their distress the
girl told them of the Gospel-hall and how the missionaries had given medicine to some of her people. So they came and asked us if we could do anything for the boy, saying at the same time that if we could they would beBvangelist I,i to see the case; nd from that time the boy.ther and mother and aunt be-elve months later, whenthe only surviving brother died, leaving the fatherof the sick boy responsible for the whole business, which the sister-in-law and her sonssoon objected to. Fromthattime the sister-in-lawnot only left off attendingthe meetings, but becameher brother and sister'sbitterest enemy and per-secutor for having lefttheir ancestors and fol-lowed a foreign religion.This, however, seemedonly to make them moredetermined than ever tofollow Christ. The oldbroke
fiftyhadff the habit. Thewife was baptized in 1900,only a month or two before we were fleeing forour lives, and for sometime the Christians weredaily expecting to meettheir end. Then it wasthat this poor man andhis wife had to stand outagainst his .own sons,nephews and sister-inl!.. t«°on
ancestral nfmes ' w rittofon'asU '^ot lavv - But encouraged byiiriK-J before it daily, or at the new and full }J r Ll, wllO USed to visitthe Christians and keptthem together while we were away, they stood firm.Then it was that the sister-in-law and her family plaguedthem so unceasingly that they could stand it no longer,and so agreed to separate, he and his family of fiveboys taking their share of the home and property, and7ESTRAL TABLET.
the others theirs. As he was the youngest son of the
four, the ancestral tablet naturally went with the other
side, which left him quite free. So lie cleansed his house
of every vestige of idolatry, and decided that from henceforth he and his should serve the Lord. On our return
1902, we were quite encouraged by what we heard of
e way this man and his wife had stood the test. Twelve months later he and his eldest son (a scholar good degree) were baptized into the church. From
this time everything they did seemed to prosper. Thesister-in-law, while still persistent in her idolatry, could nothelp seeing the difference. Some of her sons were opiumsmokers and gamblers and seemed to be going from badtoworse, until at last she had to admit, although her brotherand his family neglected their ancestors andidols, the\- still prospered, while the moreearnestly she prayed to the idols, the worsethings became. So after a while she startedinviting her sister over to her side of thehouse, and would allow her to speak andteach her some hymns. She also begantoattend the services again, and asked prayerfor her sons, that they might be led to giveup their evil ways and believe the Gospel.About eight months ago we were having baptisms, and this old lady, over sixty years ofage, asked that she might be baptized. I askedher what about the ancestral tablet (she hadal-ready taken down her house gods), and she re-plied that she was quite willing to give it up,though her son who was the other scholar ofthe family would not allow her to take it down.So on that account we delayed receiving herinto fellowship, and the whole church begantopray for the son. Some time after this the sonbegan to come to the services, and just beforewe left for furlough he invited us to his home,and presented us with the ancestral tablet and a few otherold relics. Thefollowing Sunday we had the joy of baptizingthe mother and son. Two other sons have broken off theopium habit, and are showing signs of a changed life.
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